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Show Sunday, Apri! 28, 2002 Rain Doesn’t Slow Alta’s Menlove Mountain View girls, Box Elder boys wintitles BYMICHAEL YOUNT THE SALT LAKETRIBUNE PROVO. Oregon long has Saturday's oth surprise came in the girls medley relay. son to Judge state record butfiguredit would not happenin this weather. The team of Kathleen Smy StepheneGaitan, Kirsi Gove and Asha Richardson made the best of their chance with a record haven, with its mild temper: werall, the meet’s best marks belonged to the distance runners. “Wet is my favorite, so I was excited,” said 1,600-meter cham. pionKyle Perry of Sandy’sAlta and posted an impressive win While most of the best marks came in longer races, Menlove, ning time of 4:16.00, though a minor tactical error may have prevented an ev n faster time. 1 wanted someone else to set a andsprinter Amy Menlove Alta’s star junior sprinter, refused to let the weatherspoil her meet. “I thought this was good weath er;I likethe rain,” said Menlove, who did skip her best event, the long jump, dueto the downpour. Menlove wonthe100 meters in 12.23 seconds during the storm then took advantageof the lateafternoon sun to break u pace. “The first lap killed my third lap.” Orem junior Amber Harper chased down thebest 400 runner in state historyto give Alta a win in the 1,600 relay (3:58.21). Her 55.10split was enough to close a T-meter gap on Mountain View's Heidi Magill, who won the 800 and400 earlier Saturday “I didn’t expect to beat her, she’s so fast,” Menlovesaid sca, Hureane 1513.5, Loe Preiyman, Caton, 148. 6, lyEnekson, Daw, 146-6 reous, MaurView, 167-102, Wa od, Das, 148-10 run well in the cold,” Harper said. She edged Bingham’s Jackie the blew away thefield in the 1,600 (5:07.21). But Harper, who had enjoyed national successthis season, “wasn't happy with my timesat all,” she Tony Jones from 3A Hurri cane W the boys 3,200 in 9:31.71 and Ji won the 800 Mountain View still tock the ‘am title with points. Surpris ing runner-up Viewmont had 58, two more chan Alta, d h last year won the BYU Invitational for the first (1:57.88). Cundsey with 79 points. Davis was second with 74. “Even though we had alot of 100-1 Man Dave, Box Eker 1122.2, Jon White, Bing tam, 1147 3. Suen Glenn, Spansh Fork 1152.4, arom Wiest 3352 20, Trent WWebie. Juan Diego, Wiberg, Nom: Sanpete, 43708. 2, Matt ‘aig Unt 2810 2 kam Mar em 04 “Tyson Bermion, West Joan, 44405, 5, Jet Manning, Morgan, $53.26 6, Tyr Greathouse, Data, 455.47 f Taylorsville, 1398 2. Justin ‘Spanish Fok, stalwart, Josh Davis, who won the100 and 200 and anchored Box Elder's winning400 relay squad. PROVO Justin Palmersays he doesn't know how to. pole vault. Heidi Huberis only a soph: omore. Normally, those would be s derailed that plan. Hestill scored 6,600 points, well ahead of Delta’s Tyler Great. house with 5,427. obstacles to multi-event champi onships at the BYUInvitational. But Palmer, a seniorat Garland’s Bear River High, wonhis second straight decathlon Saturday and Huber of West Jordan won the heptathlon of her prep 's kindoflike a dream come true; I'm oncloud nine,” Huber said. almer wanted to top 7,000 12000-3683 exaggerating whenit comes to the pole vault, his weakest event. But he does ise theold-style, stiffpole method. Hehas planstolearn to bend apole between nowand the Great Southwest Classic in Arizona in late May. That addition, and some better weather, maybe just whathe needsto eclipse 7,000 