Show robert long and rose hammond Ua romond both of helper wro carded by justice J tom fitch monday eren even ins ng after lie the ceremony wae over alte happy comple vent went to the ahonso of tho bridegroom north of hep r where they will reside their many friends extend congratulations the entertainment which waa was to hare have been civen given by the union sunday school next sunday has been postponed one week the program will bo be prepared by next reck week there Is aa great need of a few more welling dwelling houses la iii helper A number 0 of employee employs v move their fj Amill milice cs bore here if they could get houses it cofini strange range that nine one don does not build a few more a there la Is plenty of idle ground fruit arwe aro are in bloom on the ranched ranches north of helper and all nature along the canyon ie Is donning its spring attire several sma amu 1 11 ranches have been taken up between here and Cast legate and the occue ants are apparently clearing wry every available aral labi spot upon which to plant garden truck it la ia evident evidently their intention to knock out ibo the peddlers by it gop plying applying jurame it vegetable vegetables C P johnson and family have returned from salt batt lake city they athey bare have been visiting a few weeks ike iko 01 cers del delivery ivary team became frightened at ome some home wrote being driven through town monday and find ran away no one wa was in the wagon and the horses kept going until they ran in to the ama and willow willows jut just above spring glen lien no artoni adous damage WM was dene |