Show ft some man I 1 have suffer nf ferl 4 with lib iii mosill I 1 said tried every Imag inaUs fedj Iss edyt without effect AIM mr F 0 8 writ WOW advised me WO to try pate telling me m that it had cored cured of long stata illoS like mine I 1 bam 14 1 4 to oer tyUn na twi feel sure or tha 0 oed lime biow 1 witt to like my mr con cars coia P Caret nore ark sold by iff ON medicine fiedl doe dealers feb set wel bou board and land fb alk bui th aalst ta baund dl A new now tourist car will be b run bett twi st louis louls anil and pori port inq tt tl pacific D IL a 0 14 U W 0 al 81 and 0 N this coir will leave 1 st loul louis every tuesday aw 1 Tri at salt lake laks city on train no so I 1 every friday 14 AI 1 leava 1 salt lt lak law C chy RT 0 oa a train no U 0 every fri liy ia uP ortland every anny y morn room te ahm will 91 giva pau engen a ley lay alt lake city of afloat dweire beair kwast at bound this weekly tourist W jere atti portland wiy 11 at bait lake laks city on arriving at t 91 loate look ettry every a morning JD RNO DOId eyt HOW holys IN 0 offer one hundred dollar dollars reward for any aur rare case ut of calm catarrh rh that cannot to rn cured by hal dialls catarrh care p J ur 11 ey CO ca prone props toledo 0 we the a have known jp P J cheney far I 1 be he last laet lamettrea otteen trea beare and ana bellere believe him perfectly honorable in all business anil and financially able to wry darry oat ny bugton ton imade made ly their firm ft V M TRUAX ats toledo 0 kwiat MARTIN wholesale toledo ohio catarrh core lure Is taken Inter milly acting directly upon tb th bovil na an I 1 qu ia cons surfaces of th the buin frice ac per bottle soli sol I by all druggists mania free frer hall family pills pill are the best beet every package icye u c 1 best aca ja your money back if you d bont on t like i it it L hat KA I 1 persistent A win lur coughs C 0 u g dsa cough muth which seems SCUM to bine on ail i in spite of 01 all AH the remedies ahil which you TOU have apall certainly needs energetic and sensible treatment tit for twenty five years that standard preparation of cod liver 04 oil SCOTT vs EMSiS JOH has his proved its lu stale in sur mr inthe trying ying tr of th abc 0 throat roat and iune and this is the reason why t the cod oil cil par UARY digested strength strengthens cas pfd and vitalises vit alises the whole syi tern the act as a tonic to the talas nine nd md narres and the glycerine cly cerine amne so soothes othas and arid heals hes the irritation can you t of cf any combination taua n so effective s this is bf ur rou art sc that t BU aa ak w a SCOTT chim N vw nm KIrc trie latr lt tr electric bittera bitters ie 13 a medicine suited for any season I 1 at ut in re genei idly needed when the lao gaid exhausted feeling PM when the liver I 1 is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is 1 felt A prompt a nse of thie this medicine baa has often averted long and per haps fatel fatal bilious fever no medicine will act more rarely in counteracting and ad freeing the system from froin the malarial poison headache IL digestion conti 1 ration dizziness yield to electric bit ten we 1 aud 1 J per bottlo at emery I 1 conaty count mercantile company Crr ir for the annual conference of latter day saint and sti ecman a conference L D B S to be held at bait balt lake on april 45 to 10 1 tho western authorizes the following rates to salt like and return ret am P PV V junction A lb iab cid 5 3 ou 00 00 helper aw 00 price t 00 sunnyside Sonny Sunny fide side 90 V thompson a il 11 1 1 UV 1000 ticket will be eold gold from above point points j j april 4 tu tug 8 inaz rc limited to april I 1 isaa D B IL agent th I 1 a N 1 h I 1 9 a 80 goj GL th there e re ie Is ethl a ig J just ast is good as dr king i new now Ducor ery tor for consumption coughs a and coldi ro 0 o demand it mod and do not peri per lit the leler dealer to sell ell yon you gome some sut tute ue Us trill will not daim baim there ii is anTi blog better tint but in order to litake more profit he be may claim something ele eles to bo just oa good yoa or kingi now discovery b blaaw cau yoa you know krow it to be mf safe e aul nl reliable aej nl go granteed gaina tran teed to do good or of money refunded for coah coughs cv ant aol fr for alt all affa alons of throat cahnt gunj lung lan there 15 normag 50 0 o 90 gou 3 as e Is dr king new trial