Show 11 MARCH MARC 11 81 the march ano snowfall fall bul bulletin lotin fur for 11 I 1 alshel the advocate by the salt lake 21 weather bureau says I 1 the tile enow snow all r march mas a average or ubbe i h a abigo install in all of we elate state with ith tho exception ut of box alder cache and rich count counties coun tle les aher the tho 11 fall waa was somewhat deficient thre there wae was tily no enow snow la to th the 11 albel ll A at the close of the bionti la in nil ill of V the watershed beds heds the dath of the enow allow la Is greater than a arat a go 0 o in 11 eb ers cr wasatch and LIt till I 1 depth exceeds the th t cribs but in oth N er of lill tin I 1 0 rat 13 salt it I 1 aw KO watershed the lerl bertli if ranga ranges tx 1 lof low average to average Inthe in the moun A tallas of juab and millan millard counties the tile snow is lew than while hit the ap mountains of sancto find nd pluto et un ties contain much o 0 more thon thlin usual the depth of the mow in tho colorado P k 1 and green alren ge fien ral 1 ly the aberago the enow snow ie Is el f fairia well drifted and kell all packed the ground Is well soaked and is lib 1115 eral supply fater ie Is asbur ed in all sect sections lons except tanele juab and mil MII 14 lard counties chero the cupi ly prom 11 lees to be rather short |