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Show Want’ the: Opinion? Truth? Write: Box: 5001; New York, N.Y: 10763-500 isit true that former b astronaut Buzz Aldrin is planning a mission to: Mars in the year 2018? —u. Neil; Waxhaw, N.C. Not quite. Aldrin, 72, the econd manto walk on the:moon,is. working with a team of Purdue Universityscientists who dream ofsending a missiomto Mars in 2018. BurAldrin—who’s asked NASAfor research funding forthe project—wouldbe fartoo old for thar flight. Meanwhile.he’s promoting a lottery to let private citizens travel on the Space Shuttle. | see that George Clooney has yet another girlfriend, Maria. a | Canadian bartender andactress. Can you list his conquests?—Wendy C., Port Washington, NY. Clooney, at 40, | M¥has inherited the | title “Playboy off the Western World” from: the: retired champ. Warren Beatty, 65. Im the "80s. he dated! ac| esses Kelly Preston (now Mrs.Join Travoita) andTalia Balsam:Since his marriage to Balsam endedin) 1992, he’s been linked with Kimberly, Russell, French waitress Céline Balitran: Julia | Roberts, Lucy Liu, Renée Zellweger, mode! Lisa, | Snowdon and! British broadcaster Mariella Frostrup: Clooneycast Maria Bertrand, 27, in his newfilm Confessions. ofa Dangerous Mind. What's up with actor Michaei Moriarty? Are the allegations of erratic behavior | true?)—Mike Wagner, Milwaukee, Wis. | You be the judge. After he quit NBC’ Law & Order in 1994, Moriarty moved to Canada: because he saw “signs of the coming ape pse.” Inn 2000, he was charged with as| Moriarty: Morelike saulting his formergirl- gyg—orr one of os tone 3 is it my imagination, or does Halle Berry get more beautiful with each passing year?—Dottie Anne Sexton, New Hope, Pa. iE ‘You're norhallucinating. As these is it true John Gotti is on his deathbed in prison?—Beth Pearce, Raleigh, N.C. Yes. In February, Gorti, 61—terminailyill with cancerofthe throat, neck and head— had! atube inserted in his windpipe to help him breathe. Asa result, the normally loquacious crime boss.caninolonger talk when his wife andchildren visit his cell in Springfield, Mo. winning Berry, 33, 7 blossoms with age. We think herrecogmition as an actress and Hollywood's reigning beauty queen came in 1999 with Jintroducing Dorothy Dandridge. She may bean even bigger pinup afterthe Bond) film Die Another Day comes ouvin November, holic.” he tells us—whateverthat means. : ; goeein wememeames ee el = Andersen Wee CHAIRMAN, Se i esiten RESIDENT. photos show, Oscar: DITOR,Loo Kravite MANAGING EDITOR, Lamar Graham ‘WOR CTIVE ADITOR, j CREATIVE DIRECTOR, ira Yotte SEI00R EDITORS, i | think David Letterman should have jumped trom CBS to ABC when he had the chance:. What do yow think?—f, a. In our opinion, the cantankerous Letterman wouldn’ t have last ed very, long at' Disneyowned ABC for one simple reason: The un+ usually sensitive Michael Eisner, who runs: the ~ have put up with the: ridicule that Dave. 5 . heaps on the CBS brass. After one dig at | Eisner, he'd be doing: stupid pet tricks onthe Cartoon Network. we do) so: many pop | ‘singers, like Christina | Aguilera, grab their) crotch while: performing?