lettle free at emery county Mer mercantile company regular ize size 50 30 cents and 1 ott 0 As fine an am article as yon ym ever ar saw for the anoney is the engraved a tumbler at the emery cauty 04 uty iler cantile co 30 and mind yoa you only 7 c for a bot of six li the common are art only caly 2 for six ix 1 tor fitta coasto fat tuft a makes orli teof blood me tl AU I 1 VA d 0 a la Is te 4 good thing to be nd of because lad bad blood ii is the 4 Is I 1 brim breeding ding pla ce of disfiguring and dangerous danger oua disease which ie Is havo have good ba pure iol sow u blood bad you can blood if it you want it you can bo be rid of pimple pimples bolls how by the use of dr ayere and ulcer ulcers blotcher blot ches ca sores sarsaparilla it Is U tho remedy for all descans originating in the blood N ayer a sarsaparilla 14 to 1 me bi mi I 1 c ai i ft b bawd 1 ou d u n fi W b e zi 1 1 b e p n t ukon tae kil r 4 it I 1 cr b buls 0 aga 1 1 av or e r w y rb baly 0 d arr oi on e b tl 1 le I e aured u re d doetz a urt 1 cows take auers Sarsa to the chair car heretofore operating between denver and glenns ferry via 1 D R G R G W and 0 8 S L will hereafter ter be extend extended td to operate between denier denver and portland fi via D R G G W and 0 S L LB II 11 R P mcdon aid agent effective at once round trip tickets tic liet via B R 0 W will be eold sold from price west bound only limited for ten dr day at rate of one fare and a bait half for the roan round d trip D B R mcdonald McDon iId agent KEEP MONEY AT H HOME 0 M E ww by insuring in the amin JOME 0 M E FRO op OF UTAH CAPITAL ae HEBER J GRANT CO gen abts A 9 ts salt lake THE SCIENCE OF irrigation master maste it by y reading niico irrigation farming A book brics of pages pagen and too illustrations bound in cloth clotil price 2 by mail prepaid pre paid we print the tile best agrical A grecul tural journal on earth try it and keep posted address FIELD AND FARM DENVER COL THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE lung troubles and consumption C can an be cured AD A taw ew lok chemist and 1 class tilt alikes arso r ocar to oer our 1 the tile distinguished new york chemist T A slocum demonstrating his hi discovery of a rell reliable able and al aleo solute lute core care for consumption Pal pulmonary tober culosi cu looi losla and all bronchial throat lung and cheat die casee coughs catarrhal affections general decline and nd weakness lom 1 of flesh and all con rillions rill lons of waiting wasting away will end send FREE BOTTLE Sall dif different forent cf Ms net D to za say 4 l reader of the advocate writing tor for them III new scientific treatment hai has cured permanently b by y its it timely we and bo he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible core cure science dally daily develops deT elope new now wo wooden and this great chemist patiently expert menti tig for year years bai has produced retail results ai as beneficial to humanity aa can INI b claimed by any modern genins genius ilia his that enog troubles tron blee and con can are corable curable in any climate i proven by heartfelt lotter letters of gratitude filed lu in his american and earo eam vest laboratories la ili thousands from those cured in all ail parte parts at of the world medical expert concede that bronchial chestand cheet and long troubles tron blee lead to which uninterrupted speedy and certain death simply write to T A slocum X C Q 9 at pine street mew new york giving poet port office and express addreen ad dree drees and the free medicine will be promptly sent stiffer era ers should take instant advantage cf his generous ge nerona proper propos tion tell the doctor that yon you aa aava bis his offer in the advocate tir the emerged and of of denver contains a 83 past including a a A in VI a page all reading atory story supplement malting making it the and what ia is ca con elile red the beet beat general farm and live kotock journal published it ia is band hand bomey illustrated each week and should be read by every ranchman ti 11 1 1 the conn cann try we can club field and fana with this paper at fa 50 a year buckle a arulas salvu 81 till 13 BEST EST in the world for unta cuts bruises Bru ieee boree bores olcen salt rheum fever boxes tetter chapped hand chilblains corns all akin skin eruptions and positively ively cure cures piles plies or no pay re