Show GET UP AND HUSTLE tir the only wey vay to hale wake the town grow is I 1 to go to M ork rk an exchange b baa an tho the following ro to garding the running of a town which las a ring says tho the grundy center la herald it will Ityl 1 vior or sellout sell out and leure it lieu who are always trying to get out of bu business will never do much for any town ono of two bluet must badone bo done ann tho thing for all it il is worth get op up team steam aud and keep it or quit lido slide oat out nuj and let nature take ite its courso course if you want anid to como coma to your tow toa n u enco encourage those who do come if you want a proe pros porous town where people can como conic who are di disposed to homes 1 then do away with wi th and bury frontu eight all jealousy and spite an 1 wort moru for corn com men prospLr prosperity ity and mutual benefit 11 N ft ako up rub your eyes roll up your alectra cocca an I 1 po iro lo 10 work do network not m ork with fear and but tako take fur granted abit blood will tell leaven lacavo ro sulta anita to themselves lorrow no troubles lee but all unite to make it tho the biggest kind of a town own go to world ork V |