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Show 035—Legal Services 041—Escort Services DIVORCE $200. ' wereiege,|lew My Fait Lody eo DFVORCE & ===) PLEASECHECK 7 =. Reber? Lord, ofty328-4241 5” a 3140 W. rest office. worebowe Pe RAB ANAran SREA ee CARAS TE SOEETLEELA SEEMLMLEE ELE RES FOODPREP SPACE 5883, 9. Jo. comon 14,000 sa,atin 4.450 Ave (2150S) GREAT SOUTH br ean Office/ Warehouse ¢ for Lease asSBsehrm a 1. extra Mezzanine space. 2174 W. Alexan. der St, Suite A, INDUSTRIAL LAND FORSALE Freescy visi 2437 eres "Seuth comerJt "600, Wen CONTACT ROBERT MOORE or RUSTY BOLLOW 322-2000 SALE OR LEASE 3,000to 18,000 NS, aanies lable SueQRLEASE 2180 Sout ‘00 West yard dvailoble peres, West Jordan 2,9203.ASE freeremneqotiobleTate ‘OR LEASE 3-500,rediced 9,700 10oF $28 14,320 rate ‘worehoure ipacel 90%on NEED 2 Ser COMMERCIAL, REALESTATE aft DRAPER 290 Thi ae 11800-866.2042. YOU,ged eile we oe David M. McGrath RETAILSTORELOC, sutchSSinceeittatiy wc] Serenepreieas935 Eas anebay PpoteGall ov 00-6086 25 at ASOPOR econ, we, ae, orarea volecoring cur REALESTATESB followi ming the sole. bol gee ee he 6 ACRES INDUSTRIAL form of o Coster Check |Reduced to $300,000 for iai talon cole eater | Seatae "Een Serelipacety iaSy aa 9550555 NomiWes 463-6969 ARROW 575. = Wos restaurant Publ ta" Parking. $2K mo. 598-2338 Swimming, soccer, ° piano,ballet, property SUC, 652-0873 jons bie First Nationa! Bani (801) 524-2185 ise Information concerning the property Seliredfo be crate, ut Roovevel, I-10, Put.ACRES wae cory vias)”Trees, homes, RVs 435-353- newspaper route! See our ad in. HAGEMisrensonas MASCoBASPARA cor cuntauienoes ona "6 tae aes ms Asmat Gorcen fr or 4258 not gua eel ae coe ‘Memoriol RATIO RY ig ieee, offhate al Estates cemetaries. Seer gntratecorner , heck Ins Check for the balance of the 2023 & 1300 S 530-1646 F Wednesday, Moy 15, 2002 ‘at 1.00 Noon SHOPPINGCenter space. Sale Date: $2500/mo CAM 534-6349 ta. 2927 © 3900 $0, Arrow'357-0978 Locatt ton: On the front steps of the Serpecnet, Canoe | RETAIL T3536 * UNIONSCUARE,Sandy, 1200sath. Arrow’357-0024 ‘ont. Utah TORAGE Four (CASSFEDAD aan OOELEqb Best up.946-0800 nor "700 Marlon, NAi 548-3262 FOI‘Marlon, HAI 548-8262 salon Kami L. Petes son, Trustee (801) 594-8433 Pete Peterson Zions First National Bank (B01) 524-2186 ih he corde te Grrtooher Tove, Bws 0h oirect Trade, Act. benefits are 91 ioid ah ttath ll hyeonpart parte iaiy ally isber2 ‘ond tecioh ‘fei,ae. (Agee. Pon 304-4695 meray Vacont Lot purchase. price within fours after the vole, SLC, Utah Reed Kunaier ‘404 €. Sandy Park Cir. Midvaie, UT 84047 enroled i training. waiver 2 |oF the timing” enrolment Fequirenent ia order receive these poymen Mr. Love advises workers 292-3066 vioieeMeat ¢ 190 East 300 North atin ie onde Comers __$650/mo. 558-2629 Tere) SANDY UNION SQUARE 1,000 49, #1. 