Show improvement vb ibm they aea TW daltit at of bluit ll uit oud abat but a abill ii nor in village nt Cicic ty caa ran mn eilf pull ra pp ap 1 ahm they ectal A fer year years a rutht gf man many be 11 lages and mid ton onus us on an long inland island As ak ened to tho the fact that they were not male mak leg ing ho the bast best oso use of their opportunities improvement sprang into life mid their work in i now apparent app appi rent lu in nearly ne aly every to town on the islaub ae an an illustration ill abe town of is eo lecter at random the village improvement so lety of Sa wo was formed in 1893 1803 its it first woric work of imort fin art in em a hio the project for building a wide roadway nud and landing along alio elboro front much hue has alvn dono done alo also toward tho the of the streets aud aldo walks during tho the past four years among tho the principal mado ou on tho the was the of main street post east and weft west and in putting in new sewer pipes which keep tho the roadway clear of batet doring during ilie ilia heaviest kaiue Ilin bicycle path ie is looked upon by all tho the aith lis as one ono of tho left steps the F ro clety liis yet taken and tho the thousand thousands of wheelmen who use tho the math mouth eido side of long island find that Sa Say villo liae has not forgotten them nan here on long mug I 1 Is land laud will there bo be found booter kept roads or morio neat aud and clean yards than at Sa Say villo |