Show 14 A th the iad imal d ili by how bill shall we know it is 1 the last good bye the skies kir will not be b darkened la in that hour no sudden blight will fall on leat leaf and flower no single angl bird w will III built its it careless cry and you will hold bold my hands and smile all or agh sigh juit just as a before perchance the sudden tears in your dear eye tyes will answer to ny my fears can dut but there will come no 1 of prophecy no voice to whisper whimper how now and not again space for laet last word words lait last me kisses gel I 1 and laft rayer for all the tb wild unmotivated pain of thew the who parting clap deep band hands with despair who knowe known we eay say but doubt and fear lear remain would ny cloos to put part thus unaware louis chandler SI oulton A ta alfr A personal letter re c il ir el d in bt SL bouli fron from private fra frank k a stewart a marine who participated la in the relief of ana and the taking of pekin give gives a realistic atle picture ol 01 those clr ring day days lay says the st louie 0 u 1 0 glaba globe democrat stewart wa was t t lione at t cavite when the trouble in china be gan and was one of thirty men elect select ed to go to china ai as guard to the american consul they mad made the journey on the gunboat nashville under the e cn comand mand ct cf sward S 2 ward rard they ar ived rived at tu taku on the lan of june and found many evidences of the trouble which bad had alread begun flag flags were at half hall mait mast and a german man of 0 war was Is badly ila damaged maged as a result of at several well directed shells A land ng could not be made at first nu s craul cu aul of rough ater water ma 1 alter arter two day days delay they were joined by additional troops under major waller wh who 1 I described as an a fine officer A landing wai was effected on the and a train was immediately taken for the entert interior or after a hort short ride fide they 1 en eu countered russian troop troops wro were also bo on their way to balega bale gd thus there waa was the spectacle of Rus nus slana and t J merican merl merte can arts ide side by side ade on a common all A they advance advanced became more and more difficult for a time they were within two of when they were fired ared on from ambush the encounter came very near bet belag ag fatal to the americans the attack attak on them was from a force eo so lare large aj as to be 10 formidable arx rd d to make matters natters worse their machine gun got out of order and nothing was left but retreat the russians hd bd kept the rear open eo so that the return was managed without much di difficulty they were constantly dad on however and au a loss ct of three dad and four wounded the russians were heavier sufferers BUHer ers their casualties being ele eleven fen killed and nine wounded they retreated fifteen miles liles carrying their dead and wounded citra them AN hen they their went into amp that night they were ere enforced re by the arrival of english Engl lih german and additional al russian troops these allied forces elect side by bide side tt at night and the next morning began the adrance advance again there was a light encounter with boxers early in the day which resulted rea in the latter being bein put pu to flight the rest of that day waa was spent in killing cattle to insure food in case of emergency the next nett day june 23 they again oar ed this time not to turn back the various troops were approaching elde side by side ide russians on the right and the germans american americans and en rn glish elsh next in order A ter tearte terr te rifle sand storm set in to and belligerent chinese became more and more prevalent but nothing stopped the march occasion aliv a mn ml but on the whole the advance wa WAS made with little the english led thet th way into the be selred town with the americans tol lot lowing the th people were wild with joy death had co confronted fronted them before but these mingled troop troops brought with them the assurance of at life all the soldiers rented that night and in the irani aang set out to the relief of at pey sing T bich Is nine nilea ratios from they were nearly there before they were attacked by the boxers the latter began throwing sh ils among the americans but d not do much damage darn flEe the conditions at pey sine sing were terrible the people were lavini on mn mu a e flesh and had bad among a their number 35 a ck and wounded all these thesel ha aaA to be carried back to tien tsin but the tuk task was completed with put mishap the combined combine 4 troupe were 2 2000 strong and the chloese fores were not strong enough to cappio opp them on the lat tat of july all the chi neww re driven within the 1 city of their stronghold vs ws w s known as the tk veat N at arsenal aad and on july 7 the troops fought eight hours in taking thia this stronghold besides the troops that hare hire been enumerated the japanese t oops edtl el tl in n this at st tack they are described aa as splendid bold lers and staunch of the americans on july 1 12 0 au out outpost po st wan w established ou outside tattle of ith in twenty tour four hours the outpost ak ig a attacked by large number numbers of cne and a hard bard battle followed there were engaged here al 84 the allied forces and the battle listed thirty all six hour hours it was here that col cal liscum vae was it it 11 cd and other wounded one bell alone falling into the madat of N abe troop troops composing the at I 1 d seven men and wounded ten T th b Cla chinese inese then be bean tows fekin though seven times on the vay ay they topped stopped and made desperate dw efforts to check the