Show LOCAL NEWS J 11 II killpack waa was a price viellor on Balur JaT ft compito lit pointed bw isow algua signs oo 00 bill thith building I 1 bit ibis wee k ul all Donit donoher ber of vernal C I 1 u ini la in it lit U dy 01 ol left for belt like lake for I 1 hort short vaud I 1 jan bert in from min the rat east eaily la in be the week aud ht for forth the pol dick 0 u I 1 and a joan john lil zane alt olt sd c dol ilia lh special lei of of the be diaff let ca coit it on kamlay lafy orange battly amy wi was la in irice price 1 days this week jjr mr seely expects very growth in lit amile valley the imaging season peter 01 ap train Hanny olds on lailay 11 lut last misling reparations for ibe caba at hit that place to in begin la in a few days hon lion J T mcconnell came in from belt salt lake sunday bight night and left jaime tor for vernal to be in on Diett Diet tiet lct court at t that place judge johnson and mcl mol vertex cimo came la in monday night eight and held hold it ecat special terra ot of the to district coort court cm on mr mrs alice icky return ta to price olf from bait salt lake like whre where be b has for several boothr abe will mair ilk price her permanent home deelo your catly deew wo we have lotti both aiters ami and grown garden 1118 11 18 corn come la in time ili gt got ahm th ni emery county mercantile company T 1 11 ill ilo kutun laii iasi week was a access in point of 0 attendant atten dano and revenue the receipt of the reached about IOU M on april 1 1 I buatt the tb helper listrom t will 0 branch ton at pleasant valley junction where be lie will carry A COM completa line of general imer rha adle aih beep men applies L lov justien will ill open a branch branc b alon atom id in he As leiter building at valev junction in a few day days he lie will carry and a fall full line 0 shoop laws P R re to price on rill Tua klay from hill hl abort vacation aad and renamed lined work at his old pont tar alent wilt will bly agent par rott at helper 7 a newly Invent eil bourd by bejou for portraying sana bud mated picture wea was exhibit oil at the tA caball tw abaH ball the how wa was well worth well drew a fair bones la in old madrid will ill be played at the towa n bm 1141 under the of ta kash 1 this li Is A lie bent beall show that hu has ever bulted ad and id to all ill probability wilt be well patro clel geo nixon of lake like view 14 all over the he lut last two day 4 UY 00 0 o too for his wife pi pie s 60 eeten with a 19 fine line 7 pound boy bat bet 1 day ut it first all call 0 oiw well gitry mary bo hu for fay some ats net clerked for the Cov county mtr cathe at t this lwe 11 ft t day Ille elleew eW for her bet borne bome in mt idt artees any friend friends to 0 price PAM rul will be bo ofte bearn of br her departure ta V yon YM 1419 a bw news a do oot 11 U ar eai o 0 tell ibe the r aport par doi arent trat the yet 00 clow 1 up lakil alk alid it as hard for him bi on to tl sa ik is to pump afa on an a pamp pump jay mod yua can kui kul your iowa pan ft a of the ce loUal wb which leb oar go aal bobc Doo Donnell melloy ejr has ba been h asic on 00 alai uan turned dp up 61 iiii to tm to ili we tb gisleson dal alfon saturday night ahto afa wr probably due da to an in ex x crim of up ai to deaden paia palo dead I 1 im toA ebe loquire elicited the that peter I 1 alen had a attest tia time wort bedore hu bit dowise attempted to chite ahto by removing 1 S bt 11 41 foot rout of a tooth it is na bovera that death f arpe be we attempt to elevate the stomp ot of t tb oHan molar |