Show VANT WANT A CLEAN CITY M omeo onsen 11 4 together to promote ift alth d 1 1 theao u crof of cleveland havo decided to forni form a to help tho mayor ilo to bis duty the nucleus of this association aa was formed at ft a recent meeting of the Cl Cle riland claud barolis ibon ba rosis wis the licit step aca to discuss the advisability of forming a society to be known aj as the pro association this plau plan met with approval opp app the new society will be modeled after tle the laam health protective cl ef cw york city theford the ward ladies NY bo be omitted from the title however parlor bare bau held ai at which the subject of clean u b net mets bar been dis cliss ed it liu bw been decided that politics shall bo be do barred iu in the new organization iti ivi ob ol 01 jcck will be to help the city government no matter what its complex IOIA pay be ba it is lico atile anat men may be bc admitted as u honorary members of the association AR |