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Show Big laughs keep us watching! e 2 cabie| 4= da Flea 2 led al |Ses4hs 4] lB) 2 ' ale - L = Areas| 3 |3*=|25/45] London-born Jane Leeves plays Crane household factotum Daphne Moonin the five-time Emmy: ; + winning comedyseries . == —=S RIAs fa fat . Oo Ysada 18) tum tw Earth as an igor judge. KPNZ-24] 24 2:00) (14) Tue. 3 a.m. “Angels in the Outiield” ses (1994, [KUWB-30) 12 Fantasy) Danny Glover. Believing his father’s return hinges upon the performance of a hapless baseball team, a boy seeks di- 551| §_ 49 (0, Comedy) Robert 4 5 £ 4 4 8 13 12 12] 12] 10 6 6 66 17 6 17 a 14 21 TBs 3) 2B 412 19 signs up for one me ae match be- “PG' (L, V) (1:56) 3] 12 (2aComedy) Clint,Expvontas [ENCORE 14 sis] 14 14 ar pilot is fore settling down. scree 4 3 ae 6 Tom. 1 "PG" (L) (1:42) (SHOW) 7 12 HBO se ti : 4 8 bakes bya yous munsfam. (ANY Which Way You Can” 24 ENC . ©/23] &|2 KSTU-3/3)3)/3/3]3]3)] 3 [14 KizzZ-14 14] 3 KUPX-16] 10 10 10 10 = a Digital cablelistings may vary vineintervention. = peer epee > KBYu-} i [u]uliuliulufuy iii Tuesdays on NBC. Y 4 2 “ 14 21 [4 15 15 15 15 8 6 30 8 15 16 534] 16 21 99 47 99 47 22 18 19 576] 591] 22 Pos 18 19 576] soi] 2 Pas 18 18 19 22 21 17 soi] soi] [22/8 Pos Pat 22 20 15 60 16 P26 33 27 98 576] 20 391 27 2 a0 Tas 33 19 21 576] 3 301] 591 27 33 30 [2a USA 24 57 24 24 18 18 MCE 2 28 29 55_| 35 eee 28 29 28 24 Q 31 52 31 32 31 25 18 25 35 32 28 32 10 32 [28 38 26 28 38 | 33 42 33 33 28 31 30 34 [39 34 20 25 23 17 23 32 30_} 25 30 35 CNBC 35_| 43 32 47 36 37 35 38 36 38 45 38 16 37 WGN 67_| 67 (SHOW) Sun 8 18am. 8507612 STARZ! sepledspaces °G ENC) sm. 32177488 Sun. 10 pm 18481849. Mion SS The Ar ct Woe” wt Cob, acucmy Wesiey Snipes. Acover UN. operative “LA Wedie see 28 [DISC [EX 5 [SHOW [TMC [LIFE Fame “Arti” dee 4 (1981, Comedy) Dud- re opel icates MAX 61] 361] 20 29 39 [15 16] 5 25 tet dumthetunvethedace! beako [DISNEY 25 33 25 26 28 19 10 19 20 Sa ie iw (MANSSut1220 pam. [ESN 26 51 26 25 27] 41 19] 41 26 spear0) “Arthur's Quest” etaaees # (1999, Fantasy) Eric Christian Olsen. Young King Arthur is [MTV SatMerl speo the e = lmodern-day srt ARE Mone to um 188980 sasine” ee 190s. Dramay ESPN Fanta NoceretChute Shen Annaandheormundehie prsctnoyw» Poe onic kitty tricks twoan; say onesep ahead ofa wild rival.’(L. CNN. SOM (BIS)Wed Spm 66921889, 845 pm, 69176917 TNT “All Dogs Gi leaven 2' S) tallone orid- hit } au Pair” _# (99, Comedy-Drama) oc Manny"COR te with “vospd children.and ts [HN [TwC se CSPAN ype todpamyaND:al8 Olle Stan Ls.and Aig Noah alae cu Thu. 2 p.m. ventures of fantasies RCL. whStvceeeo fator’s daugh Si7ear2 1:30) (STZ) Wed. 6 a.m. ; Fregor “Automatic” on. A new Ist COn- 4 (1994, Science Fiction) Olivier Gruner. The head of a company Dane)DilysCom oneos fede shessenee opsy jobiographical tale of N) (1:30) (MAX) Fri. $:30 E york wae nog eos Sree. veo — [HGTV anceWPS Andromina: The Pleasure Planet” iusesoahsnyeste HIST nan. financially troubled WR (LeA.} (h:21) (SHOW) Sun 330 oan nda Sam alls. Univenal pay reinetyanimpedingdas"PG TESPN2. ai. 429189 tan aieeb 58018659 ourpr ° jours Nos) (128) (MAX) M cee eae es oesa 285,New Cina)scabs eae WESTRN] Yorker's t) Raclyn S dark-humored chronicle o Ime-night adventures 40 lo M Be NAV) 137) TMC) Mor Fone 4 spease) (HBO) Mon. 20am. 66489689 Baad oe eeee “Angel and the Badman” ®&# (°47, Westem) John Wayne. A notorious outlaw is reformed by the Quaker woman who nursed himback to health, (2:00) (14) Sat, y ‘omedy) Di- ane Keaton. A high-powered executive's lifestyle is severely cramped when she takes on the care of a distantly related baby Angel on My Shoulder” i ('46, girl. (2:30) (TNT) Sun. 8 am. 379424 Sam. 175469 Agnes of God” ®®® ('85, Drama) Jane Fonda. A psychiatrist seeking an ex Fantasy) Paul Muni A flamboyant gangster “Back to Back” #% ('96, Action) Planation for a newborn infant's death at a makes a pact with the devil in order t0 r+ Michae! Rooker. An ex-cop forms an un- Page02 Listings for April 13 - April 19, 2002 36 37 36 29 49 [69 [ots fi2ti7 am — 160] 160 34 24 34 24 25 29 32 22 98 32 16 1 28 7 160 203 203] 203] 201 277] 32 277] 277 203 217 404] 40s] 404] 404 524| 524] 524] 2a) 404: 324 [410 ['50_[ 410] 410, 23 36 ‘The PlusCode® number printed nextto each program is for use with the Gemstar VCR Plus+® sys tem. If you have a VCR with the VCR Plus+ feature (identified by the VCR Plus+ logo on your VCR),all you need to doto record a program is eater its PtusCode number. VCRPlus® and PlusCode® are tridemarks of Gemstar Develop‘ment Corporation. ©1995 Gemstar Development Corporation. varpite,, |