Show contradiction OP OF GENERAL WAL WALI LACES LINCOLN M CLELLAN STORY S J A waif citte pont rp rt u ji TU his CK casno cas no eftim at f ad 4 I 1 a sive tac 1111 ra in the wt was 4 UK arr ar r the tory story old told by 17 general lew IW wai WI c a a keen lincoln birthday cele bratlow brat loD to the effect that hat the war pret dent vent went to harrisons landing la in july icat to prevent Mo Clellan from surrendering toe the army of the pt Pi pitovao tomme haa ham received ret Td mura attendee attention ad nd viivi receive vastly mom general wal 1 ace e nce n ce luring 9 and 4 I 1 the 4 his blab daok ai a thinker and an author othor a an mv wll well calculated jaity any Ms temen I 1 be he tinny biair make do de a I 1 d a d weight however IIo there 0 is g still in fn the vials of life a great number ot of in CIL who bo rill will iw be prompt to uy tiny that general wallace is U mi aten or ehst ho be bai has be incorrectly role althe five to tb the sensational story there was no time while ibe the army ot of the potomac cao was wa on the peninsula la in 1801 1861 when it did not 11 amber bar the army or of northern virginia Virg luia with which it contended at the time gen cral wallace credit credits with ay say log ing that ho he wai was going to banding to prevent mcclellan from car sur rendering noder lug the a battle of malvern 11 ifill bad becu two tonight resulting la in a waging blow to general lee and the army ot of the 1 wits aa as safely ai as if it had been behind the fortification i mcclellan Ilou bad had built about LIA L IA rj tle iaac 1 a lu ile the war depart ment no to agn sign of is I 1 found quito quite trie we coLt coltrara july 4 general mc clellan the president from harrisons bar its 01 folloni follows the lait last of the wagons reached here at n mn yesterday yent erday the exhaustion was very gnat great bt but the anoy army prever preserved ved its it i oralo and would hero haro repell repe llod Hl any attack which the cuemy enemy was in petition position to make our out position cau can uly only be taken by overwhelming numbers the spirit a la is excellent there are point ute where aku th emedy can establish himself with cannon or musketry and command ur the tw river ud and where it Is 1 not certain that our can drive him off la in cafe MIG of this or of in came oar our front it in broken I 1 will make every effort to preserve si at leut aleut the perr onuel of the army and the event events of tho tha lait last few dayi leave no question that the troop troops will vill doall do all that their commander caa can aa P so Uc mcclellan ellau talked when the preal dent ll 11 credited with a belief that it wai WAN cesary oe to 10 him to e to prevent a surrender ur render july 7 after the aimy had reached harrisons Lan dlug where there it Is remained six weeke weeks gene general I 1 mcclelian Uc ClelIan cald said iu in a telegram to m the presidents tl IT the enedy bae has not riot attack attacked cd my 1 post tf Is vert strong cud and dally daily becom ing more fo so if not attacked today I 1 ball at them kiy men arain are in splendid plen did spirits and asid anxious to try it again alarm your yourself relf as little as ble about me and dont low lose act in the th larmy army doe that sound liko like the talk of a man who is i contemplating the turn sum ad uder of f bli bit sauty on the be he again sido diessel the president saying 1 I we ere are very boroug here now so far ai as the ii is concerned hope you moon us strong enough to try gain again 11 no appearance of a diE position to surrender iu in that the next day littau mac use gent sent this to washington arc are renting resting well vell but be inking ginning to bo be impatient for another light u 1 more and more concerned tb atlhia briny ought not to be withdrawn from bere ben but promptly rec re c cn forced and thrown cagnin open rich end JU we have A luttio more than bait half a chance wo we ran can tako take it let jat we me quote more from mcclellan abis letca from the letter letters written his wife joly july 9 I 1 1662 after Pre president Eident lin coin coln bad visited him at claudito Laudi Bf pa 0 be the james river mcclellan raid paid to his ilife I 1 ilia mo excellency waa was bere here yesterday and 34 ft this morning he ile found the anny army anything but demoralized or die dis lk la Is ia in excellent spirita tp sin irita rits on joly july 13 bo be eald said i the probability Is that I 1 will attack again very coon soon as a coo as losses are applied supplied I 1 flatter nayif thai aba ha isa greater thola in be the a I 1 ide de of be the rebellion aban owr and I 1 mip certainly with god goda II 11 4 to arka richmond with it 1 abool birds there are alao also letters and dispatches from pt pes adcus lincoln to demeral Mc mcclellan CleIlan while the joe latter wae was on an the peninsula indication indicating that the I 1 wai wait fear ivar fol lot bat that the this army of th potomac tm on several tel occa alone in a these or letter letters be appealed to Mcf mcglellan lellan to save the then arm riny Y fro IMS no u word from mccellan McC ellau to the adeol or the of war or to alifi Is IM ps baa ever been indicating indicating ahm fox au an instant be he entertained the bought thought tbt mat the army of the POW juul l of or that it ba t for him ti t i hr render it it 11 Ss almost monstrous to bint hint tbt that men and och such generals aa So ivner 1 hooker kearny hancocke II ancock seddrick and other others coald could be drive join to an anny army ot of 60 they bad jim def defeated rated at malvern hill wacl wallace baa has made a taxa a grievous the atory la is albord Ms lincoln wai was at umes tery ie iron ical feel when a delei attoa stion appealed to biff cpr taj if arnt from CI AlInIng that bat his to i depace to be the army Liti colis aked asked if it they knew alu klodor whisky grant drouk drunk adding bat if be he knew be goeld bey buy many WAVY partials par bartal of it end and present one ono to each ot of 0 jorge JAW number of bla his T as outcome of the cam WHO agu WAN to mr lincoln as hs it waa wag to tbt anny amy aull na the leally that be b war was going to the tb anny army of the potomac to seo em that it wall wa tut lut gereral wallace with all of ua ids ot of the man os to hay have kanews tatu as be should r mamma a ilis tm not be mean was a any dative lan ians surrendering tb the army c of the po tomac tame two years far batir lincoln wax was be the no t cantiL dale for and mcclelan dlan tb it had the tb sur rud crot r of the army ot at the tb potomac at two years tb the fact would have been ix cn brought brou glit oot out la in abat exciting political contel what whitt a I 1 tory story it bold goold bare guide how flow suddenly it would hat 0 11 tb the Natio cratic national com mitt to gether to demand of Us mc A rord more about mcclellan and bud bit bt anny army gcorge was the only ilar commander who bad had the lor love of ilia anny army of the bo lotomau the othera others if loyally td but oot not loved so it wa wax with burnside will ith ker with leads and grant irate it ilala meade respect cud confidence it gave grant admiration coulle ace and it its ut moat most lapport to believe 11 the tory story that general wallace tells ix 14 to ballete bel lete that mcclel lao ian wa was a traitor only a traitor coald could have contemplated surrender lorr at that time nho believes bel lerea mcclellan waa trait tv lie ile waa was not mot a great general ex in u two lie le new how to organize an anny army and build for fortify tift eions no one evie eded him in three re aspects he ile was too tender bearnot to be a alighting general like grant ghorman gh trman sheridan thomas aa le lee gordon warren hancock ancock II gibbon and anany man lot bo w not a tutor general N allace al lc bai has mado made a cruet ils take J A watrous in chicago times herald |