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Main St. esponbities, Sait Lake City UF B40 11 RESPIRATORY This. |S ther right rime to YOUR new corsert Call VIVACE ITALIAN BISTRO 2440 & Fort Union Bivd. egetBs ame tary Ho Agply in person: Si car onern,AG! recgrds and| Soma, Pai. small ort and BVT date experience. ‘Credit Union FASHION PLACE,#100 MALL 191 5, Sate haurray, Uta 841.07 Fox: 867-281-6921 RESTAURANT SERVERS SOUTH TOWNE ESTER Im person, Saturday, haSG'S Se Seer “Bit, Sondy,401-553-9140 vton 84070 {st atRestonsed. the Country Club, fom 2400. Coury Club Or TESTAURANT ANT Now iri ‘mer spect"engin, Nal Halibut ips 4870 So, Aighland Or, 424-9000 PAGEANT ‘xp. line COUNTRY cook: Clut Aply i per- 4 GaEAT 10 soi Tie Wats SLABS coon TEAM, HERE'S HOW! Se TodTome country PRY Chub huesSet Br. FESTAURANT om/pm ‘ostessHost. ClosedServers, Sun, ‘amber Restaurant S300 $ 217 € TESTAURANTCOUNTER Sait {oe's moar exchaive ekery ‘afternoon shift.So,532-202 ‘or 304 Eau Temple ale, recommending. ter. ventions tothe nursing. and: medical staff. and admini3 fie activites. thus ensuring. that (cast effective’ the ARRIE RESTAURANT RESTAURARY WANACET tiring: ¢ Manager. for with, 3-5 ram group."Sef sare, Seeking: individual Ane years establishment. 2) ence im‘Canal ingmanagement anc eral oriented dining. el exper'- 2520 ote to have Great nenefts with ¢ flex. schedules. advancement. Srgentzatancl and com muni once. Shel reame ‘and Fens fon skill. Box 3537 creativity nesdedPassion to succeed Park fered respiratory thera} City, Utan 84060 with caeent pediatric oF ot Snawbird's Flagship. neonatal axper! Festaurant. eTrRORANT knowledge af wine! Applications accepted at: Strong ‘and. inevative cuisine 3 must! Positive. attitude, flexi Human 100" NortResource: Medial Brive ble, and solution. oriented Salt Lake City, UT 84113 individuals need to, apply. Excellent salary ond benef fetirement Community lookin or fl te’ Cag. aval 0-3 For detailed information, package. Revive ieose call the Job Line at Apply online Great working”"Senet: environment. 101-588-2200. Fave resume 571-7640 wwwtsndwbird.com Job Line: 947-8240 4 ReBi a hiu 232fF i eal FERED! should submit their ofrasume-indeating. gaation interfst--toe DEPT. vary. Must be7.50, 2 yeor oo. Bare F508 So:Fornigh ere nfo. cl bin ot 942-2582) Found a buyer? Olive You can cancel your assified line ad 24 hours: a day by phone savessoF et SB‘ot £0540'Saumstare. oe RECREATION THERAPY ASSISTANT TESTAURANT™ #/T Salary egattatie. callHertage tre at Eos 487-0806. NOW HIRING MonogersBenefit anager’. Palfold Vocation, Cait Neod Serr Resume.” 22-1096 for appointment. TRS/TRT eligible oF online, just call (801) 737-2000 or fog onto veositrb.com oF veodeseretews.com and flow the Classifieds link to the Cancel your classified ad link. AMV cancelaions must stil be received before the deadline. BURGER a COCKTAIL SERVERS, omer ‘postions avai. Apply fn person 9am or Som Norther Souther X-Posure aN Sack(200 Ww) SiC ail Ave, Ogden 5142 5 State, Murray ‘Wendover, NV luton Medical2Valley Center Regiona is seeking Ménager. Food Servies hs person responsible Cathalic Community Ser of Uren hes an land Henest feraworaing. maivuals Yor QSicnor on eve MenogerSoy poditen cell locationasi from 720M Yo aoa?PM. MONDAYTMAM THRU THURSDAY 1D JrtenceeringE3 "na food sevce weary “roti Gra/er cattery experience parson at 3698 €. 7 ran ‘monday ‘lencad, ‘et 1060 ‘Sat, 7-230. East 100 So. 2662 were, Dall Growing companiesa fa ir axperienced Manat for (ocal/relocation Cooks, forvegerarion.cine and four mactterroneon Soa.s0ve RESTAURANT Happy Sumo at Gateway pplication Please call 671-5353. # aE in *ALLPOSMONS* Apply in person, Thurs-Frt at & ASSISTANT MANAGERS ene beats omen peice can pa? ey greg ‘SALARY vorme eee ne aiManage ‘WORK FOR THE BEST! 237-200 | Ali]tH He , el ii 538 ih + General Managers snowbad Ww Please submit resume with references to: Has the allowing openings: HIP Enterprises - Attn: Recruiting Director SOUS CHEF YR, meee ohn Wa fr Pm BUS PER Sa7s + 3 ae 5 BAR MGR S/FT $10. ‘Must be at least 2! yrs okt Apply online ¥R Seeking experienced telemarketersto sell in | HIE3; 2 FNit iif i z ii fih iqTidfs ifii i iiihe PERFECT PART-TIME TELEMARKETING POSITIONS 7 Hs ° i Mon. - Fri, 9 am - 5 pm mawbice E py i faili : z i PERSON Seaver ve/rt 9750+ ai F : s + Kitchen Manager We are expanding and need great people to staff our current and new properties. EOE gi z if x * Are YOU seeking growth opportunities and FINANCIAL REWARD? af § 7 tty CAL TESTAURANT- ano nel onesstaffing 9 service, But not nergy one Fextreume fo 824-4090 i rey sag ui Full Time Posttions Qualified candidates must be ‘cls driven, goal orented ‘and "molivated SHAPIRO OFFERS: Competitive pa} Faith Sharing, ana Gonfat Prof Vacation © Pata Excell! employee pur have program Fashion & Cottonwood Cail forPlaceon appointment CUSTOMER SERVICE Deseret News ng for experienced REPRESENTATIVES Nowlooking Vine & Par iJ CooksAp ity. FAX 600-554-0178 <4 y Sha88-year an‘zing Seemhe Warafen3 locations crass ‘ering. applicantsfront1 for teraet =" Friendt ‘saneM Fi RSH |vitePe att Bruae 3 nj Ri i 1 i i I i |Hi hia i M fA Hl Pa a taalii 288 “ft He Hin : tt i8 a4 id i i: ii alt it iit \ ae it fog ay Fa Ra ' at aj i ni fiy i a it in i it : fas ! if Hayy il ; ei A fti| UNIVERSITY The Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News. Hours: 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. & 5:00-9:00 p.m. Call 322-1010 or stop by ouroffice at: 450 S. 900 E. #260 Salt Lake City |