Show THROUGH THE KINGDOM Or EMERY tilrow til rew marten v the health om 1 bornt wasis 11 county beat seat vielor last week eek fraud n r cutlo dule dale lart last wk old sold nil aul borrel cnare to 11 Otte sion for count clerk clark fox lt last vec issued a inar murrl rIngo ngo t to george black and cluth onie at both of huntington frank carrol dr In tere charlie iiii and 1 I I 1 jeff rin ri n went wont with the to snit salt lake last eek itt of lawn wit its in CAU dale lint ml week k ABl IT tho tile em eni ft ati a col locating boom te to on county attorney truman wua was in C astle date I ft ato k to in fir gate a r minal ease to which hie his sit attention ha hit I 1 ben calini S 8 D burnell hut mil wh sho han ham bought the tenner tanner farm near Lami rove ie Is making and has lins most of tile land the children and slid it alir in tone ae 0 of molan 1 last week tend tended pred to 11 1 1 1211 thu left lies is buvet tir ell joyn blot miri ris party lahe ton 3 ekr old of 8 0 mi lit killi tir or Lawre Is I 1 the second ichim of in tawni ane oth r catoe isas in t to pals ral lilly ad algon nirl awl gagi brandon hav jiust eifle ede side walk Itin and dothar alter 11 lan bo their main nellenne nelle nwe in dale little I 1 japer lar A hilo hito working it ib 4 boal mine at ut last meek brae w 6 truck ruch bi it quantity or cuni cluni full fall alit 1 a u it him lie ito la ivr lined to hie his bed gomer 8 tho 1 nu w is ts in castle dale DRIP last along with ame et rast ern and will ml 41 it few fr days curious avul id und in the count lount jacw J R I 1 I 1 1 mal N lel on of alourde find char I 1 lie I 1 e A mattew I 1 ao thea of Mars marslano lalo mere in castle dale ilist wet week nd 1 later left to do bome in tl gouthia a ern p art of the cou county nty mr F R wood WI of castle D anio a e has ha fitted up the barton iio ito iee ise in a I 1 and anti Is now to t U ablah fint fin t claims board und and rooms it to regular and transient gues a among the castle conference degation in halt lake last week were ishop jensen Jennen a george cluff 11 II 11 Ot ottoson Ott ewon 3 carinus petersen mra mrs nathalle Nu andersen An dereen frank carrol and anti james N HOOL curl carl coliten frank Vit isen laen andrew peterson Ie tereon elins shiner alarin us eon oon and jem jessi bot coio n a amsi I y of sheel herders lien lere tant t cuned P led out of 1 castle A site date last week for or I 1 law I 1 ins U va tot tn I 1 lip I 1 I 1 wl arst friday lie the elven el ven if ar old olM altaker A ft flawrence awrence wa was lilt hit with a stone b tt IN title thomaa thomas the stone struck the girl just aboe the left eye yo lutting a I 1 rge rash and find causing the eo to ewell smell sh ehul ut the priel of lour flour 1 going up and Is now oelling selling in castle dole date for ta 2 per the will 0 higher before ore a it new crop of wheat la Is ila hoi I 1 k tested esua and the question of wh farmers arniere dont ra so more wheat Is agnin again to tho the front am II 11 maria WIlst eail and birthur da returned bunday to lawrence ann where here they h ire tre ben berm attending school miss N ead will return in n a few daa s to remain till the end of the school term but arthur atvill tay stay at home to assist on the faran |