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Show | Want the facts? Opinion? Truth? Write Waiter Scott, Box 5001, Grand Central Station, New York, NY. 10163-500 requested. Volume of mail makes personal replies impossioie. Are there bounty hunters in Afghanistan trying to get that !was homophobic or disliked gays. Is this true?—Edward Malys, West Fargo, ND. It seemsas if half the Afghan populationis in the hunt. And our military is assisting the: says Lt. Col. Dave Lapan,a Pentagon spokes man: “We are working withliterally hundreds of people who may havean interestin the high rewardsfor al-Qaeda leaders.” thoughtso eversince he made homophobic remarks ina 1991 interview for a Spanish newspaper. In 1995, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation protested against Braveheart, Crit- yet in Braveheart icizing Gibson's film for His makeup certainly My friends are rav~ Wing about Janet dack- | Son’s fab abs at the S | Grammys. What’s her secret?—lan Z., San F Francisco,Calif. | ‘Intense. efficient J | workouts,” says Tony | Martinez, the pop diva’s personal trainer since 1997. Jackson, 35. spends | 15 minutesonsets of 20 half-crunches and 20 hangingleg raises two or three umes a week. “Janet | issuch a tremendousnaturalathlete.” says Martinez,“thatif they ever Peter itiful do a film about Olympic track star Jackie and butt | Joyner-Kersee,she should play thelead.” During his 2 years of work on the third volume of his Lyndon Johnson biography, did Robert A, Caro changehis view of LBUP—Don Molino, Baton Rouge, La. Notatall. In Master ofthe Senate, due out April Caro portrays Johnsonas a ruthless, power-hungry politician, “Except in this volume,” says Caro. “Johnson starts to use his powernot only for himself but for some wonderful ends, includingthefirst civil rights act since Reconstruction, a truly heroic achievement.” Caro alreadyis hard at work ona final volume, covering LBJ’s White House years. _ One of my favorites, Julie Moran, disEntertainment Tonight. Travoltas andsonin New Britait She gottired of waiting for Mary Hart, 50, [Someone once told me that Mel Gibson $25 million reward for Osama bin Laden?— Chann, Oakland, Calif. Manygay people have its portrayal of King Ed- wasoffensive John Travoita’s son was sick a while back. Is he OKP—Jane K., Boulder, Colo. leinatan ward I] as a “typical homophobic caricature.” | Jett Travolta had surgery in 1996to drain <anuene Since then, Gibson has met with representa- | fluid from behind his eardrum and has ful- Le Songun tives of GLAAD,and gayleaders seemsat- | ly recovered.Jett, now 10,suffered a more seisfied that Mel, 46, has mended his ways. | rious ailmentat age 1. “We almost lost our son = professionally cleaned; Mrs. Travolta—actress Kelly Preston—tells ] “Jett developed Kawasaki syndrome,an acute allergic reaction [to the Cleaningchemicals] that itive studio executives who are jealousof emileeetna pee Weinstein. Miramax is distributing Texas. a ordeal, she joined the conmeoned Children’s Health En- wouldn't vironmental Contin you be osGrunts. And roe Be Odi Fon of Croweis starring in Cinde’ella Man, a Miramax feature. Says one Hol| At award shows, stars look like mop- hang heads. What's up with hairstyles today? Pwo, : | —Shirley Mellecker, New Port Richey, Fla. 5 minutes? modity, and they want him for themselves.” Youspotted a style favored by Cameron Diaz, Marisa Tomei and other stars tired ofspending hours to Moran,40, resigned as get Jennifer Aniston’sstick-straight Hart’s fill-in and weekend dustin Wong, Berkeley, Calif. style. “I call the new choppylook a No. Thomas, 81—who has covered nine anchor. She’s been meet‘controlled mess,’” says Peter Van ing with executives from Presidents and is called “the doyenne ot the De Velde, co-owner ofWest HollyHollywood studios, netWhite House press corps”—did quit her job 4 Morar: She hankers. works and syndication wood’s hot B2Vsalon. “Just hang at UPI almost two years ago,but she becaine to anchor a show companies in an effort to yourhead upside down and blowa columnist for Hearst. “I used to write about | launch her own entertainment show. Moran is dry for 5 minutes.” Blow-dry or not, thingsas they were and as I saw them,” she sys one of TV’s good guys, and we wish her luck. it still looks like “bed head”to us. “Now write about things as I want them tobe DITOR, Lee Kravitz MANAGING EDITOR, r Walter Anderson Graham CREATIVE ORECTOR, Ina Yotte EXECUTIVE EDTORS, David Currier, Bonnie DEPUTY MANAGING EDITOR, Dakila | & VICE CHAIRMAN, ‘SEMOR COPY EDITOR, Martin Timins SEMOR EDXTORS, Sara Brzowsky, Fran Carpentior SPECIAL mo nethatinee poeccrangvl ppena | John 4. Beni PRESIDENT Jack Gettin SENIOR VICE PRESIDENTS, John Garvey: Operations em i iif i ii THE SUNDAY NEWSPAPER MAGAZINE H} to retire. Last November, MEDIA ORECTOR, € Williams ART ORECTOR, Natalie Pryor Lien Birnbach, damesBrady, Dr. Joyoe Brothers Buchalter, dane Ci ‘Gavzer, Bud Greenspan, Colin Greer, David Halberstam, Dianne Larry L. King, Gatward Klein, Norman Lynn Minton, Robert Moritz, Bill O'Reilly Ponchitta Pierce, , Michae! Ai Santoli, Tom Seligson, Laney Smith, Wallace Tors. | Ear Ubeil, Andrew Vachss, Marilyn vos Savant, Oavid Wallechinsky, James Webb, Lyric Wallwork Wink ASSOCIATE ASSISTANT EDITORS, Staven Florio, ASSISTANT ART ORECTOR, ‘SEEORDESION TE, Mo Paula Siiverman, Jonathan Witherspoon | {AREORDESIGNASSOCIATE, Jo Ann Mor!or | | DIRECTOR, Stacie Fenster EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS, Sharon Cappaiton, Deborah De Ascentiia, Mireille De Vides, Anita Gove, David Grzelecki, Low bureau LFESTYLE EDITOR, Elizabeth Gaynor PERSONAL FRANCE EDITOR, Andrew Tobias SCHENCE EDITOR, David H, Levy al PARAL,” “hah Maritys.” “Bessy Wealth on Parada. “in Step With” “Intelligence Report,”ot any “Laugh Parada.” “On Parade,” “Parade’e. ae Frtnemawparese Ps | “Simoty Osiicioun* “Walter Scott's Personality Parade,” “What America Eats" and “What's Up This Weak are all wadamarts of Advance Mag. “ ‘articles, 70 Third Ava, Mew York, WY, 10017. B ARTICLES AND COLUMNS. visit WWW .PARADE © PAGE 2+ APRIL 4, 2002 - PARADE MAGAZINE |