Show lo 10 brayere 4 xe kw disease die A capuchin monk in detroit haa has incurred a serious disease of the knee from continued kneeling at prayer the ease Is I 1 IQ in aggravated one and it la to feared it will be b necessary nece eury to am jam lutat the itt the sufferer auf ferer la to father paschal an inmate of th capuchin monastery on mount elliot avenue in america at lut least thi this peculiar disease of C occupation la in almost unknown few people mple know ot of the disease or its it remedies rem edlea rather father paschal baa has pent spent many tours regularly each day during his hi long life upon hll his kneel knees in italy iaia thin of devotion continued lor for le a causes deformity of the know in a a 1 ae j number qt people in the cue ot at tallan women especially the kneel knees ar an often soften ugly this fact la is among italian artists art lata who ho masir employ italian model models in paint tag ins the lover lower limbs la irk painting pic tarea it li Is cui tamary to employ ital IW ln lam lar ointa ai ae model models tor for the face and model models for the lower limb limbs arizona neva papera declare that deer door antelop antelope and mountain abeel till loon soon be exterminated there e unless ahto immediate at st are taken for r their arv atlon |