Show LINE TO LOS one 1111 nil allf of ar nf slogan avde sunday jay upon his hi retarn return from sew ew I 1 ork after a with Irel Preal deat E II 11 slid ail others jthn vice president VI 11 II officially announce announces that the of the abort line alto from UTI to lo 10 angeles will b be built al at wnm and wort 1 boli ime need it will be alabed to an early completion the frecon short line with nomo some ties tie and all if it bad had OB an hoil bond sunday proceeded to lay track from uvada and ad one mile lulls of th the los angeles extension 11 was completed that night so 0 o it to I 1 not loa I 1 when dirt will begin to ny for it I 1 Is already lun dervay the gilds I 1 Is completed for about seventy 1 mile miles below abid although part of this abl grade cadeli Is for a branch to yet at least a ill stance of forty mile miles from brads to cloer clover hey alley junction Is ioa on the niala main 11 he is to lo 10 anele angeles to 0 o it can be een seen that the bhart line can be enabled to lay the track quickly ralli rails and tie ties enough to lay the forty miles 1 cao eta be gathered athe up brou various 1 bolata of the system already several construction gangs ID ir have been sent down and ft a force of men completed the first mile sunday As to the material miter lal for the biff big exten ion mr bancroft aid salis that v hot bat it Is on band will III b be rushed LO the 1118 front and and material will be forth cooling when the prent sit supply run runs out |