Show HE TOOK HIS OWN LIFE body of mitt milt found in eler per el er alak his throat col ml at that wn was awful of J af M thorn thomass of price wm was rv turned to earth at span lh ish fork esterday et erday flint that being his former fornier I 1 and BOW now he steeps lie be me swe 11 loed anft on who A ito haw have ITO pre ceded him hini to the great un unknown known ills III body with fit hie ids throat out cay two slash go from imin a pocket knife wa vias found in he the arfer almut four ailed below ton lt monda forenoon at it 11 jock lio antl I 1 ail ni eteri oud the fredik evening before ton tot D and hl ranch a wile or oo 00 M mani icv I 1 anti during lutolf ning 1111 there ha ham lwi l 1 wi n it hundred or more men his arlu fr lu beigh neighbors bors antim and uc quain quainton tan and horecza inuring twill log tin the country for miles around art ard dragging the aber in the hope or anding wine mine clue to the aitery ni tery of hia foul pin pla I 1 lad ad bien adhered to ba b anny with gool good t imn while other oth sert equally pos IQ tuck th tint it iw lie lind had become defected 1 into the hills m hem h hi might fi et be found iule allo and anti restored t ills kilt if alio blood on alie batik of tile aher ind and the bloody lockst axx kf t knife told ant too I 1 the tor for of kit wit do st ruction mr thomas and tile hi father mere at cleber cit during the enpek rek on a lawsuit in the court there n honio on the afternoon train of last thurs d ay AT D I based was about town that lat 1 a anti also the follo following ing tit da arlda friday when lie oral acquaint abic in a u busine and anti it social way friday afternoon ho lie went to his ills ranch above here to do dome some butchering butch crinK telling alt wife he would be home in time timo to anke her tier and the children to tile theatre that bening at the ra ranch rich lie it directed I 1 erected the v work a rk he lie wit wanted anted done und and after helping to in butcher n 11 hog started to town on a horse rid ng bareback he lie damn w a wen bythe by the benat menat men nt the ranch to come the hill is i few hundred 3 ards this of le and until hia his 11 was fou found rid that wits the last wen of llin not home that night hie his aither the next morning went out to look forslin for mm the ranch waa as naturally the fret place visited and hero here it was found that hie his horse had come to the ranch w m without a bridle und and showing that tic be had been hard ridden ills trail of the pre previous flous ei evening ening wae was taken up wand rings of the tile man mail on horseback and foot follo followed fol lowid ned during the forenoon tt without results the elder elde thomas thou then cameto came to town and a olun volunteer teer posse of at it fiust ast alft men scoured the hills all Sa saturday afternoon and well mell into the night the different trails were veto taken up and followed fol follow loed ed without much sat ilao tion etwas it was then thence the idea he had been made away with and put in the riter river 0 or r had drowned himself sunday it ane as decided to drag the river where no lie had been traced to the stream up and duan this wag was without results und tand then tt a party from went below and found the body as told above aboe this party aps headed by bishop mcmullen und and II 11 W avery the remains were brought to price an flu I 1 an inquest arld monday afternoon it was before judge cook of spring glen with judge goldna Hol dna harry NN orld rid and J W wart aa as jur ore and attended by county attorney rhodes all the ei evidence of the witnesses went to show that death was the of self inflicted wounds and a verdict was render wl accordingly mr thomas retired aa as usual thurs day night but along about 2 0 flock clock in the tu morning ornIng he comp lafred of being restless and got up ar ord d went tol f ills samp ranch on gordon creek which Is above his slaughtering tt ring place took along tile his rifle and when hen he got there awoke the man wife ho I 1 live I 1 e on oil the pla place and naked asked for or a elicit cf paper he t poke of writing a letter and was aked asked into the huew but this invitation he lie declined saving saing he lie would go out on oil the hill make a tiro fire do hia ills writing bythe by the light ot of it the rifle rille lie took on this trip was as later found in a it dra draw indicating that it ahad been hid by the dema decea deceased aed he ile returned tit arned henie home about P 1 0 clock I 1 rida ri morning torning and referring to the trip cautioned lila tits m wife ife to say nothing g bout it this would nil all indicate that his mind wat nat at that time ucb franceil flan ceil though how wl baw him on I allay vay va thathy that h was mas perfectly rational ro describe hie ills wanderings the night ho lie and the trip of the pre previous morning boull take se several eral col dumns nt space were the writer chomik tent with his ills keovil knowledge edge of the section F f to d in P mn ix be billone theory lo 10 the light of all oc curma the bet aut waa as that of if elf self destra 11 lion n during tho low looser of hit his mind the of deceased leoNie cd will bacon ducted bv 11 hv rum ruin argyle a brother ol 01 sirs thomas who likel la Is more fu fit mallar illar with and competent to look af at ter the atme M me than any ott ti r creon the relatives rela lTee tivee of deara desire to ex ress through the Ado advocate cate their le heartfelt thanks and appreciation td those friends and citie na ai generally w arno ho hearl in the search for the bw belv and anti extended aid an I 1 comfort in their affliction ily franden to build a new brick home tit thie is wason f lumber uri e r company till this week od another biff big bill of lum to its it alread increasing trade qi quarterly art of i alo will convene attoun unit hall next sun still da president hiller a large crowd in attendance hon 1 abath that h anti a nil apostles anton anton II 11 lund and john lien smith hao liao been again debated in rendering a deci in the emery count water case b reason of the ab vence of the at interested the latter tire over aucourt at court charles A dyde hyde hai has unco uncovered ered a cry fine bed of extra good marble in almer count and anti which be he tella tells the Ado ad cuie is about twenty t anty anil s from a railroad there are throe three grades of it pink white bite and birdsee gray he is offered by a salt lake firm 7 a cubic ard for it bubb but levee that it will be worth more after it has been tested there are three lasers of it from twenty to thirty feet each lie hellas abne three men at work on the dissmer dI soMer dorco be increased boon Tu aueda edas eda tribune has this special dispatch froni from ita ili at Mon trow golo the county corn cont nile elonen aae lime agreed to forbids for bids forthe tor the 6 ew dry creek cutoff cut off oft of tile paradox road this will bo be a large undertaking but funds fund sare are alread provide provided it will save ei vet tile in long hard 1 ull up tt MIN and gl e a grade not to excil 4 1 l per a antin tit in coming ov erthe divide the alark lan for a road from the fatuous copper fields ilia cleon latah Is and thia rw raw cutoff will foni forfer er stop euch such A 4 erne enle NN ith the continued dee deeloy I 1 of abent of tills this paradox country and the new fende re portet it will only boa be a abort short time before the busl bust fesq of that sectler will warrant a down the h bin in miguel river to turl ta tien up new dry creek and m abt to paradox alley |