Show acme cholera syrup is the abet safest and surest remedy in the world for cholera antum autum cholera borbus bilious col C aa an I 1 all 11 troubles tron blee of tb the bowel for ale sale at emery county mercantile coia tores acme choler syrup cures colic acme cholera syrup cam cures diar rhoDs educate to ten P with candy catt Ctr ertle lc cure i w ze 25 it 11 C Q C fall refund money jaola 63 aa oi w 0 3 0 a 31 TO aal aol 11 jjoe jj oj 9 eana aj L wit 01 morphine P am CHLORAL axa COCAINE HABITS 1 A nf ical positive and cure cum rutted ru 1 ia 5 di dt V abra ut I 1 no ta 1 11 if wa proc processo esNo SU UR kioa ti A aj 41 amt 1 street yak aty qty this lady is a woman of taste she is wanting wantina fine footwear foot wear and she knows where to get ge ot it we have yet mens carpet slippers at so 30 cen cents ts and women s carpet slippers at 25 cents the place where all up to date customers get their supplies in this line is at the EMERY E MERY MW WM C ll 11 ii Bi eiB on ANN IVI reva Rev WM me slaughter OF WEST VIRGINIA write writes of it 0 benefit from 0 dr M Is I 1 sto noi 1 I 1 y iia C r restorative Is ju adapted to the of health broken down by bird bard mental work ber W M H haubner Haub ter of new now haven W N ai write writes I 1 1 I offered suffered with extreme nervousness dl diu loeu dull and nd nervous headaches tod and sleeplessness uy my beut heus came to troubling me I 1 was w bort abort ot of breth breath irom from the let exertion exert loa and affred suffered much E pain in my left tide side medicine kod and ghyst CIA clun as icare t a m me no relief MI 1 1 e f I 1 procured dr an e ervine r v 1 ulle 1 lles restorative err MI new man torell e es e cure aad fierre kad and art H ita liver rills 11 and ad I 1 am a are no word words of com coin endi tion as to the e s u ca be too dizz I 1 well welli the 1 n t and contained cont tined feel ins ing bare have digap peare d xay my bea bean rt trouble troubles me no more and I 1 betl per perfectly factly well dr miles remedies are re kid sold by LU dag ani fists 1 andar a etive guarantee Eua first bottle benefits or money refunded book dool oa on heart ana 1 I Nerves sent free to all L DC DIL MILES MEDICAL CO 00 Elf chart lae VW REC NC N C LL Z orrein a ak I 1 rhe STYLISH PATr PATTERN ERN A af t fittane Fit tine riet prim 10 and lO 15 bocenti cents centi he some santa lAble b macrel t lis 11 la curly ev very city oc cc lowr for A thag cc tacy can be had ba mail emm us in MW jcck or cc C slimp chloa shut A icat seat UP a of 0 one cent to py pay j posta a MC or at LES I 1 i bip atea hae 1 neculae ru blisheL for fo the heme I 1 fashion Fai hion of j the day home Uter IltA iture lum Z Z hintsi hiot feacy carent T topic fealon all only 0 cirata a ye i cl adins a I 1 free ree pattern n your yow own Z uon icy any time send two 2 acm turny j copy aderca j j THE IM COMPANY S SA 2141 13 2 ve u street new VOIL i I 1 IS flab pain has no show with dr allee er 1111 eastern utah advocate te its readers like it its advertisers like it it pleases one it pays the other and everybody s happy it has a circulation of soo in castle valley and will write it in the contract its advertising rates were made to fit these hard times YOUR advertisement inserted in a first class weekly newspaper is the most effective way of reaching a gh given en section THE HOME AND FARM horticulture and up to date farming methods will be discussed by prominent local and foreign writers of known ability the weekly news of the valley will be IM as complete ag is possible to make it we have reduced the subscription rates to x oo per year JOB PRINTING in all its branches promptly tl v attended to we do printing that th at is printing call on or address EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE fei wh UTAH 1 r ta U wp ory CIAL VARDON 1 1111 4 a a A ailon to t mobs 11 alear bhays We treasurer albert Il corpier ryner price clerk tf it falot apfl assessor IV 11 0 baj I 1 pro abony J W wart aco arl OW allred prim itic amlar I 1 ft 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