Show t LOCAL NE VS 1 I cover lor lose my toy temper alet 1 she screamed la in an fit it e 1 l of not he replied to ber her you c cant wt there to is too co of it boston courier Conri tr E of manti WM was la in town u 0 jl if taylor bf gone to provo tor for a short time attorney wart Warf made ft a trip to sal task tal J U brasher ot of huntington come over to price tuesday Tae aday loola louis lowenstein Lowene tein bai has returned from a businow wit to bait salt lako like N X C spaulding the sheep man from jaysen waa was in town this week D T evana of ban has gono gone to Cool ledale for a abort short vacation coal 1 raino mine inspector tern lloyd hia lill been in price a couple of daya days tale wot ak K B T durant and C IV of silt lako lake were in price early part of the apok W M osyman of W 1110 locks la is in 0 price will a it of indian freighters several car cats of wool hata been arom this moat 0 it ho gone via the santa fe route john johnb L willson AVIl laon I 1 Is making a trip through tle the abbitt 1 and DuC wintry for a few low specks J P the tra travelling velling roan re rt many housa Is doing emery ewery county with lis ample sample trunks the docket arr thi this term of the district court will saade up by aal the advocate will publish it next week sheep Ph oaring 1 a OM at the th cor raisin P V Jurci lon gamt friday pad 1 an 1 n avarone of 2 2 00 are carh each dr A wa wits 1 1 ly cleric donaldson Donalde oo monday to robert lociy ml IS 18 and rose hammond raed 19 18 uth of helper tho the miner it the caballe peak anine for bt V leslene were ordered off I 1 he property last week by th military autho ritte the ecurry stake ake conference at nt next and ann day it Is ext that will ii loa OR very I 1 lugs it ge attendance tom balph of Crat legate pined through price sunday with lila ills family they fisit with bla relatives rela tiree at cleveland for a few dari wool boyera boyers are not dinits ro thick in arice tho thereat rait work or ro fo amt nt a R tet few ra dropping in town own trw have yet been report Ml nit lugt of the wool owner owners holding ont out for high er prices sheep Aheart hearing nR still gore goes merrily on and there Is now a great of wool piled up in tho the warehouse warel ionee and at id abent ibe file pla funn fam abent pounds have been from vcr ver is iiii athley ashley and still more la is comfor A wit ite I 1 the renial re ot and agu a cirtin pany pony oden wa was price law 4 A 4 th tale is week alt alf cimias br bils asard same everywhere and tel tells the tl rac anecdote with avidity Q al 1 utah timime to hovd aa 1 l ibs biret loe lor intal lumber in utah lie dl aidria at a brocht here ly fluent Fl dent brigham yog and be h bad fat to nn an kelefant fAnt was done a bognet BT 1847 A MW dr ine the ar HT ol 01 the tb flodter ploD ter Cbs chuu rIle allred ato ba has been in call feral tor for some lime time ban halt returned home mr ur allred hap een onder under by as eminent ern larnt canor cancer pel allU in sa san sa pich ra and cancers on lil lis I 1 ip Is end gal tre atrAl with apparent BOO one 6 www bo lo bia hu received A permanent pernu c A 0 wool the hotel keeper WM was la in price neck IL B callwell Cal Jwell of molea came la in from bingham till this week and lt left for home T U of suit salt luke like wie was down to price oa on bu rucj ciol it E I 1 johnson of huntington came to P price ce h late a to a lut last week anil and wint tut to balt lake anfor bryan of county WM was la in price after tle the beep sheep lards barlog be lie week sherll sheriff tattle tuttle Is wild to bo be much lin fin proved though not yet entirely recovered from his wary 10 V L 1 ri 1 rr bisi hihi aln 1 li clitu W liaf 11 mr Leff leurs by tom all man 13 F lole lale superintendent of the Orang orangeville eville coop calne 11 price in anu week and went to salt lake city on bu boil niu thomas U brought down frow yesterday ynte rilay the trinkins trin sins 1 c of an in fit fant fact a for or interment tennent iu at provo city cemetery Enquirer cox aroa of Cast legate were veto in attend once at the K P liall 11 inet last saturday night light A large attended the ball and it wa wits a grand acciac lion john IS 11 booth of he the state hoard board cf of atlon is U back irwi au an inspect iou ot of the books of carbon sul nj lincey counties e prove Corre correspond spon dence tribune Trib ua mrs alabel mabel moore ot of orangeville Orang eville end and daughter of sheriff tuttle vrho VIM re bently shot by me if Is visit ing her anut nut mr mrs urie urte la in this city for 4 few norald nt the Alro Airo cato Is 1 virg a crest many upon its la ellea did local E mety and carben county news gathering ga therlo we appreciate the people peoples want wants ami and hope thy will in torn turn continue to ill pre predate clate out iffy tf lorts rt 0 ilfrey it i id will not accept the position cl cf jadian to which ho lie WM was detailed td seine bottle other army officer will likely the ap VoIn truent when the new of indian affairs effii ire ha has entered upon lie his duties which will i bo be la in a very abort aline judge jacob johnson and suit w wife lie left dinst ww ark k for a trip California to the judge has well uell tamed a vacation having given most attentive application to busi ness for reveral years rt and no more pleasant plena ent r lace culta havo beta d thun the land laud of the gallu lo 10 to thoroughly enjoy A it vit and vacation mt alt pleasant pyramid U C woodham ml J 1 I ahvan vant and ersak bennett of dutte city montana 1 n 1 J E Hs aasne ue of kitma kansas cily city artro in this fiti ingup a in outfit tho the gentlemen are intellino inteLli nj go down dowa to and am ex f ing to put in in the lenry monn woun alM labas which they amm to think a golab go coun country for or prospectors prospect om booth and tho tb two gentlemen vine the iiii ut u fhe stale state bout dot of tome to price last aay and tott with county bom in lidda md d and ani as eor Tl Jwell they acted iome business and garp ions acor tidwell wea was to levy at Ments on ike the codex A tow a ter te As a whole vibo leoc or to ach each cl adir in inal at ati celtib atcy dated prior to the first ailjay in J i arch are void vold and will not be 4 A story i is told of on one oc of tu the cc anty nty teacher teachers ahn wl en haord nat oats of atit loua d or it A 4 chill leine bocca beci ause ber her mal her was ick the next day the child presented br her bolt self at chool school with hr her huger finger in her 51 noil little hood the tri fl abil faid said illich Illic eta 6 cot got A bittle little baby la our bona amt aej 0 tl you it is not entering catching the weiler tf Li lAni hing slightly os f li she tie W was cli glita and nil tol q tile na arl her seat idaess MA lanche I 1 kew now eo which are re expected alboma 4 omo nis nt sit the next terns afif tho ho di icv t oart or ilay may 17 hivo haves ura filed wl I 1 h 14 klerk ui av va C A tl Q k J JM whitmore h lt w 0 re r s C j r b e u price pric V v sen sea and J D benith m gai owe drinkut et kl a tb tha two firs are luite suite for claim claims re antel by th commbs loners for be the rec s attempted attempt ej ct c joe wallter for adm ave 1 lorf ziff brownw agim in I 1 OVIC let for abi wtissia it 10 Is claimed sh sheriff er donant ia is ou of dereliction of duly |