Show GOVERNOR BLACK ON ROADS ile favors the th plan of basing the th 1 wy way tax in 1 I r governor mack of new york in hie his annual message rail calls attention to the need of 0 improved ronda rands aud and point points fit vit ilia value of to botho the fanu farms of the tata lie the opinion la is fi rowing that conme method must coon poon bo be adopted will improve the country road roads the system now la in general oso tiso allow allows the highway haieff to be arild la in work the result if fit poor road roads with little iia glan ot of improvement gujer the law of this tato state any or county now lias has the right to adopt tho the plan of paying this tax la money lu in the few in which A wit WHAT AT wt WK from good road di 3 the latter plan bai has been adopted the re nit gulf bai bat given great satisfaction the money system cau can bo be to pursued punned aa as to insure the expenditure of a it stated amount upon each mile of road ina in a town leaving a to be devoted each year to the roads meet most la in need of it it Is weed urged by many ahem judg ment and experience are valuable that the legislature should enact a law corn com all highway taxes to be paid in money thit this may finally bo done I 1 woold would r commend however that before such v ie Is the town towns and coon coun tie ties 0 the state avail themselves of their privilege under the statute of adopting the money system the experience thus gained will probably satisfy the farmen farmers that the plan now an n uee use should be abandoned donod 1 I call special attention to this subject because the need of improvement ImproTe ment ij fit apparent aud mud admitted and because the benefit benefits follow follon ing it would be extensive exten tive many sections of the state in beauty and fertility are neglected nad almost unknown becalm the condition of the highways affording the only approach matea makes tb m difficult of access A food good road is cue of the chief element elements of the value of a farro farm if lu its fertility be slight it may still be desirable if iu its location and surrounding aro are attractive and the approaches suitably sui tabla iu in many parti parts of this abi country notably in new england farm values which been leen by the competition ct of be the vast have been in great measure re stored by tho the demand fur for summer homes every toch such community finds it self benefited to the extent of if its power to attract investment investments front tho the town towns and cities its markets are benl enl irgon the price of all commodities rained railroad rail rord facilities are re empro ed and those banges which the expenditure of money ie is like likely ly to create are largely realized new york bai has natural advantages nn mn by auy any state better roade roads will bring them more generally into view 11 |