quiren it is guaranteed to give berf ct satisfaction or money rt nf funded price za cents per box for aale sale by emery county mercantile compa company Lr rile pile lotion care magic pile lotion a lve care for pile stings burns scalds painful at swell ings invaluable in diphtheria dip theria theris for sale at at emery county mercantile companas compa comp aya anys starts pile lotion cures piles plies either external or internal in from 4 to 5 days rl dans cure bad bream breath LM ita 14 0 lk 4 M 0 future comfort for present seeming economy but buy the lew inglI lAchine with an inked reputation rc that guarantees you long ard si zatis tUfic fac tory service it j is J it j 4 4 e ITS PINCH TENSION TENSION INDICATOR i devicco devic cl for regulating and showing the exact tension arc re a few of the features feat that emphasize emphasise the high grade trade character Cilar acter of the white 11 t C send for our out elegant IL T catalog ca t alog WHITE co 0 was CLARENCE MARSH I 1 real estate loans insurance HRC rm AND ACCIDENT to trade o 0 ell or of make iol TIM HI do down well location lo 10 nil oar me at eidl ark prk MARK P pe BRAFFET 4 PRICE fu J orris on MAIN 4 jr r e for work Is A cry fais r or 0 wa WOOD Hr tj 26 work 1 is clr doi I X bare the tb exper leve kod sod N w wll 9 11 uPs wd for my j woi seat Is 1 will do all kind ol 01 TIN O 0 aa or awl nl wibb dispatch 41 teh I 1 aki 97 b ao fact at re of ili ha ca aa u follows fol lovit I 1 S cans lisa L A tests ROT arrouo utah experience COUNTS FOR MUCH abw tt boat to aluff As ter ing B I 1 bare bad rrt per 1 wt this of work and n gas ava v ork ark at t esy ry loir low price prices wit you are r ready I 1 platter your house hou t v INV ran t U 19 you j oat Z a ji I 1 THOMA 11 31 correa unix 4 PIONEER PIO NiEn CO ilae ll 11 acres of nurseries 40 acres of orchard bard HIGH GRADE NURSERY STOCK ONLY the largest growers of nursery stock I 1 in n U utah tah twenty thousand elberta peach for fall 1897 and spring 1898 pioneer nurseries co SALT LAKE CITY 1 UTAH lo floo box 1401 H C SMITH agent agents PRICE UTAH we WC ca RICHMAN MD OTAH will answer ala from surrounding bottlo tu men benu ta THE CULLEN SALT LAKE CITY centrally located RATES and la 2 so 50 per day 5 15 C EWING prop GW G to call 11 to the very loir low price prices I 1 am m charging tot for repairing boota and inc B shoes hoes viz men ells tiding and ad lice ling to 75 ladle ladles soling and fl eeling 76 1 50 F JENSEN pile UTAN SENT freb to any adt person Interest lete retted esl la in balle aa nutter matters or who loves almate ol mate wo will send free upon application copy CM of the alliance the orn organ cf of ahk society IQ a addition to it its intensely interesting reading it contain contains a list of the valuable and unusual premiums aftem by this paper adder 1 NATIONAL cz 10 H united charities Duil dins bow foth reek says cazad calay um belt most we w derf ul medical df decor cor of ibis ari P aalama freebing fre abing ts j esho lute tule or act our a ana dd positively on kli kiddey losys uva end ad bowl bowels ci cantin the nuro etem system dispel 11 cola colds cur cam he habit habibul ul cotnua atoe and billau 11 sees incest ty and arr a b bex 9 z of V C a I 1 10 ON 60 ces I 1 A 1 bridled I d 4 ranted to 90 curo cure hy all ail d baill it smoke tr tear T r uh away to 1 I eastly forever be bif mat BU lotic tau ruo of life nor and na vicor uk take lr ib th ar lut that ark wk strong all druggists oft at 11 cure cratl KA it DOI bookwo 1011 4 pi true ato Is baru teruss ll dumdy col Clid ackla esice or r now K aeril E EN THE TIIE CHILDREN ENJOY BAKING DAY DAYI 01 va baltz T a 4 AND to fahl anict I 1 I IT cakes lahe ANI AND THE COOK cool SHOULD USE US U BAKING POWDER cont Conf urrie umen rs note the price I 1 boz cans i oc S oz cans I 1 ac t 16 oz cans ath ask your brover f r a cn can and I 1 pu ou wl 0 o so I 1 leased that you will us no other ican CA av 11 bolc cholera and nd diarrhea a remedy and that ie in that it excels akay nj proprietary I 1 bavo seen a ou the and I 1 ban have been in the practice pac tice of medicine and the drog drug business for the pat wt forty year years writha J M jackson Jack foo M D bronson Hs ia la like cham berl alna glus colic cholera and remedy it ii is a preparation and because it always gives quick relief for ule sale by all medicine Med icinia dealers I 1 1 |