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Show ath of her coumsi oem, “PO 1 brother's death was really a.case off munter emtvttery nei bors, C00) CONT) Fri g A) (0.37) Fri 10) mn, “RE LAL W) (lish) (MAR) Thu, 3:20 pum 1:36) pum, +4 “The Gumball Rally” sa (197%, “Forever Young” #4 (1992, Fantawy) Geer wo tthe: Heart: The Burtoure: Mamdtet Comedy)) Michel! Sarawin, A Mew York ‘Mel Gilsom Love: and comumi itiment nalee om Story” (97. Biography) Maureen Me- toLos Angeles car race brings all! sorts of new meaning for ae ie pilion wie eis Connick. Based on the ‘ue story off coum zany crater onto the mations Highways a inv ee pen ry singer Biartara Mamdneil’s rive: co» forme and! tack roads, “PG? (ik46)) (ENC) Mom: and) the car crasit) tut nearly Milled’ fer 12:30) pum. J iL) Thu, 10) im, SBOGE14, “Gumby: The Movie" # #4 (11995) Fane tuxy)) Voices off Chutes: Farrington, Amimat: “Tie Forsaken” % (2001, Horor)) Ker Sanithh, AS young: mary iy drawer ims: ati “Gidgen Goes to Rome" a (53), Come edi Gumby. Pokey and their agateam ancient vampire: after he ie item ay) City Cao. The allAaverta se counter mbotic doubles created y 4:98 (He attentions off a fa villains. °G? (1:30) ( ‘yer WieENGan28 Sra 24a, BST 98H), Comey) Refiecea De 2290") 6) (AMC) vn 2888019 “Gumsioe” # % # (972, Comedy)) Air “Gators” ao 2800), Action Bhs. Bert Finney. Betis vaudewillinn-mamedt i acastilees ion, 9 pm int: Thal “Formas2 Re-Enmy” #6 (99, Science private: eye gets caugitt up: with smugglers, A fagitive general! becor Fietion aeeogterLambert. Escaped Same ont el sfcandpt and ao nick i reat and placed covenye aaheemperor wo inage so aii hae is orbit iin “RE ( the Earth Cony (USA) Wed! % am: Ti(2am. ‘ST3083 “Foul May” # ae Comedy) (Pa Chevy Clave: Ai librarian eniises she aid off spepolice datetive ater lamin of en ay mt hewnpope 2m, 0) ENT) Fri 9 am, 466764, ( Brooke : es areas snags “The it Floor” ## (1999, eee 0 femiteoftie landlord Jutiete Lewis, Eccentric and ty (STZ) Mom. | om deadly ncaa mite life fel for a young: ter late aunt’¥ woman , wie momoved) “The Fiance” (1997, Suspense’ apartment. 'R" (L, W) (1:30) (MAE) Sum forties Moses, A one-night stand lead 1:30am, S788 danyer for a negieetec witie whose erstMeets the Woitiman tle ower warns iter Smet. “Te (TL, A.W) ene 3, Homer) Lon 13) AS xc fone's search flor a Field of Dreams” #44 (36, Fant conftonration with Dr. Froathemin's aun Kevin Cosnuer Despite te dismay of ‘trou creation, (1:23) (AMC) Fo 338 and amy.armer obeys apt am seqqest ul ft im His corm ‘Free Enterprise” @ (1998, Come30) (STZ) Two nal owen ‘ Ft. HFighe Clat” # #45 (1995, Drama) Fin. A whine-colliar workers durside State "RlA)1:56)(MAX) Sun mes: forth: iw aw secret arena when men pin, SEAS ett oebe premeningexch “The French Comeetion”™ #1 # # ("71 9 sam aerrsaze =Fri £30 pin, isace7e }Fined Destination” Saw: 2s (UO, Horse) meet wid ltomible Gene Hucloman, Narcotics Doyle aad Mis pesoes te 4 essing singingheinn he Used oon) eat “The Freneii cana # (97%, Dram) Come Hach, New York cop “Popeye” Doyle ravelis to Marveles {©continue fis selentiess pursuit of am in- Coney) Tet ‘ermatiomal diaydeaf: EL, A, ¥) (1:59) ‘Aa avpteing actor and a roiler-seat- 32. miles across Lake Ohta, (1:36) (SHOW) Tae. 2:30 yim, 228713 ‘Heaven: Knows, Mi Alison!” 137, Dram) Robert Mithun World! War I, an Ameri wre trapped om a un. 340887 Japanese. troops, “Heavy Metal! 