Show bow 11 ud V 1 hn t to f tw Al falts alfalfa bould should bo to coved sawed about the tinie time of 0 abe ot 1 emeit I I 1 petted depends much upon the ot of covering it teu ten pound pounds ot of seed 1 cust le be amp aly distributed distri over an acre aul ac 1 covered uniformly to the proper del belth th aud conditions turu to cause ane fourths of the stad to grovr grow tho the alfalfa ill bo be too thick As usual 1 ly IT plaited 0 of the wads got into the ground so deep that the p aau boy er come up ul other others are light ly that only with it I 1 mot most ireat eather ber rui can tho the g plants survive ae the spring winds it IN la run man ally llor to vow 15 13 coundi of wed per acre and not a few eow sow 20 pounds the writer hai has for or two seasons secured verj very satisfactory factory and with 13 pound pounds per acm czasas fanner farmer |