a mark he hopes will land him a "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES” MULLIGANS DEMO DAYS GOLF EQUIPMENT SALE — EST DRIVE EVERY (LUB BEFORE YOU BUY “DEAL DIRECT WITH THE ORY REPRESENTATIVE ylor \la Claseor But the pole vault is definitely a handicap. He scored more than 650 pointsin seven of10 eventsin the two-day competition, but his 406 pole-vault points were his fewest by124. ile Palmer was running awaywith the decathlon, Huber's victory came down to the seventh and final event, the 800 meters. She led Katie Lloyd of Fruita Monument(Colo.) bya slim margin, meaning she couldn't afford to let Lloyd open muchofa gap. 0 5 0-12 191 ‘Nez and Arthur. Comey anc ‘Hibler L-Daton. 2B-P. Hier (i), Shwam (), Barber 2 (J), Seby a (OE Hite ard Sch), aon) Lope (G) > ua 11, Duchesne 5 San Juan 7-6, Richfield 8-5 thre ie DUCHESNE — The Juab Wasps hit triples and Raruee contro! ee in a Skewes. e-vones (J), Spemy (J), Geeertakgh(). PREP BOYS SOCCER standings ie Viewer aoe Cannaee 4 44 n 1 a7 = Sngtem 5 8 se «5 10 lo. nck op 7% 738 se m@ 9 Oey GB —1 1 5 6 ite 77 25 2 meters, and I heard her breathing down myneck the whole time,” Hubersaid. a = 5 Reg4 9 38 8 49 f 10. Region 87 21 7 2 26 27 0 9 Region 4 Granger third with 3,833. “T could not iet the girl from Fruita beat me by more than 10 55 00 8 0 5 08 mw om 5s5 0 2 89 4 ok mM 3% OO 4% Soak re 23 ee pee Orem PossntGoe Tirpenoges Deta WoL 9 1 9 1 100 Pt s@ GB = — (Caton 91 0 1 m 7% 8 ae ge Taylorsville Hnler Skyine Keams Cottoriwood Huberfinished just 0.11 behind Lloyd. Huber’s winningtotal was Sam 66 40 0 Brighton Jordan Na West Jordan naoede PIC)et a, Fvaron, 23123.6 Kabe Loy, Fruta (Coa, 23808 ‘American fea Fork ee 2 2 818 ae 3,979, 31 points ahead of Lloyd. Samantha Hainblin of Kanab was for college,” Palmersaid. . ‘San Jaan (5-5) moe, mae Ge Saaremaa Hitler Cio (6) ar P. le. aon ardArum we Cowen 20 Hiicrest college scholarship. His 23-foot long;jumpability alreadyhas gar- —L.Christensen > Copper Hits Riverton points, and appearedin the good Friday. But Satur. deleaied Richfield 123 n the second game sales 2 ee Se the first game 15Teeeas = mont 10 Cow and Chistensen. Rad and Atbut, W-Covdey and Hibler. Brewer, ison (7) and Anknum. een Sy ord Weber Subbs, Fremont. 113502 5, Kt Zeige, is SOs Oaiiion Dem Oh) Ee. Moun View, 5044. 2, Ata 508. 3, sag vas 3 Po 8 BE “cy Fey Judge, 41235 (GA state eco old Ra tow San Juan 1-12, Richfield 15-9 BLANDING — Autem Blankenship cot lected two hits as the San Juan Broncos seventh to lift San Juari to a 6-5 victory and 584 Elder 31.7, ade, we, Pre View, Provo, 100-1, Any Meri, A. 1223.2, Cass 3. Asta Rctarson, Judge, 1201. 4 Ab Smart. Chen Banks. Cadar City, 1318. 6, Meagan a, 24.70 (new meet rece. ot 00. Hoty Gtons, Bear River. 1988. 2. Sitany Mates, Box Ege 240-2 Ay Were ode Cos 2549.4 He Hove, Mourtan View, 2658.5, Asta ‘on. dg, 26 Bane Con oly, Vewnert 2555 Bear River’s Palmer Repeats as Decathlon Champ BY MICHAEL YOUNT THE SALT LA TRIBUNE, se oor 0-52 me1e471 ‘Berman (NS). Potter (NS), Wide aa Nautafar, arg (Ca), 15.17 2 Nek Sree, Box Eke, Viewnont. 