915-5425 i IADCLASIFICADA ders must be orepared Yo tarae ees's Groce Esavenfood Towers Apts Bs EndAve,#109 ee Ta f= ie veasnel aaa Search onda SeRelocation owas eeperma gs Cera won oe for TRA ALL MALE CHATLINE GhatLive w/Hot Local Guys! (Or just record/tisten 19 ads, Coll 801-924-1212 or 888-272-7277 FREE code 6098 iA Only 35¢ Per Minute —TRUSTEE'S SALE today's classifieds. i pacescoll Sat“ SUPERToe, Draper. Treen. a BURIAL pIour tik or DIVAS build, trade for income softball, skating, Waal Side Credit Cards Accepted Trade 4. Rangatt Call, Trustee CONDO Onseneouyio LOTS, cre ew"Va onto 891) 524-1030 a % CONDOT Bare, top floor, 710 sa.South 3h $45,000 pis cosh to Trade up. 944-8588 Kenmetn Henry P.O. Box 52: Rocklin, CA 95677 Ron Howell 1675 N. Beck Street SUC, UT 84116 Jone Blodget#140Petr 23 Polatine Irvine, CA'92612 TeScan 949 Conort Ridge Cove Midvale, UT84047 Heather Scheobora nancialset BROTxa Devonsiceae aid. 1341Sosate sic PUBLIC NOTICE 1-800-989-8921 UC# 792 7626 All former 2, workersof THTTEgiwork 2 baby agagedyn ocivtes ree‘of 0 fo the production hPaNUsroke™| reas TERTAI oF wae AGUT eX zip havecrvesodoiares recently” Op: DIRECT TO YOU IN MINUTES ylerres,Bythe. Department rade 18edRar st et V/A he Spactat $65264-1995Ye GARY ander te Trade 1974 as Amended _ac- CREAT Sate $i. Teall. car] Gust W 2450 3 Sal"Weanexdoy, le Date: Mey 15,2002 St nv:Sle. Rect200971-1853 at 11:00 a.m. Yona fo ground, Yor loose. | Acres, 1-3 Storage. T905-30007 701g. A. P'Saon' North Fork, ID 83466 Angels ADOPT A Loving couple Jong: to nurture your newborn ‘with endless love, lougiter, mh ‘ ARE He veitaurant. | F000SOU) Fayeavigned,for$3000 Under Construction Ne 1848 Greenleaf Road Git voorecwefete aT Tied operator 265-0108 |,.NQUSTRIATSUBDIVIS Heber City, Utah totge. 2300, 700 Seu Need © bro SLC and airport. Bidders must the be prepared eee ESoH Meenas "Trosiee to9 veoaa A eStaTe (801) 521-8181 $800180 (GPaot the COMMERCIAL ‘Als,a4 the” Balance by a| surah State st. forme. Alaa. Eq4oneC. (G01) Fal24470709" Coalville, UT 84017 Borbora orbaraElingxon, El fieuPaast 359-6688 (SOT) St8-409 S| nena Ceca|eh, Seater Saceraaa” SingleTRUSTEESSAL Family Residence SALON,MLLCREEK SUGARan HOUSE $700/mo. Celt Migiel, ‘owner/agent 259-9504 ieee CheryS Cork P.O. Box eaePoon Heavenly Bodies &javenelitric at guarentee IN REAL SPACE, GATEWAY LOC. Property Belonging To John Agnola PSC 80 Box 14006 ‘APO AP 96367 AZPAT, LUC rT Ploce SUC, Uton 84117 BAK Distributing of Utoh 1.433 West North SUC,Utah 84116 ia: ate C808 101 Hattiesburg,MS39402 “Ha Ginge Canada 2.Bo7944 sic, UT 84 Scoptionlease cal Pom £| Pe OOS Shdrew 1-866-822-3880 ‘Salt Lake City, Utah restourat ofofter forlease, RIVERTON,Salcorer a 530- 7200 3001 ood, Sein Warm ‘Love’ C3Springs nit 84116, on May 2, erusuri| = N OW HIRING fe Location: Toe text front EranceafIhe Stott Mk Matheson “°lg0'coutn StateCou street SigpeeBeis Por Bech Kitty's scoRTs eraererea se te Montensre 232002 | E18 Fromage ond expen Great of portuniity. Next 493908. 