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Show “The Secret She Carried” ('96, Drama) “Skippy” # (1997, Comedy) Joe Con- “The Steel Helmet” #4 4% (°51, Dravery. An je half-wit moves to Los ma)Gene Evans. American soldiers strugAngeles and anemges to make a famous ac- ale for survival inthe face of war's madtress fall in love with him. ‘PG" (L, V) in this account of the Korean contlict. (1:30) (SHOW) Mon. 7:30 a.m. 862408 (130)(AMC) Fri. S a.m. 606611 (2:00) (LIFE) Sat. 1i a.m. 582099 I'See Spot Run” % (2001, Comedy) “Small Time Crooks” *%% (2000, “Sieel Magnolias” #4 (1989, Come[David Arquette. A mailman becomes the aenakehopans an dy-Drama)Sally Feld.Basedon theplay clueless caretaker of a highly trained, drugabout six Southern wo 1g whom a mobster has marked cover yields Clove fends erie lacesond for death "PG" (LV) (1:36) (HBO)Sm. vai‘PG? w (135) (MAX)Sat820 complicated ves, “PG (LAD (1:58) 8:15am. 69210823, 5:30 P. p.m. am. 5771 )W) Sun.12:00 p.m. 198002, M , Wed. 8 a.m. 2506229, 6:15 “Smokey and the Bandit” #-## (1977, 5:30.a.m. 471205, Wed.5 p.m.mm.241942 lpm. 74847749 Comedy) Burt Reynolds. A man hired to "The Stendhal Syndrome” + * (1996, Seems Like Old Times” 4+ ('80, high-tail io Tes foralg bern Horor) AsiaArgento. A woman's life ) Goldie Hawn. A co picks up a runaway when she falls under the lawyer is tor between her hope! ‘NR’ (1:59) Babbar shenPO"W) a0) |husband-turned-thief and the uf Sun. 4:35 p.m. 47239262 Ochwati ei a = she married. (2:00) ( “Snatch” ##% (2000, Drama) B “Stepmom” 4% % ('98, Drama) (PA)Julia m, 386904 Del Toro. An 84-carat diamondis teas a Roberts. An adversarial ex-wife complioe Like Old Times” #¥%® ('80, sive falasmg 9 entscn -ockney cates a photographer's desire to make her criminals boyfriend's children accept and love her. Ritchi itchie. N,V) Hed) ( HBO)Thu| MU, 1 (2:30) (TNT) Sat. 8:30 pm. 94934" ‘woman faces a crucial decifsiod ssishe Wedato ta learn if her husband or ja rapist is the father of her unborn child. am. oaadogi Sun. | p.m, 750736 “Snow Day” ## (2000, Comedy) Chris “The Stepsister” #% ('97, Suspense) Elliott Chika ee detecninel 0 prevent Linda Evans, A young woman suspeets het Seven” tet (°95, Suspense) Brad avillainousnowplow man from spoiling jew stepmother and stepsister had a hand shuts down school. in erers aden eth (2:00) (LIFE) Per a (139) (SHOW) Sun 3:30 p.m. Thu. [1 am. 702633 lmurders mimic the Se 3879026 mus From Planet ee (2000, (2:10) (STZ) Thu. 12 a.m. “Sodom and Gomorrah” ##% ('63, Comedy) Courtnee teenH*Shackleton” ('02, Drama) (Part 1 of 2) Drama) Stewart Granger. Lot leads his tribe leams that her mother's fianceap his insh Branagh. iat: explorer Emest of nomadic Jews into Sodom and Gomorare from another Shackleton and! his crew rah, where many succumb to the ) FA. 10:55 pam [Antarctica lndedioestae si. of the wicked his, 2:45) (AMC)sun, (2:00) gapsson, 6.p.m. 750194, § 10:30 , Mon. 6:45 a.m. “Still Holding On: The Legend of CadilMon,12 tn 646: lac Jack” (98, Drama) Clint Black. Based 17021, reiG pm, 128096, “Someone Like You” # # (2001, Come- on the true story of a rodeo champion (404928 dy) Ashley Judd. A jilted woman moves in whose life was forever changed after he Shackleton” ('02, Drama) (Part 2 of 2) with a male friend and writes a series of ar- was wrongly convicted of murder. (2:00) Kenneth Branagh. British explorer Emest ticles dissecting the male Pos (HALL) ‘Sa. 7pm, 4814167. Sun, 4 Shackleton and his crew are trap L.A) (1:a (FBO)Set 9 p.m. 3112649,Thu. 7 p.m. 4316527 after ice immobilizes ther sip (200)(Awe) Mon. 7 pm, 690208, ‘Tue. 2 p.m. a9i7587, topp.m. 9111002 ° “Still Not Quite Human” $s (1992, Science Fiction) Alan Thicke. Chip repropon. 378186. Fr. 8pP1964 Sa. 12 “Something Wicked This Way Comes” grams his father’s robotic replica to help fam. & %% (1983, Horror) Jasor . Two search for the Kenapped scientist.