Show TWO progressive TOWNS thy are called it the 31 licit L modern cutel cities la in the tb 1111 orail rid tho the most modern cities fi in tho world a re G great re at p fulls a U MOIL aul rud L a a runs wash they are entitled to the distinction ix cause within their I 1 nearly thing is done by electricity not only aro fire tho street railways and all the manufacturing operated by the bo carricut curr curri cut bat but the bousch aro am lighted and tho the cooking dona done with the game agent Lleva LIc rowing ma abines dumb clumb waiter waiters church bawo lenters burglar alarms chafing diac water heaters hair curlers curler fl tad a dirou irons washing wa abing laa ina ch chines ines printing pres presses seq tho the telegraph the telephone and in fact eiery piece pf if that require requires external force to propel it if is dependent on cloo triciti for power all this ibis locci much as th birli ilia spirit ot of modem program had arli taken up her kibode in n spokane cano and ireat fall falls but aia br Is net strictly the cu the modem grea toom of elf the two cit chtiej its baa has in a measure been wit thrust upon them they could not employ any orbet motile power if it they hauled to are to situs that all other aro are goal coal for in hii i adly to to le obtained ot at any price the water of falla falls nod and of great fall falls have been pres d into bervice and raade made tp operate nr Vinen ahiel ell in turn ii N hap geu tra t tim ayrom the clent electricity li Is obtained to mn run every piece of melbar acm aud light every lamp in tho ti 0 o cities toronto mall |