400E, Notice of Proposed Sole Please be advised that A-1 Pioneer Moving & Storage, 3 MEDIUM, iets Giets Girls SY VISA veiyernerberto urchase. priceES within. 24 1 after the ole. Sale Date: ketoil, onddealtworehouse| BUICH JOHNSON REALTY LC (801) 594-0177, ote office, eatcheat avo| aes oF CALWAT ADS anus As iat 310-5600 of 532-450( comer pad oe Oe | RIVERTON TES So,SmallRedoos va.| Zions First- Nattonal Bank ew colliersccrg.com FORASEOf Sau 754 West 1300 South TOK SALE AND LEASE 10,200 eave, 600 avoitabte 23 West 800 Nor FOR SALE 800 sy. f. warehouse ‘condo Murray Single Family Residence 1933 W.Sir James Dr. 3 Jim Block 232-4402 Chapman. Ricnarasnoo satrobeose esi2300, silty grease ee kkk BAD CREDIT? 00D PERSON! wwe calliercerg.com z aPARK CITY PLAZA Coated rights. Dione Huntsman attorney 272-4040) OFcnnn 328-8242 Salt Lake City, Utoh wafrom nt ASP0" from 1-800" 1600-1900 50D POR| ne, opr, Maer: mat Be orepared 1 3/3) cs toa Comer en ny 89 Bg ‘ GREAT HIBSc, T eouRy sesh SPACE FOR SUBLEASE [2045 1. or 2100 PETER HANLON BILL MURRAY 322-2000 Tal NRT "ME OFFICE Retall space fora SieCa, 9 DIVORCE mur|eseae oP WILD GRLS CONTACT OFFICE sid war WC. Groot loc 916-7390 JGcdar“Bownown, ore om tection cdl este 29|3 $4.00 PER SQ. FT | tare, Sars ayaa Samos, 428-353 3536 400 FT, FRONTAGE HIGHWAY 89 ON sah Jerry Doftin 367-4448 syemtooncens moshe 1073 Jeoace ort Gorey Pe Doar 8081256 SOOM avons l 10.65 ACRES BURKE LANE B HWY 89 AT Abie LEGACY I-15 BURKE IRATERCHANGE FARMINGTON, UTAH 1780 FTBinet FRONTAGE Lane ON UAT Fon privateoF cater on4500" Te-bebo Ter Os Saws $17SepNai‘otter 546-4202 CREESPACE1 00-2508 OF7 O 1a ft A SATE300-300 ghSTH $412 /ma. Aros 950-1599 on GrechMutt Fert TOW spacefeckPiemodie ote. 168. (orden OMe Ae Ta as ©oh watonn OWice shore from $200, Toe,85.5414 ad Saale atak UNCONTESTED Competitive Rote: - No Gi me = ndey re |SaS752 5° 0005,Pub Locait4700. pm ‘ately tt “i Pion bi 1 366%S0, Sth E. SLC cevistorsBeALWAYS = BO 7aWoe100, Totally Locolt Workso | Seices ot 801 -$26-93 iat "| man@ws.statewt.us 580 E30 235 DEEPEST ‘Good men and women are out there Coll 801-924-2033 FREE TRIAL CODE: 3180 ereeneae satch Mental Health, is ting PROPOSALS for Rrentecural Servi *Dircloimer: _Informotionis ‘concerring the property. ears febe accurate, but 1,060 5a. 583-7835 ie BOO" ‘STATEST;,23700" New. oF 1600 59. Ht. 485-7225 Coit $98-8899 neath stat § igh DERYL DAVIS, 322-2000 228 4400 Late rm colllerverg.com TOR SALE; 3aW. Greg SAC. Newindusttit bi 8 cre fenced iat wit yt Veaye. $830,000. Call Jomle Kent or SoH McComas FOR SAit: 7990Sem,1590 Ieeon DERYL DAVIS OR Swimming, soccer, in Psi fobea by otcontacting, arerr Hoya Clk (O37: Oeeeere SBhge Vee Ree is must be received fasatch Mental Health, Dept... located ‘West, He, 300,, Provo, Ura $400) ‘noloter thon Moy 10, 2002 at 3:00 pam. Al res imust "be ie Po ane, ‘1 piano,ballet, display coxes, fox, computer, softball, skating, Srerbi large gong Boxes EvertningPoutivelySalt Preview Y 3, Od AUCTIONEERS 801-355-6655 Cosh, Certified Funds, C.C. Salvage AUCTION 134 W, 1700 Sa. SC: 0,000 3a,5 Yonro ee sss colliencerg.com tealondgreat fap wee colllencerg.com Wanch Mesta)Hethi 485-6626 |: Mon. WEEKENDS thew Thurs. 