(1:30) (“Shadow Hours” %% (2000, Horror) boyscidiscoverthe octet aii a mys- (DIS) Thu. 11:30 p.m. are. fale Balthazar Getty. A gas sistation attendant camival wi “Strange Relations” (2001, Comedy-Draples the darkersideoftheLos ihoa filledfor a Tomble Paul Reser. leukemia patent in need ight life with @ R (1:34) (ENC) Tue. 2:50pm, toa 6688 aa)8 bone marrow tranepantravels to Engs ee iM A, (1:32) oan“Thu. 4 is. am. “Sommersby” eee (°93, ) igs ager Richard Gere, Suspicions arise when a Civ- (SHOW)Mon. 9 p.m. “Shadow of the Vampire” # #% (2000, Se ae ie dead for two “Strategic Air Command” ##% ('55, Horror) John Malkovich. Filmmaker FW. re-enters his wife's life. 085 Drama) James Stewart. Although he initial [Murnau secretly casts a real vampire to star (SZ) Sun. 7:20 am. 69818910, 6 ly resents beingoad to serve, a profesfs une Oriol in the 1922 Horrcan 3786484 sional baseball player rejoinsthe Air Fore, Nosferatu.” ‘R” N,V) (1:33) “Son-in-Law” #% (1993, Comedy) Pauly 2:00) (AMC) Tue. 10:05 . 9101625, (HBO) Mon. 30S an. Saabasts "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon” #*##% 49, meJohn Wayne. A retirementbound or S. Can turn officer is reluctant to wer to an inexperienced Meomeade(2:00 lige “AMC) 824121, Fr Thu. 11:30 p.m. 8:30 am. 329164 Shore. A South Dakota farm family gets a Wed. 3 baselineoP achat tiger rataser California friend. pm. 615030, 7770805, Fis 11:15 am. 8577904 pets PGs G38) a3) CBO) Sup ay 47298113, Thu. am. 60230237 — Eos “Son of the Moming Sia”%% (91, ne pony flees Drama) C. “Suture” #4 (1993, Mystery) Dennis ‘ThatNighila ¥ Haysbert. An amnesiac tries to piece together the evens leadingtotheexplosion oP when Yer 3 fe jot student, that took his_memi V) (1:36) is sent to a home for unwed mothers. ‘PG13" (A) (1:29) (HBO) Mon. 3 p.m. (TM IC) Wed. 12 am. “Sweet Lies” #% (1989, Comedy)Treat Williams. ans enter into a romantic competition ee ine surance investigator as prize. ‘R’ (L. A) {i536 CEM) Wea 2:45. mn.19110671, ‘Thu, 5:45 a.m. “Swing Shift” %%% (1984, Drama) Goldie Hawn. World War Il salor'snegletedwife takes jb in an ier fac: inds romance with a fellow emy faye Poay dad) (ENC) Wed. 8:50 an 54950565 T “The Tailor of Panama” ##*% (2001, Suspense) Pierce Brosnan. Based on John le Carre’s novel about an expatriate in Panama who sells false information to a seedy British spy. ‘R’ (L, S, V) (1:49) (MAX) Thu. 9:35 am. 22292782, 9 pam. 2451527 “Tap” te e% (1989, Drama) Gregory Hines. An ex-con finds he must choose hetween the enjoyment he receives from tap dancing and the seductive life of crime. “PG-13° (L, A) (1:50) (HBO) Sat. 7 a.m. 196815, Thu. am. 541459 “Teen Wolf” # (’85, Comedy) Michael J. Fox, A high-school student's popularity soars when it is discovered that he is cursed with the mark of the werewolf. (2:00) (TBS)Fa. 10 p.m. 517760 736872, Thu. 5:45 p.m. 5608986 “That's the Way I Like It” # #4 (’98, Comedy) Adrian Pang. A movie character inspires a grocery clerk to take disco lessons and enter a dance contest with a large cash prize. (1:35) (STZ) Tue. 5 am, 36 j22 “Thicker Than Water” #** (1999, Drama) Mack 10. Two rivals join forces to rise enough cash,to make their musi dreams a reality. (L, A, V. N) (1:31) (TMC) Wed. 11‘opm 828381 “This Is Spinal Tap" Satire) Christopher ww (1984, Guest. An American the demise ofa fictitious band of aging British metalheads in this mock rockumentay, AR (L, A) (1:22) (ENC)Sat. 5 p.m. 386272! Young Men in Their + ('69, Comedy) Tony Curtis. vey. sock victory at all costs in this tale of a wild road raceto Monte Carlo in 1920s (AMC) Fri. 1:30 a.m. 59730876,‘io:3 am. 45667164 “Three” # # (1969, Drama) Charlotte Rampling. Two American men and a British womanCoe to spend a carcire summer, touring Earope, PG) (1:45) (TMC) Tue’ 6:45 pm. 81906002 ¢ Days” x (01, Fantasy) Kristin Davis: Diving the toiday mai leadi ing given thechance to relive relive 1 the “Terminal Velocity” ##% (1994, Ad- up to his wife sdba (2:00) (FAM) Sun. venture) Charlie Sheen. A sky diver is p.m. pulled into a deadly game of espionage “3 Strikes” #% (2000, Cor edy) Brian when he attempts to clear his namein1 A twiee-convited ex death of a student. ‘PG-13" (L, V) (1:42) Hooks. behind bars for wn - e ac i(HBO)Sun. 7:15 = ‘99078891 es the qi be a cle {The TerorInside” 96, Drama) Heather ocklear. A woman afflicted with multiple eves must confront her tormented st to save her future, (2:00) (LIFE) Sat. Opn. “Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation” % # (1995, Horror) Renee Zellweger. A wrong tum lands a teen-ager and her unfortunate friends at the grisly esof Leatherface and his cannibal clan. (L, V) (1:26) (MAX) Mon.2:10 a.m. 721. 