—Virginia Bubin, Flint, Mich. A t's really: nor meant as ja. Sexual gesture.” says.) choreographer Dan Karzty. | who employs the movein *NSYNC’s: tours. “It’s | more: of a: power move | picked'up by Michael Jackson for his Thriller routine| and’ later by Madonna.” While the crotch grab has becomea standard part of the choreographer’s repertoire. don| _ expect Britney Spears tovuse it, says Karaty le 4 he doesn’t think it fits: her girh Your recent item about Lady Bird | = Johnson made me curious. Is she our | dest liv Lady? And, histori- cay auiieetag mea longest?— Mark Grove, York, Pa. Bess Truman holds the record. She diedin | October 1982 at age 97. As for our current Looks, crop ofFirst Ladies: Lady Bird Johnson is 89: ay, mane Betty Ford, 84; Nancy Reagan, 80; Barbara Halle im’89 Bush, 76; Rosalynn Carter, 74; Laura Bush. ™™ 55. and Rillary Clinton, 54. EXECUTIVE EDITORS, David Currier, Bonnie St. Clair Carpentier DAGSTOR MutowWillan ARTDaMOTOMRetule 2 ‘Colin Greer, tr f Mouse House. would nor 2&ve1staying | Pop'diva’ Aguilera Vloveit when Mario Thomas.appears: borrows a from: on Friends as Jennifer Aniston's move "6V6.1r mother. What else is she up’ to these aos Por? days?—Nadine Di, Chicago,III 7 “That Girl!”now 64,is.as busyas ever: She ican be seen'tonight’on\CBSin Tivo Against Time, amother-daughter drama. Next month. W MH) she brings out The Right 3 ge) Words atthe Right Time, a book ofinspirational stories by famous peopie, including Thomas. “We're taught that actions: speak louder than) words.” she tells us, “but after reading these stones, I believe words speak just as loudly as actions.” | ka. A judge stayed the assault charge on the condition that Moriarty, 61), keep away from her when drinking. “IY ma functioning alco- | disorder? fiend, Margaret Brych- o SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. lorentzon ce duck Geettier art Ubeil,Androve Vac. Martyn vox Savant, David Wallechioaly, James Webb, Lyric Wallwork Wink, assocuTeeoree mee an, Jonathan _ ASSISTANT EDITORS, Stove Glizabeth Purio ASSISTANT ANTCIRECTOR,Robe Garristown SEMOR DESIGN ASSOCIATE. MonicaLopez JUMGOR DESIGNASSOCIATE, Jo Aran ftor’or LUSRARY DIRECTOR Stucie Forstur EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS, Sharon Cappaiton, Deborah Oe Avcentiit, Mircille Oe Vidas, AnitaGoes, David Grzolecki, LouLevential, % eter Garvey) Onerations _Advertising ‘Nita Mocha, Jelinaa Sadarson. janjean “homas Patricia Vento. WASHINGTON BUREAU. Jack Anderson. bureau chiet FOOD GDITOR, Sheila Lukins HEALTH EDITOR, Or. isadore Rosenfeld Ls2STVLE SIVTOR,Elizabeth Gaynor OERSOMAL FINANCE EDITOR, Andrew Tobias, David H. L Fe (EXECUTIVE WOE PRESIDENT, 1 stanaotoh Siegel 3 sensor VICE PRESIDENTS, Lynn Minton, Robert Moritz, Bill ORetily, Michael O'Shea, Ponchitta Perce, Doteon Rader. Michael DEPUTY MAMAGING EDITOR, Dakiia 0. Civira Pert remanentsoa ty Lary L. King, EdwaretKiein,Norman Mailer Santoli. Seligeon. Sheehy, Larry Smith, Wallace . scan” sto on Peon Par .” - epenomone- toate . heenCaer Peat eer: Paes“erttanaothea“teaVenn” Seem recs ti3 jasonS=r “Perea rence on :Paras Dain” “Wale eats areataWi hatesandweet Tseaeeh eaeeer nore as —- Warren iReynaiee Carte Vittorin’ PARADE 4 cat reaponamie |or vemoheiteg materras. Mai! rent (0 PARADE without o retumn segress wil not be ueocessed. rue ah TG SENG) E-MAIL AG LEARW MONE AGOUT YOUN FAVONITE PAWAGE ARTICLES AnD GoLUMNa, visi? WWW PARADE.C Z PAGE 2 APRIL 21, 2000 - PARADE MAGAZINE |