Show J E dolth MOAD and ji jc lin hn J thomas members of the state hoard board of Equall za lion were here and met with the county commisa boneys and the county attorney L II 11 didy has rt turned from a visit to and salt like lake urice attired froni front denver fratt fruit will ba la in abundance and aery arery an one a ij Is pleased with the busboom prospect air vence vance will open an ita ice fee cream marjor in the M M ilelle relley block this week mr afro maxwell our millner illner tn ha has jaet just received an elegant new lino line of la IA ties hits h its glovis rib boult etc work will begin 1 on an the school lonu on may TO 10 the bullying 1111 a when corn com plated will cot met yawn and will be con eon strutted ted on modern lines it will be a credit to our town and ani it its people dud duj gilhou N ie Is ill in grand junction and will frettim olion with a large stock of general merchandise abe of a commissioner by the governor to look after the eapen deture of the giren given to ahli county by the amt legislature for the purpose of bull bullying ling roade roads and suit ferries will be made in a it few day days we will hare have something a tom ething to 10 MAY in regard to this matter la its the near future the countr comnillo doners ner have leased willson Vl llon a opera house and district court will bold hold its tensions there in tho the future or rather until the county erects a suits ble hie building buil dini copper I 1 Is in demand prospector prospectors in to great number numbers arc are corn com ing fag la fa from colorado and the east |