Show ltv THE TOWN an COUNTY lumber ie is on ita gratl all for the frame work ork of the new buc log ing the brick hoie hats et to be burned tho the 3 month months ear old child ot of mr and mra mrs DUL cullmer of glen died friday of pneumonia I and was wa buried here batur saturday bat day work Is I 1 I 1 brogi holtig nicel oil the new brick building oc emery count mercantile company the workmen en are now placing the iron of tho the second floor 0 ie Is nursing it broken left arm the result of a fractious harwi falling on him lie was tak n to a suit salt luko cit hospital lioe for r lew da N e but bai has returned to helper an oil haa been hen nil till week meek and ie Is looking into the condition t through tough castern utah lie thinks ne tte n e most favorable fur for 1 lum um ho ito hns has gone from front horo here towards wl haa has roc elved a new lindof line of milliner hate buts ant the ilk like annl nn hn warn m I antty r tty things thing i to hon flow the tria i atoo vt t pao tut to buta merv merdear rear thero there are arlous pattern patterns and at to suit the pocketbooks pocket booke of all there were to twenty thou and confert nee visitors in salt lake city laet who sit urn 0 estimated to hane ha spent no hundred thousand dol lara lars there price and tile other tow tov ne ns in carbon county and eastern utah were well viell represented C P johnson has been here sm several eral day days from green ho BB 8 there have been an ot tit ex perta ports down there looking lifter after oil land landa but the most of then bo tar far have been of tho salt lake city jaw law boue bone promoting brand and are not calculated to do any country much good troops I 1 a and iid K of tho tile N M I 1 nth cagni cavalry ry which hae been stationed at fort rort duchesne left here tuesday morning under command of major hughes for san francisco to embark for the PhIlIpp philippines liles another company compan of tho the fifth ie Is expected hero here before r greal great while to reinforce tho the one corn puny pany now at tho the fort rev allison an I 1 wito of the methodist mission i e in castle gate sun day where L t organized a sunday school with a membership of about thirty kev allison ie is well mell pleased 11 with the I 1 bogress he ie ia making at castle gate and expect expects to soon have a sunday school with a membership of fifty or more 1 mt pleasants pyramid of last week meek bays says dr A inters ie Is home from his visit to emer a county he ile sas that section is very dry and that stockmen and sheep men arc fearful that their herd herds will not fare well this spring there la Is no enow snow or grass in ahn val le ley s and so m much eichof ot the former on th the hills that the feed them cannot be util izod for some time to come coine the like lindsay dramatic company josce a three nights engagement at town hall Saturday and left Sunday for helper where they placed two nights and from the there reent went to castle gate and tor for the rest of the week when the company will disband forthe tor the season the lindsay company Is a good one and s should h ti the ie ever eier re turn here will play to good housed houses barn sain glaser conducts ducts one ouo of the swell est re orts at scofield any anywhere whore to be found and which lie ho recently aix oix opened up the beet best of cigan wines mines liquors and eastern and anti bait salt edke ut lit bet beers rs keg heg or bottled 11 II ie is castle V N alley friends are asked nuked to call and visit his hia place in the great coal camp Fleg elegantly antl furnished club rooms in connection where one ono in ma a away a pleasant hour or so D M frost and eon son andrew 0 garden city hang were here list friday on their way to white allock agency where mr frost has a IV position as irrigation mr Is if a pleasant gentleman an all old ditl newspaper mac man and the ad advocate 0 acknowledge acknowledges a pleasant call MI Willi elmina behring of gar den city accompanied them thern bhe she goes as cook in the indian school there arrived liero here the first part ot of this week some soule forty persons from west N irginia who an arel looking for West WestiL tro rn homes and ake made up their minds to lerate anund price they want both tod and far farm m property and already one pit pece that of C P johnson of town hall half has changed hand hands at a consideration of taboo there are leveral other deals that wll will likely be made this week |