1241om.HRS, dom, GUARANTEED atch Mental Healt eserves the ight to Yeleck ooall proposals. * BEAUTIFUL Ft a Thurs, May 2, 2002 @ 10am OgdenCity Mall, Ogden UT 24th & Washington Blvd. 400,000sq.ft, of building coming down! Everything goes! Building components, clectnec transformers and panels, newer HVAC units, store fixtures, aluminumgates, lighting, elevators, escalators & more!!! Including * (15) Like new 1998 Trane 35-tone roof-top HVACPackage Units (Mode! TED420A4Ci42DC1) + (3) Onan standby generators with automatic transfer switches, including Onan 25,0 Genset, Onan Model 60 Odye 60kw 7Skva + (6) Pow-rline switchboards 277/480 3ph 2500 amp; Westinghouse motor control center 600 amp w/21 starters/disconnects *up 10 42,000 amp rms) + (9) Montgomery passenger andfreight elevators including model 431-H-2 stop hydraulic; $ stop, 8000 Ib, hydraulic; several 5000 Ib, Model 411H freight elevators with 8 x 10 bins * (2) York Liquid chillers, Model YCWJ4SPR ~46PE-4600-3 * Dozens and dozens of electrical transformers, disconnects and switches * Hundreds of fire doors, steel doors, solid wood doors, aluminum quality railings with 10” oak top rails + Mall overhead and folding door gates from 5° to 50° + Store fixtures including 3 stores of jewelry cases and showcases * Safes, vaults and vault doors * Steet pallet packing * Lavatory partitions, handicap toilets, plumbing fixtures + High quality indoor decorative pole mounted street lights, miles of track lighting + Water coolers * Restaurant lquipment: including * 4° self containedsandwich unit * 6°, 8°, 12° & 20° welded stainless range hoods with fire suppression systems Hussman 3 door reach-in cooler * Penn6 x 8 walk-in cooler * Several 3 bay stainless stec! sinks * True 8° sandwich unit * ice machine * 36" range w/flat grill tool * Hobart tunnel type dishwasher * Parking: Plenty of parking the mall parking terrace, Use the 24th Street entrance * Entrance: Enter and register at JC Penny's * Removal: $ days Preview Wed. May 1 10am - 2pm CASH REALTY & AUCTIONS 800/424-2274 * www.cashauction.com 040—Personais ie tomer sve. 2626, The Gr Schoo! District Boord of Education wilt receive wealed proposals it room’ s1 SoG ctrcs idministrotive ote ‘340 ieee 354: Sat Lake oy 7,pr 20025 Elementary project, ci Find A Job You'll Love! Loam Networking, Programming, Medic ‘Accounting, Business ‘Assisting, X-Ray Tech (Lid), Management and mone, ‘Aexseied member otCICS. Day/Eve classes start May 20 Henager College SLC, Bountiful, Provo, Ogden, & Logan 1-800-390-6486 ae a creer 9 tes District SOMIEM, Contractors ore required to C wwbmit information Wy the ‘on I ncseg the roct documents, The Boord of Educat reserves the ny ond all proporals, Gn 10 1 |