Show SCOFIELD the ice business cornea comes in L aa the coal OW business giec out the mine here are calf only working debont two day days a week our postmaster L Is very indignant undo uncle sam barn and says be he wont work for him any longer lie dont like postoffice poet post office business anyhow two apall cation i for or the appointment sit q pott post maatta at Ekof feld ld have hate already been sent in one ono ie Is aade lr br superintendent martin of the uj U P store and the oher i Is by J E ingle ingles tb the appointment of either of these gentlemen will take the postoffice poet post office down into the town of 8 field bold and will consequently make it very inconvenient for or be people of winter quarter quarters anlyan anleo an office wigs il is aleo also ea es isu there as thona certainly lie 1 o 0 cons our ar aitner aurer 0 band baud under the of john hood it improving nicely and they contemplate being in at t candance tan dance atice a the pioneer jubilee at salt aa lake city in july Ur eakman win wm palmer ii is BOW mow at work again alo amba win bas bad malaria tick sick spells this winter with bumps rheum atia atin ji 11 and other complaints too numer ow our to mention mend on jensen th 9 tailor hai has quit and li to now doing basim es fa il eureka where hu his fait family will jola join him 1 in A few daya the new justice of the acito at winter qc quarter arters has bad had but one caa lie before fors him 1 since the first of the yew in that cose cue A young rent ana 1 yoong young lady were wore ateon at eod 4 joal OUT together the th maia aldor al dor dr 1 I their live it I 1 tr ir 1 IM 16 |