Show au 1 0 tw 0 have you a friend who could be induced to settle in eastern utah ahm alif n send him a copy of the al aio 0 catts special edion edit t copies loc as 25 cople 3 2 aa a go cople copies 4 so loo copies boo ADDRESS ADVOCATE S FIRICK 1 UTAH 0 tir the church 04 1 of 0 salt gait lk lake city is 1 now abed by tl ilo church and fann farm company ai as ad la independent journia jour nid 16 pages alce a month and nl m itsines bo adoo sc the he cream of farm literature the sermons and ill dis coord of the pr cy an I 1 and nd interesting USTY dewit of the storta theril III 11 ar A r fit rr r r 22 cc rt tt it ii U 1 uj LJ at J wills o 0 a year we can club church and nj citrus with iab this fp imp r at i ta a year co caa coa a la in I 1 advance etsoe t magna la is a etive care cure for coughs ovid la Is grippe cong ellon of be the lung and acute ithma asthma for sale 1 at emery county mercantile toree stores use ll igno expectorant for pleasant prompt and certain for coughs and co at d front ell or ft tho the country i of 0 erle e for chamberlain a cough fiteni I 1 ody litre here is a 1 lettjr from um mr L of little idock ark 1 I wa was suffering from A severe coll cold when I 1 brai the cures thai that haj had lieen ivers effect cA ly I 1 y chamberlain lough remedy I 1 coo con eluded to gire give it A trial and accordingly procured ft a bottle it garb gavit ii relief and 1 bare have be the lett best reason for it very highly which I 1 do with plea pleasure sore for ule a by ad ai dealers RIP tor for tour stomach AN DY CATHARTIC CURE 4 U tt THE 1 AU absolutely CIL X 1 se Jit ATTENTION ishmal IN hat to an a for it it is dot to draw the attention of the thop p i tula this i Is my private I 1 ilaf bit lint I 1 ent 1 ta U know that 1 I ani am not aasa chatel or with any otte in the itol laul lin barlow lofts I 1 do 10 MY AW OWN LAND BUSINESS and guarantee zua rantee tta its when you want to PILE FILE on ian lani I 1 tinier ander the 1105 or DESERT LAND ACTS rr er make FINAL call un tu the undersigner 1 YOU DO 00 NOT bava to leave home to do thid if a citizen at Castl edsle 1 lawrence 11 ferron emery or molen want wants to FILE or make FINAL PROOF on land I 1 will lake filing or proof at ani any of it alto alcove is placa the lint first jre places at regular price pric eit 1 erron nod holni bolets 1 I an and emery 1110 1 M extra Ilar tiem cooj or can leare priola a in it the morning come to huntington and 1 df do their land briness ard back to price the line day dayl or I 1 will take it filing tiling or final proof at either with only railroad fire ito extra parties la to SCHOOL OR OTHER STATE LANDS or Governa tent lan lanis 11 is will do well to consult nie too for all I 1 r work can tie done by by enclosing sta stump enlaw P for or reply atit I 1 am st with SA at tt A ltv lt v of proto 1 in t the 0 law business in the be seventh judicial district any pinion person wanting adrice advice or trip blip in law matters cannot do better than bonau t u oar term terms are reasonable WM HOWARD huntington utah 4 H 44 M 0 t restaurant AND LUNCH COUNTER r iiii t abil a eil a restaurant and lunch i conater at tho the back of burns aaroon an I 1 solicit the support ot of the people ot of price and settlements lunches will be served at any bout f the a lay day and until V I 1 p r m meal meals will aleo also be errel served I 1 guar antee fair treatment and reasonable prices AIRS 11 WORLD proprietress HM ie mr I 1 J C WEETER LUMBER U M COMPANY have just opened a wholesale and retail 0 YR KID nitia A albu I 1 ULI LIVE UNE or ot sash doors screen doors building paper Moul dings casings blocks redwood and pine finish