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Show ‘We Must Build “Leaming | could help others gave me more hope than | ever had. Community service changed my life. ” On This Moment’ BY PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH | —Gerardo, 19 says, “and kids here don’t always havethe right role models. | wanted to encourage kids to follow in myfootsteps.” The MARQUISE McGRAW,with18, The Time To Help Is Now he energy of 18-year-old Marquise McGrawcould light up an entire New York City neighborhood. Marquise, a gifted, college-bound student, tutors young kids in science and. as part of his 4-H program, delivers computer presentations on the importance of staying in school. “1live in the projects,” Marquise been tutoring five days a week. “Sept. 11 made me reconsider myself as a New Yorker and an American,” Marquise says.“I realized you can’t just say you'll help people later. It made me get to work.” Lately, Don Floyd,president and CEO ofthe National 4-H Council, has noticed many reactions like Marquise’s. “Before Sept. |, we took our volunteer spirit for granted, like we took so many things for granted.”he says. “But volunteerism has become more important since September.I think it’s because helping others knits us together. It makes us stronger.” continued How You Can Help The 14th annual National Youth Service Day will be held this weekend, April 26-28. It’s not too late to get involved with the largest service event in the worid! To find or post a project near you, visit www. SERVEnet.org on the Web or send an e-mail to nysd0ysaorg. To learn more about volunteer opportunities throughout the year, you also can write to Youth Service America, Dept. P, Suite 200, 1101 15th St, MW. ‘Washington, D.C. 20005-5002. For more ideas on how you can help others, visit wwwparade.com. PARADE MAGAZINE - APRE. 21, 2002 - PAGE 5 HE AMERICAN PEOPLE CONTINUE TO RESPOND TO the horror of Sept. 11 with remarkable courage and compassion, calm and reason, unity and resolve. Their response has shown us what a new culture of responsibility and service can look like. We mustcapturethis spirit of service and build on this moment. Every day I meet men and women who ask me how they can help.I tell all of them that they can help by doing good: by mentoringa child, or caring for an elderly neighbor,or teaching someone to read, or donating food and clothing to those who need them. % ; z During mySiate of the Union ‘ Address earlier this year, I asked all Americansto dedicateatleast twoyears of their lives—the equivalent of 4000 hours—to the service of our country. The response has been overwhelming, with millions of inquiries to new Websites and toll-free numbers that can link potential volunteers with opportunities to serve. President Bush meets USA Freedom Corps orks The character of the American member Gus Philander Sas people is the enduring strength of SS ee our country. And Americans understand that the best way to “| ask all fightevil is by doing good. Today Americans of all ages are al. ready serving others in countless ways,from helping the home- Americans less to volunteering as firefighters to participating in Neighbor- to dedicate hood Watch programs. The new USA Freedom Corps can match potential volunteers with service organizationsin their local communities or help them get involved in the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps. Senior Corps or the new Citizen Corps. Through USA Freedom Corps, we can help to sustain and extend the best that has emerged in America and find the kind ofdeep personal fulfillment that comes when we serve others. During the past seven months, we have been reminded that we are citizens with oblig- at least two years of their ,, lives to the seryice of our ations to each other, to our country and to history. We have be- country.” gun to think less of the goods we can accumulate and more about the good we can do. We have rediscovered that serving others is not only a duty of living in a free society but also is fundamentalto a complete and happy life. National Volunteer Weekis an excellenttime to recognize—and draw inspiration from—the outstanding work of volunteers across the country. Millions of Americans of all ages and backgroundsare serving their communities, their nation and the world, during this time of extraordinary challenge and opportunity, bringing help and hope to those in need. I salute and thank all of those who are answeringthe call to service. Together, we will overcome evil with the gathering momentum ofmillionsof acts of kindness and good Tofind out more about the USA Freedom Corps,visit www.usafreedomcorps .gov on the Web or call 1-877-872-2677. |