Show bilbo ille 1 la 1 A student ot of the university of mich igeta whose who name I 1 withheld was to the tb penthouse pet boce from the th enli hersity contagious disease hospital Sa and nd he has 1 a mild lid attack of 0 bubonic he ile was under the care of dr dock add and it was by his hi order that the she patient waa was removed to tho th me e frederick Novy the expert on thi this dicu who lecent decently ly mad made a trip ta to san Francl francisou Frao eliso sou oo 00 behalf of the a coment to investigate the alle allred lad plague cae cases there baa bat been called in consultation but decline declines to state pos thai that the student ij is afflicted with iab the dreaded plains re says tbt that farther further teata tents mod most be made to see etain lain the exact nature of if the disease t the s student tu deot which at present mystifies the attend ing phy aleana pro pros novy says there la lit no danger of a spread it kit it ia Is the bubonic and is 1111 to avoid a on the abject subject |