Show 49 9 41 W OME J ME by mary rily amah sometime when all life a lesson lessons ha hac e cecii ecu learned and eun sun and tars stars have set ct alie thing which our weak cak judgment judgmental hire have tile things ocr which we me grieved with lashes wet ct will flash before us u out of lifes dark night As A stars shine most in deeper tints of bli and we shall see how flow nil all godi gods plans are right and how what hat teem lecin reproof wan was love most true and vie c hall shall see how while ne e frown froin and igli sigh god a plan plans go 0 o on as best for ou und and me how when we called lie ile not olit cry because his wisdom to lie the end cind could sic and even as wise parents disallow too much of sweet to cr craving aing babyhood so god perhaps is r ecoling from us u now life lifes sweetest things because it and if 11 sometime sometimes commingled will ith lifes life wine we find the worm wormwood and repel and shrink be lure sure a wiser land than ours or mine pour pours out tin this portion for our lips to drink and it if some friend we love is 1 ling ing low where hulun kisses cannot reach his face oh do not blame lic lovin loving father so but wear your sorro sorn witt with obedient gracel and you hall shall shortly know that lengthened breath if ir ayt the viall viv ll gift god sends his friend and that sometimes the tile cable table pall of death Conc conceals VAIS he the fairest boon his love bove can send if we could push ajar the gate gates of life and stand within and all gods working see we I 1 could interpret all this doubt and strife and for each mccry could find a key leyl I 1 but not today to day then be content poor heart 1 god riar like lilies pure and white unfold we must not tear the close shut leaves apart amt will reveal the tile calyxes of gold and band if through patient toil wc cach the tile land i where tired feet with sandals loosed may rest when we wc shall clearly bee ee and understand I 1 think we shall ay say god knows the best V I 1 |