advance on the tor for bidden city the american americans lost inen men constantly till the hit list of reacted rat re than on the th ol 01 august they went up on tho great reat wall led and from there brgan began the alegs lc ot the then under the command of oen gem chaffee her capt relley 11 mil and many of the soldiers old ler were killed but on au gust bat 28 23 they their marched through trough the tai of pekin acknowledged vir tors all their hardships were not at an art end however ai as th tb march back to the wa sea after their work wai was done wai was among their hardest experiences ile II 11 1 I IPP 1 the th 11 holly when george dewey now admiral of the AmerI american cali navy wa was an instructor at the annapolis Anai poll naval academy the rule were very strict against denting fighting aad bazink hazing but both tern werm indulged in considerably just the same relates a washington or respondent there wa was a ble til tt who led ica all the hazing parties but be he wai was sharp enough to direct the movement of the haders instead of being an actual prominent r anent ringleader and generally ma managed aged to escape punishment for bis his misdeeds mie deeds eds lie ile wai was in addition something of a bully and bad most of at the other boy boys aall ell cowed I 1 finalle on one alt rn n thia bailly illy al itt crafted t to haze the tho wrong broo ma ala utter latter a young fellow from the west lit into him blut and after a tremendous battle licked him blin and licked him well in doing so 0 o however the victor victor r retired received a badly battered face and 2113 wai wa t la in great fear leet lest dewey and it the he other cers would find it out pretend you are pick ick suggested one of the boyi boys yourself into your hammock and when dewey comes around to make hie his inspection corer cover your face lace and appear ai as it asleep so the youth did bea dewey came time around he asked what a the matter mr 1 ick sick air lr replied the younger i fighter ata iata I lt bee iee dvir face demanded dewey tremblingly the cadet 1 bowed hia his battered countenance over side of at the hammock 1 aha I 1 thought so laid said dewey dewar tery harshly now sir tell me whom i you were fighting mr tl the seared cadet oh exclaimed td dewey with a 9 strange range softening of bis his voice I 1 did you lick him 1 I I 1 think 1 did air did you lick him boodt 1 I think so sir ob oh all right said the future admiral and be he passed on with his lis inspection spec tion the cadet was never brought up to answer the charge of fighting and the academy bully was wa a changed person from that day on th att serl VL small orchestral orchestras make good ajoy able a ble music but the great symphony orchestras c ch of 0 benty men or mo a are away beyond and the th real perfection c orchestral in music us it this same difference derence di Is found alike in will tary bands the president preside n t and the a other ther officials are going to spare the reorganized united states marine band ot of seventy four men from the A bite hits house to go out among the people ot of a few fe musical cities not only to enow show what a great band Is but to satisfy them that the large largi increase in the coat cost at 0 the national band Is fully justl frd d by the results congress passed a special act in march 1899 which treat great ly increased the it and pay 01 0 the band and made tu leader william 11 a first ifer lieutenant tenant the highest honor ever conferred on a musician with the single vAc reception eption ot of dan godfrey of england all of at the friends of that bill and allot all f the friends of the band claim that it la is now the greatest band in the world indianapolis nei r promotion ti I 1 la the iy ay promotions in the navy have been beera made hitherto by bir advance advancing 1 1 9 the of bleers to be io nored toy by certain t ain number numbers on the navy list the method works injustice to ofil officers cers who are jumped bf b depressing them relative rela tire ly alyin in tte ast through no fault of otther ther a own a AS was illustrated in the case of f captain clark of at the oregon who wo was As worse off after the war ar with spain anaa h rhen ahen it began because of 0 the tile of the captains captain 3 of the pa it eifle squadron eau adron to prevent pret injustice of this eort sort the senate added an amendment m ent to the aval 1 appropriation bill under which officers who are advanced for special services will be carried as additional to the numbers of the 1 trade ma to which they may be promoted 1 anthe auth a companion I 1 f H har found A joint com of the rhode Is ian land d soc society 1 ety 0 of f the cincinnati 1 an and d of at the georgia historical Hit society recently discovered the remains of 0 geo gen nathaniel greene of the revolution they were in the th vault of getheral i jones tn in the camet dy ba sa vannah ga no a interment had been fiade in the vaut n one bull dred years T toe ne name plate of general green greene a coffin rusted fragments ef c hi his 1 iwori a number of colonial army arm I 1 buttons and the generans cener gener ars skull vere v er e recovered the identification a perfect wind 83 olan Z one of new borks ork mast e dealer dealers in irk footgear foot geir gar has the word boot maker on his window in large letters in approved dritley style in england only the low cut article Is 12 callei a shoe me ordinary laced button buttoned bul tonel td or gaiter varieties being known as boot boots hence the gotham a tin fin dow do sign god a 2 blessings come back to us in Q the bs bit heta la in which afi sead fiend our iff gins to others 4 |