Show UTE TRIBES IK IN THE BEAR DANCE whir ami ir 11 bah april rp the mie ug dance lanm 11 the thil uintah A and wide iziver utes which abich marks the oming of apri ig Is over and 1114 b ami MJ sire lo 10 have gone to so their lo klupe to re ret ara r fresh them ahe the fatigue of the at ut social event por toom than a month each ilaw aw indian mulden on the b iap aap alvn working early and late kading heading Ka dIug and otherwise ornamenting toe i caal leggi legging ings and antl te ts of hir hr beet man find mob one wae as xii iw in that hr h r particular arave would bo be the most stu rilling in iu on the ground half the tile store of 0 on the a aaion have tan ul to make the ilia that was ara lure ure to tad make her buckdahn ce tb long is artt t and un J look the boet best to I 1 tier ter and all othere about it month ugo ago major myton gao gale lils lil that tho tile daam 1 might goon sifter tile return from suit city anil anti when hw lie did return anti d I 1 butiA d t the lie tio ow mon fy ey among the tile indiala many a dollar ue bl nt for aids 0 ol 01 all colors lind find tva snake john a lileto character Appon appeared red tn in beaded et and leggins with feathered headdress and gorgeous gorg coue moc moccasins cabins and at the tho council gave notice that lu its u few da is tl 0 o big dance of tile ateo would take place 1 rain nr or ehino thine OH ebenezer a medicine man of 1 1 irel aa it a mado master of 1 onal nl I in n and 1 hauled aoa for tha daia flik lol lort balang bolln wire wiro t f r th en ers 11 arena on it te lay the tho hewa the tile ut 0 01 the tile and anti his lit atturo wae was enough t 1110 a tile heart of a F cabore tree ami it 11 if agins beadli down the he little a crip four inches wida moo a inn beaded all oer a ft FL beer blwck dang dangling ting from each ell ear alt it a brass ring two to inches in ter iter and shining like tho midday eun sun in thie title attire lie at netho the dunce and anti set et the pace for the dancers with blis hl I 1 ludlan an that in ito it wn wa ie Is i rry cry all the old wheels from heat heal t I 1 I 1 I 1 0 left 1 uro tire tot rulice of t before the dance and anti theae these are notched and a handle f listened fastened lit fit tho the small end A ixos box made of irah Ii inAr a st f foot t deep and about bree by nine in al etze and anti thie this is turned bottom up and tia a led fast BC sc it can not get got u it 11 the tile fiddle bow I 1 made by kattire from the bono bno between the knee aud bo ho k of a bret beet A few F tones suy say a doz on about a foot in diameter are p avci arouca the flie box as assents beato for the musicians any oneff the indians oan play the ald lie ile and when one Is 1 dancing naother another takee takes hie his place and goes nt at it with his whole soul 1 thrown into tha work the music ie is mado by holding bolding the ilidio in the left hand and placing I 1 ng the outer end on tho the boi box and enking the bone not notch elif bv by holding it in n the right hand rind wid chOn ch ting an lad inn ian song nt at the same time each stroke of the bono bone makes a rip that means a step for t dancer ind they rip it off to march time find it gets farmer famer us as the tile increases the enclosure when here the dau dance c tit take place in 1 rubout a mile from ta NN hito I 1 locks agene in tho bottom land aej I 1 v hen tin dit willow willows aro ann a shelter from the wind of tho tile curious I 1 posto hai ha habben a eben st t closely in a el circle rele and m allows hemeon them ton of five feet except at it two ono one at each side eldorf of the ring tailed by the roaster waster maids anc ant squaws hence towards the musi dans ans and eilent their partners by a touch then it tie ea go 0 o back and form forma a line facing the music und find the bucks advance and atko them about elx six or eight feet a aw ay then the music begins and the lines advance and retreat taking two steps forward and three back one line ad mooing ni as toe the other retreats juts and this beall Is all there 1 into to it until the tile last two to daa dt Is when the music Is 1111 R fore this the dance laats about four min minute ittes tt IN lien hen the music stops the usual go to the side on othe the ring op nite the aud the bucks astor it or or huddle aroutiun a firs ut at the 11 at ll ie ut 41 the of uffe eo so th that at ubea u hen ove of the 11 t to clion b a another indian taked his its place quick iv IN TIM trio last two da dae a the I 1 ig thing is a daisy dalsy end dal the will not vork during I 1 ng this time for loe tole or ilione the tile 14 tac Wint find the tile dancers ofin diw until exhausted from ex emeard errie ard hunger th are carew froni from the errole nud nod glen ghen water unter and faud 1 oud oa 01 tiny old tiling thing i heir their heart beart de air detroe no so loog as it ie Is within the power its or bat zirl sto lo 10 get it the ta who hae has not A buck of her own onn win herself a home if it ance anc loag elong enough to make in al ke some bram weaken ken on the tile in aning of the last day the tho bear or rather the indian who tin a bear and his sirs mrs bear pear come into the tile ring and anti from appo opposite kite dl tit a the line t f dance e each hopping its a bear TOU d 1 on their hind feet keeping IR te to the they the loin join the line and keep dai dancing loing until elb aused when th the e dance dalic eclo cloea and all 11 s izi 13 the big A faaet ast which follow just before the danco contribution contributions ore SIV made bythe by abo traders of meat flour canned goetts eta hod and thew with ahot the indiana contribute are co booket dear near the tiance dance while it Is i io in prine hen dance ie oer the gall clad bucks and squaws ett sit donn down to if aud celebrate and cat eat un til tit their ca abit is exhausted there for ille hie his ablia brother ahn guv Lo thurin n lukco IN ats to ull all on his best belated belo ted t in ia I 1 i and anay on indian tand ads lil lunt last d monr liar II 11 i is to do limor to hi ht lt best girl chohan who forked 1 I 4 v nod t b make lift alf and all blick k we lull or tribe aim ciul the th cynosure cy nour of till i jd many it 11 girl is INI 11 aiom the danoe to tl the irek hip till the bride 0 of f me brur mile 1 lookis iced kid to iler and linforth li ii eho she Is to C curry orry fps lood aad and alli all I be it hie file alac and it it be b to rustle 4 old bite from th the back door of a 6 witto to ilia lie most of uto lier toni ion and mister m ister |