28446 'R' (LAS, Yycr22) (SH uaeMe30 am, 128576 z . “Titan A.E.” ww % (2000, Science Fic- tion) Voices of Matt Damon. Animated. Evil aliens pursue a young man whocarries 4 genetic map toa ship that could bringthe vation of humanity. ‘PG' (L, A, V) (1:38) (HBO) Mon. 445 p.m, 64712598 “To Die For” ###* (1995, Satire) Nicole Kidman. A manipulative beauty involves three tee her murderous scheme to achieve television stardom. * we (94, Adventure) Jean-Claude Van Damme. A military com- seek oenusirom private army and Adventure) Gary Cole. Based on Evan S. “She's No a (COL, Suspense) Tracey Conn’ bestsellerabou the i.career ce aT0216, 99am. 2 588723 |Gold. A woman on the run tries to start a and last battle George Armstrong eelife whilehidingher secret pas. (2 Custer, (4:00) (HALL) Set 12:00" p.m. “Sudden Death” ## ('95, Drama) JeanClaude Van Damme. A crowded sports areJFE) Sun. 186620 1421273 na becomes a — wen teroristLe aes Circuit” ##% (1986, Comedy) “Soul Food" # # # (’97, Comedy-Dra- the U.S. vice Ally Sheedy, bolt of liming endows 2 ma) Vanessa L. Williams. A youth devises hockeygame. fro)(USA) Sungpm malay with sensitivity andan ina fami a * (Ly ae tt 5) The.nit:sone "tases hire 200) FAM)Sun.9 p.m. 743839, “Superman II” se # #% (1980, Fantasy) Christopher Reeve. A m, 908945 “Silverado” te -# (1985, Westem) frees Kevin Kline. The destinies of four cowboys a Central” 4% ('92, Drama) originally imprisoned by Superman's kry converge en route to a frontier town in GasPlummer. A. former Los Angeles tonian father. “PG” (A. V) (2:07) (MAX) Lawrence Kasdan’s tribute to the Western ber struggles to keep his teen- Fri. (1 am. 46121183 genre. PG. 13° (V) (2:12) (HBO)Tue, 3:45 seen from following. in_ his footsteps “Support. Your Local _Gunfi ter” pa 45) (STZ)Sat. 2 a.m. 22826435 Fri. 75 am. $e & (°71, Comedy) (PA) James Gamer. 777522 “Space Cowboys” # # # (2000, Adven- Acon artist decides to advantageof “Sinful Obsession” (1999, Adult) Nikki ture) Clint Eastwood. Four aging Air Force townspeople not Fritz. A married woman's erotic double life jes get a long-overdue he's a famous’ punainger, (2:00) CINT) asa hooker leads to trouble space travel when NASA Sat seem when she loses her head over a customer. eee“PG-13" (L) (2:09) (MAX) ‘R’ (L_N, 3)(1:34) (SHOW) Wed.4:35 sas pn. 8513877,Wed. S:15- pam. “Supreme Sanction” % (1998, Action) Kristy Swanson, A hit woman must ex am. ee cory jon before colleagues ct 2: Back in the Habit” #*# aes Adventures in the Forbid- track her down and silence her. 'R' (L, A, den Zone” % #% (1983, Science Fiction) V) (1:33) (HBO) Fr. 3:50 am. Leo) Wee: 11:30 am. 848038, 8 Powers. Three fe Spces Wi cL30)(MAX) Mon? fanie themseives recooantybere tmeig6e2 section of he Bronx, (2.00)(LIFE) Whoopi Gol onge singer Deloris andber nun fi borhood yout ntoxchoir | from closing. *PG' (L) “61 $e te (2001, Drama) Barry Pepper. Yankees Maris and Mickey Mantle = Babe Ruth's home run ona (HBO) te 3:20 om, (2:08) “Survive the oe fas ’93,Mpnsc-and ~ “Splash” te ## (1984, Comedy) Tom £ir7 pm. 747308 A New York bachelor falls in love “Suspect” x(1967, Drama) Cher. A lic defender's ethics are tested by her = saved him sensitive iste, 1:51) (ENC) Mon. 7:05 am. fecveeeraan murder ia. RC,V) C1) ‘Sun, 7, 9:35 p.m. 40910156 7 pam. 364571 Joe Rogan is the host of the reality series “Fear Factor,” where contestants test the limits of their courage, Mondays on NBC. ‘April 5 - April 12, 2002 Page 15 |