Show fil loot lj ive til ar ali 11 Ill lu I lacil finals la fil ex sheriff Slier lff toul tow lloyd aal atta ander eon have reigned from rain their quiet bunt hunt anthe n the san jafnel afar r an absence of eleven Icren days daye 1 ley iley tr all through the country an I 1 looked it over from the cedar mountains to the dirty deril devil river bat but claim to hava even seen no tio men ara the description of the legato hold ups they encountered number of rough character characters whom ibey they members 0 of the robbers root boost ganir but these parties alfaye in numbers of four ant an I 1 more host of the rang is now rid slid to be bo camped in the gorec thoe lena benl and n canyons nn an 1 at the flino rf lloyd a e vilt visit there was wait no tuen men at t the he boost thero is now no one out after tho the bandits and the chase has apparently liblen ixon abandoned the P V coal coat company tinder date of april 80 corn com ith th the gerit gentini lem it 11 who proposed to onet the bandits it if riven given th bo 0 r eno odra ei nent aal from the of their letter it is certain thattie that tho company will do no morn more thau than assist the sat 1 state in destroying the gang by barin bearing a ant j net hare share cf the the only alternative left Is for the state and counties to take matter la in biad before some e Is committed A terrible accident occurred ice acred on tues day afternoon at NN hitch eads woolen mill mills at springville Spring rille ville A youth nned mcdonald Sc DonaM alo with his mother and fabj family ally bad had only a mouth ago come from rain the houtum states elate and located at si ring annville nn ville wa wax engaged in cleaning the machinery it was in motion and accidentally hia hie arm was caught and I 1 clean olt off up to the socket of the shoulder eho dr sip wai ii attendance upon him blin all night an all I 1 this morning it ade whether the unfortunate young man would survive 1 or not arrovo enquirer mr mrs jane who cat cut her throat last morning in the second ward ILIA city died at tho the state insane asylum this morning ner last 11 moments were perfectly lucid and eho she gave dl III as to how her funeral WB was to be cond iclef ju Joti ct booth held an inquest ae to the law i where an inma of the die dies and ft it was decad 4 that ulie she of tl w from train a wound inflicted I 1 y lr br own LAW before coming to the asylum 1 provo enquirer |