1567 {stn Brat She, 15885 Mck Benoni, 1598 6 Tel Stewart PreView, 1677 300 Hurdles (be). Jayce Carol, Evanston (Wyo) ChasJudd Hilcrst, 9913.3, Nek Greene, Box Eder, 40.20 & Jasen Byes, Park City 4098.5, Malt Mal, Davis, 4126 6 0Wc, Caryn View. $0.3 2 ‘Bran ran Hon Fruta(Co!) $064 Meno Lopez, Fruta (Colo), 5153.4 Acieds Sen nan 45) BLANDING — Mark Thomton ita threes A28012) wanes run homer with two outs in the bottom ofthe EMS aan. sues and Karen, Wy. injuries, the kids wanted to defend their tith Box Elder coach Wes Roesler said. “When the rain started, we didn’t have one kid say he wanted to go home.” The Bees relied on their usual aces me m4 151 snan mn rons Garvan, Johrson (6) and Jorn #00 ene i Juan Diego 12-8 Grand County 3-2 15 aiai2% 2 i time,repeated as boys champion Wednesday, as the fourth seed from the regen INS) HR Berman NS), Cartan NS) 41.2. Lat 5, Nate OF but I seemto Zeigle in the3,200 in 11:04.54 and Richfield in Region enter the state tournament, Ina 1240,six-inning victoryin Region 14 prep |, Wil liams struck out 13 of Alta mont'’s18 batters. Luke Berman homered and doubled for the Braves, who scored five runs in the sixth inning to help shorten eee day via the 10run Grand County wasn’t as happy in the rain as Perry, but it didn’t show. “I hate the rainpersonally, recordin the200 (24.70) doubleheader Derick seme ‘Satartay, “hie 1 he tare td ruth pace na ees ee ee eter oe ragon, San Juan won the con fp and wit MOAB — Ben Sehy threw a sichier in the opener and Juan Diego pounded out 16 hits in the nightcap to sweep Grand County in a Region 14 doubleheader. shan Dag tuceen2 fast first lap, but nobody did. I went a little faster than | want ed,” said Perry, who went through the first lap at a 4:04 PREP SPORTS ————— er meestee Npmune an Lose thy a Pent 2 Dawe, 32848 3. Box SS 5 Sey Vow, 23406 6, Oe, Fremont 62 2 Smad daca It showed. Perry led all the way ly, except the distance runners THESALT LAKE TRIBUNE ALTAMONT — on oo mit's Barry Williams Fe (Savors Hort Suman 12, Atanot0 ad Aadersan, Orme Tema, Lacan 2h oman (SH 4:12.35, nearly a second atures and persistent rains. So it Meet had most athletes looking for shelter or heading home ear: (yor sponse S178 make one run at the 3-A than Cedar City’s 2000 Saturday's Oregon-like weather at the BYU Invitational Aactart coach Dan Quinn plannedall sea- been considered a ‘listance run should comeas no surprisethat 5 Oy 2008 2 Box Bow 2553 Fee BS CBgen (2SSOmS is Ata 35821 2 Moneten View 35847 3 & Wewmort £1373 5. Sey View 41825 Long damp 8 Pay Lah 15-105. 2 Maton Sey Pee Wem, 15-75 Maryn Famcet, Spanish Fok, 14125, Terpaew $10, 2 PREP TRACK AND FIELD Williams Throws Perfect Game cane Lyon WasttchAcademy te me 8 8 bi ed Fee SrOWCanyon Corl Canyon View Humane cA 6 4 Sa725 0 0 Region 10 WoL 9 0 7 2 ParkCitly 4 eS 6 2 ee ae 8S m0 8 100 Pet 7 — a 8 riage geet eo} Box Eder _ 6 2 m 52a Bonneville 5 Sky View Mountain Crest 2 M4 34 24 © 6 Region 5 WoL 10 1 8 3 8 3 6 4 3 7 3 7 3 8 12 Region 6 Logan West Bountiful East Woods Cross Murray Qympus Cyprus Highiand ow. — U 6 % 4 go mR -@ Pet 909 77 77 0 MO 300 273 1m) GB — 2 2 3% 6% 6% 7 ok 000 Wasatch 5 ‘bo Union 2 Final Region 11 WoL Pet Ga Tooele 9 1 9 = Ben Lomond 8 2 wm 4 % 3. 2 —BearRiver 46 mM 5 Mogan a ere? Grantville 0 10 “000 9 Region 14 WoL Pk GB an Diego 8 0 100 — Waterford D4 ee A Ronee 5 2 74 m Joseph 43 0% 1 2. ae ee ‘Spanish Fork 4 Timpview 1 5 2 33 The event ended with dog pile 800 74 500 1 (1 2% Intermountain &- Wendover Dugray 0 0 2 000 4 5 mm m0 of the 21 competitors. “Webecamefriends; you'vegot PY om COaA WRX Wagon The turbocharged WRX hugs the curves and won't let go. 2002 RICK MAJERUS BASKETBALL CAMP “Come Leam from the best Teacherin the Game” It has all the samefeatures of the WRX Sedan with more room. 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