Show raus layou rth 1 earr foertter locea lO cEh 1000 dipina cure headache adache lec aipia tubules mn cur 3 torpid liver IT PLEASES eastern utah advocate its readers like it its advertisers like it it pleases one it pays the other and E everybody very body s happy i it has a circulation of in castle valley and nd will ill write it in the contract its advertising bisin 9 rates ere made to fit these hard times YOUR advertisement inserted in a first class weekly newspaper is the most effective way of reaching a given section THE HE HOW AND FARM horticulture and up to date daie fia farming r m methods will be discussed by prominent local and foreign writers of known ability the weekly news of the valley will be as complete as is possible to make it it we have reduced the subscription rates to IGO per year EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE price A D AT Out ledale utah wll practice in all courts of the state s K KING LAW I 1 ell elt rooms 1 2 J 4 sv Q ney Ss martin being I 1 TV CITY UTAH CEO M MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAWA IANO ACT HUNTING TOrl UTAH lo 10 connection with TC T C BAILEY DAILEY Is 10 HALT SALT LAKE MAU land builder of 11 all II kind kinds promptly atten d pil 1 to 10 at t ift rit toll courvier ordence solle iVd our on own error if any ny corrve ted free aisted and informal on given sy cd T LU LaUia rUe the most we wonderful 1 I Ise etI discovers dicov disco crr verv of the we age pica ant kod and refreshing hinz to bui ax act lcuy and on kido ki duclaI cj liver aul bowels the entire system dispel co do d cure Iwa dische fever habitual consultation and bIll oustis buy ami and try d a box of Q Q Q today to day 10 A 50 LTD com M ill and to cure by au druIs ts wanted Wante iMn an idea who can auak lynnr ami turf may arm JOHN ft CuP tnt auar fy W ida I 1 C I 1 for ocer celli qz il lt 11 lo 10 dmd hi dotts W 60 a an me ahm rh IA I 1 p I 1 f fro briber an 1 6 uklet eief f la W we M WL W w atoa om pa pl uk o 0 X aliu U ww l U la tb scientific AMERICAN ba taa itally t 1110 rated lam 1 t loa of X r III I 1 na I 1 ire ion A MUNN CO broadway UraJ wr now tork SENT FRED to any in a bunino matters or who lovee love anit anithias aias we atvill scald free fro upon recopy af the tha alliance the organ of thu this society IQ in addition to its intensely lute use ly int eres ting rc IdIng it contains cont alne u list of he the valuable anjul oil unusual given by the paper A I 1 II 11 I 1 rots called tharl kew saw york cleveland bicycles THE KEEN BUYER AL always compares uio the price of an article till lie its hocket value its a bo be under lands stands it t but it la Is not alwan I 1 g cas to dAc determine the value of a BICYCLE 0 aa as beree nth bo he gaudily finis tied exler exterior lor of a tua chloo luo there lurke lurks and inferior 1 our 17 97 catalog tell tells lion how to emest or 75 in a bicycle anti gt get the VALUE of YOUR manhy write for it a postal card will do ai u UP 0 ZI z a 4 fau 1 ac for our I 1 still ibe the bicycle 13 JAI designee in color bif opper of Ill buik 1 mintron tats tb t rafer paper dinc din C clude Q LIVE bessa us 11 iliou Ii iou au louil on the i flyers tile train that runs on time lv ly denver 0 SU 50 pm jim lv lr denver VW pm pim Ar r lincoln 05 pin st J oloph e ar omaha 4 00 put ar kan city 8 00 pm ar a U 20 sell ar st mula 7 19 am Tl cli and ahne tallest at all luo rio gradd bertem ticket u IV r LALAN gentral agent II 11 I 1 tim pass 1 Fic ight aal I 1 11 I 1 walker block salt lake utah lion flon wm j mm BRYANS book ALL who are interested in in furthering the sa sale IC of ION I IN J BRYANS new book should correspond immediately with the p publishers publishers the work will contain an account of his campaign tour I his ilis lis biography written by his wife I his most important speeches the result of the campaign of 1896 A review of the political situation mr bryan has announced his intention of devoting one half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism there are already indications of an enormous sale address IV B CONKEY CO publishers asir dearborn A st N a aw I 1 PAN sa TAR A are intended for children ladies and all who prefer a medic medicine disguised as confectionery they may now be had put up in tin boxes seventy two in a box price twenty five cents or five boxes for one dollar any druggist will get them if you insist and they may always be obtained by remitting the price to y The h e 1 0 ians chemical chemic company pl N 0 0 faa SPRUCE iffa |