Show TRAVELING MENDER NEAR NW NAPLES 41 r 2 I 1 71 0 A 7 N rot pots and pats in any chantry ofed to be mended at ome some time uwe as a they will rear wear out no matter how bow careful iti the housewife li Is and so 0 o they give work to the traveling here we ciare a picture of auch such a work workman iian in southern italy lie ile takes hie his whole bop shop as be gw from ore oc fishing tillage village to another he ile ket gets in the shadow of come some large boat sets et up lab bellows and then boea to work the tha news B that he has bt arrived soon spread through the th small town towns and nd th the housewives ho newTe are not 1 long jong in taking to bin hin their tin ani suil copper way to be aarl he sometimes oue time baa has for G r geelt eek in it aa an he Is atry T alow slow ma 4 with great reat care cam the wo k mud tx be done veil di tor for the bo it will lift until he be return the man a li Is always Interest inic r to the children and to the women of we till cliwe ae as he to I 1 tho gass p who i alk t carries the new news from via to to place and nl he ie Is alwy always liked anil and treated well when he tomes in this picture he Is shown working on the island ot of capri near hapl s |