2060" aa Fiction) Voy (0 , Seience 13D) ( STZ) sine (99s Term SoCranCi atten discon “Gone it Si trawl oma. summer campfor the overweight! hut it sion Nicoln Cage: mie etand ito he ld fon a sting operation involving Haw just been pure Faved by a ye ‘ean must ste$0) fae al Colica eg ele (ID ee TL) Sy MAR Sun 8 a 74 pingeer wl al hi oe" (STZ) Fri pm, STOTT “Tell! Nigitv” se (098i, Horror) Lind Bis. Ao pare ofthen initio, fratemity and! sorority pledges: spend: nigtit: in « “The i Caesar” ® (04, Comedy) Anthony spooky.sapposedy abandoned) mansion Rachel ) (ENC) Sar 4 aim, Mictuel Hall, A young man dreams of ‘® obsession witht a womaniaing barman in leaving his boring job in av eraner factory “Hidiien Agenda!” # #4. Drama) 195Autawoes Ive wth er emo> for the dynamic off a mele x” roll stan Brun Cox, A British) officer (11990),amves: in (40), (AMC {20 pin, 48) (STZ) Thus 4 p.m, 2228297 Norther ireland to vestigate ions SBAZBSB, Thu: 9:30 aurages san iii lin sc sg the i Hand Tare” #69, Drama) ean *Geand) Canyon wey 9 Drama) Claude Van Damme: The lime Sam betwe n rhe L.A, VW) (lit) (TMC) i FIPSBSON. We?um. 2081987 Dany Hund! and he hunter HeconesBluse 2 group shat hunts “Hidden Agenda!” ®% (1998, Suspense “a00) (CSA) Si Kevin’ Dillon. Aa American’ tourist in ditferences: Seemed Amys Mom: $40) gum “The Vd of Wrath!" *@ a @ (40) Dreamy dix As account of a: De patstaly’s migation fon a Skishome Dust Bow!the is of Calitiorm Son, 33 ; 20082238, Sun % wat “the Ga, Gee ees (H >: ami, ing American yeoon creates comuntic chaos wher te Sallis itn love with 9 Britis, aobieman’s 1 (AMC) Vow “Greane” #9 (79, Musical) JotTrae voit A 19805 high-school rougin mes w win back the Austins enctge stant during summer vacation Berlin launches is own investigation: into f Fie!” (°96, Dram) Pae- the death of hibrotiien, a CTA agent. “RE An Amin woman opens her Home LN Wy (iia) agent som he ral ofa a sonist terrorizing hele comenunity. (2200) MEAL) Sun. pun. 44619809 “Hayley Wi Star” (°98 Bethumy Richards, 4 ormer citistar rs adulation, cesentnent and) romance after er gurents enroll her im a new schoo! 206) (HALL) Fri 7 pio. “Hearts: The Marilyn Beil! Story Drama} Caroline Dhuveras. Based! on dhe lige of ste Canadian’ marathon swimmer whe gained! fame in [956 when ste swam 31508034 “Hidden Passion!” (2000), Suspense) Kim Dawson: A man sehen get hie woman ie once: Ibved! away nthe:5 dangerous Orne mobster she MAX ®@ (87, Comedy) (P% ist med stockbroker(res (0 ers om iis trail by a student ats gh, tno. 200 TBs Sat “High Fidielity” 0, Comedy. Drama) John Cusack. The exit offis: latest @ 0)vaNT Fe 2 gum, 125849 (ENC)Thu. 220 a.m, 60013817 Sng warner Seecme emtinaied ma cae “The Frencit Lieutenant's PA) Gerard jex. A woman anc dhe fing racleer. (2:90) (2) Sat. 10 a #% 31, Deamn) (PA) MaskSee: Frenett tusbamd site nv get ac [Fiction 9 5 (0982, Adtvennane) Cline aae Benen owe actors is guraileled haunted view ammigeaton ofeials aves ond! A pilot is neemitedd by American Cart” 9s (90, Comedy’ tigate deimarriage. (2:00) (TNT) Sum. 1 om, 280262 ‘Geemliss” 8 i906, Funtny) Zac Gailigan he community 6 o¥en- rum byye inate lintte creature's evil fe inv tits Joe Dunne comic driller. “PG? (L.A ¥) (146) (ENC). Tue 50:20 Praiameray FTISIA2. Wis. 7 “Geemiins 2 w Butch” #2% <Frighe Night” # # C95. Homor) Chris 1990, Toray)a "ZachGlligas Ac tse dom, A ogem-ager eniists the aid! of an snoders high-e iv the backdrop for dis “A Finis itv the Bachrab’” a (1999, aging torsr-fltm fost n> combat his next satespelsboat honds of devide ~s ne Comedty) jerry Seller Aiter ceary 4 years door at be,gremlins. “POLY “The G St ‘cadena ofer he cat = SHO Sat. 30 am, 7m, AIO 200) AMC) Fe BOOS aan “Full Diselionure”™ % (2001, Action) Vir‘edieral “Greystoke: The Lege of Tarzan, Lont the Advent ~ 1078354. Wed £0 Hoffman received an Academy Award for his as an savant who 1s reunited with his brother im the Oscar-winning “Rain .” aiting Saturday on NBC. ‘April 5 - April 12, 2002 Page 07 |