Show chauncey depew la fit case of war wilt will in all probability bg b pot put la in canike of pa flett best of clial log dishes A alderman indignantly refused nto d 10 for loc his T ate but faw to make snake pal ia it am ant out flolly finally agreed filou of wo dolly a acl H 00 oo lift 1 jet wednesday one ono of tha the mot moot po kowka speeches on the cuban o aln turp alov ion bat that bu has been delivered thu this sulon ill it proton that ill all 11 law made it mandatory mandator jr a open ibia this government to recognize the belligerency of the cubans the house military committee met the th demands ot of tho democrat democrats by so il noodles the bill an io in ce cra of the regular rp ilir army to men can only le be calesta murff ri 11 11 IM u us ut au other amendment provid to that at the elm 1 of any war la its which the united bastes ahall shall broom become involved the tb army hall beat be at orce to the peace ba it la to not probable that either of the three battleships ane to tu to 14 named calaor Ma laor the alz six torpedo boat and six 1 torpedo boa detro destroy yera sM 11 for in the amular bill BOW now being by the how house will be ready lo 10 uke take parl la in the tho war with spate but they indicate nd lesto the be spirit ot of osam the an fire dry dock docks for ie in the tb same bill may way be ot of mice service before we ban bave whipped spain to a MAUI eat factory ory extent any 07 way they are ro needed all the tie by oar our ships the report ot at the board ot of inquiry hew abom th the 0 haine waa WAS by a et mf i 3 va that the fault was not aft with the officer of the hip ship while wulf the court don does not place the edof ur IU destruction of the many pros pro s ace lives ad d the 11 hip yet ft Is the firm am conviction of annerl ui cl that lue the placing of he MW maine cyc the tu mine la by the spaniard WAS pre nod and tha the motoo wu was par pur peggy by spanish officials the of official WM was steamy arow wry aad alad the act wai the time same 4 11 if it j the WM was fired upon ani and ank sauk by ac fotto facts on OR 0 ore i i afa 1 wen were a little slow la in gaft la in uee use with public CLent bat but the stamp tile began when senator I ONA IONA gire that awful picture of what be MW saw ie 0 cebe cuba and it wu was accelerated by the speeches pee chee along the ame me he him flude later by senator Cl allinger 4 who aleo spoke pok from per WW exerie oce and now they are nearly U touy alimus of at tb the democrats demo crit III action on an the part of the ad that will free cab cuba r re of ebether spain pouts or eghte itai BOW now la in the power of mr mckenley U ky what that action shall be bet int but if it beam bet wot quickly arcle that power 0 t will it 1 mon mason haa has declined the affer ot of or dr ceorge powell of of la crow CK wh 1 to take hia his and asia accept the no beat him by a aitor aad MA aleo also a similar otter from Min masom ay says he haa has accepted ibe ad au aen sal sql abek riBe abw atam for it tt a in thi this I 1 dud tb spaniard U to be launched my alae ain aa AS enog aa as the maine waa was ova the on or in bartja harbor WA aadi k I 1 at blow aloa UP in the ame we 1 of 0 o then I 1 affred to alt over and let him a chance it tide accepts these condition I 1 mask I X the world nr nt jit t least one st eat 14 and iny may get a chance at a few low TM veto an the senate senates ader which dejl the public landa lands now belong tac to tbs ba united state states to settlement as greta bomm met iti ilk death in tb lb hoote boase tesi disi the discussion of the indian ap all aft hutar hut rr tb national et lews declared by la in VA that tha pan ty was win in favor t ate HU JAH abe ahm a 1 arg la in tb the must a of ef at the eUn batted lied salea this rame fame meae CWM td preset la in the house oi 0 nyno 4 1 WW is com and 60 pol end and influence Y C delegate from ace a eaf add as a rid cid tf latte t aitt tr et on the tb india bill 11 01 and ol it was then lent seat t to tir boac house RJ a pert part of 0 the lb indian IOD loss bill tb the republican party potty iivo thoroughly committed to it oo 00 one woodil bar bay sup pol posed that lime there wool I 1 bv have been no tie out on opposing opp poin the ali measure 38 the democrats crat wo wet almost a bolt unit la in tigor it |