builders hardware glass wire cloth iron 7 roofing nails barb wire combination LATH FENCE also ahm a complete line of gons bugg buggies acs ics spring C wagons and in ill handle all kinds linds of I 1 arm implements we represent the COOP CO OP WACON MACHINE CO of salt lake city if in need of anything in our out line call and see us or write it will be to your interest to do so J C weeter lumber company W d evl t st AL TM LS use tell il arear with cacharet ets candy cathal Cath Cat hartle nl ture tolver 10 itric it till fall drug aisLa refund money u 7 care r ake curf its ti CD cane ido too of r oc I 1 t C C a C F to cure drugg alx acl lx eta vi v money for the annual treating ire tre eting of the west tin federation filler kioa of miners at halt lal late city may dill oib a rate of a fare and a fifth on the th certificate plan la is beneby be to by on an nonn ced jamee james mahr ecret irr will isi alga certificates and I 1 ak benton will net act ae as joint ant agent it icse less than fifty mUn mci in caber abere of d leati fa why who hold rw lit are io in attendance at thi this a re turn ru rate ut one ball bait will te granted locally in utah it certificates es a art re p pre re stated within ten days from date of par chase of foil full f fare are tickets on going trip As a bior certia ate will to be presentable for the return rate on or prior to may 1 21 certificate certificates covering coT full all tan fare paid on trip will be bon oral ored it they show date of porcie of 0 ticket from may ai to may ah el R 31 donald acut 1 1 irve 11 for rr THE GREATEST BOOK OF THE AGE I 1 should tx be la home tod libary ro Os I 1 bilto st br by itaho atti I 1 lart I 1 s 0 f un ff C drill 1 inona K J AH 1 uc it bmw IM arti o U IX chickc i lm l m III kw ml 1 I u tin 1 i 1 lutfu ijo rm arri Z 1 il M ar arr trank H awl ll 11 U arwood li 6 1 A kur aloot fl oot 11 ajril ban h h aa d IL tx R marthar U 1 U em ry lv 1 mb S rk IL ct s ahw y jt 1414 hart 1 1 ml r art r u march alto N M ki 1 ch R 1 AV boora itji 1 T 14 ar II 11 b 6 landfa i ajr RT 14 4 arl hal arh tum VIM ajola KJ olA w bwy D M la ct B I 1 artl t iw lt I 1 nix uri 77 kw hm ca A i bibi in D az I 1 I 1 I 1 tj 1 I cl chi rw horiel hut ll 11 ID 0 baity tri iti cal lt anord ito J bw UL DD HI job p 1 um um 1 tk 11 bet M a nm tl 67 wk ll CW UNA tt 1 l ski att dc 46 cloak etui cil LIM tji 11 IT lilt U M 3 alono ailt A U olk all t IC I C pw fown 1 4 I W J thill h it a dzib far M it lalit lh liT 1101 N r r i t hajny 1 1 I 1 ty a 1 ra jr ilk ak w enness cured ia in 9 days by bt a new ud and invigorating treat m nent CA t no pum ty e no acdal vl no lw u sc beniL 3 rl 1 46 I 1 1 IL BA A 0 N MD 41 rast att nw vert CU fitzgerald xa X CO wholesale and retail liquors 1 wines beer cigars alcohol byear 7 OLD STONEWALL WHISKEY I 1 95 PER CENT PURE ALCO HOLl I 1 i Ua roQ to soleat froin special attention given to mail orders PRICE UTAH MIS MATHIS HOTEL newly furnished throughout clean and neat rooms and cuisine unexcelled under new management rai RATES ES 8 AND 00 PER D DAY r T MRS ADA HART proprietor PRICE utah W M mcguires maguires McGUI RES NEW 0 0 0 ao ra R K CT F UTA U TA he always supplied with the choicest fresh meats your trade is respectfully solicited ted shop on main street DR W 0 DEALER IN DRUGS t it Us G 3 1 toilet articles candies and cigars PRIOR PRICE UTAH AND T W or lotse HORSE SHOEING k IN A SPECIALTY GENERAL blacksmithing INC ALL WORK guaranteed PRICE 1 UTAH fi 1 1 1 TA BUT M 4 ES 1 act genty but promptly upon the kidneys liver tto ans and gj r inte intestines tanes cleanse the 6 81 lcm effectually dispel colds bcd head f aches and fevers cure habitt J constipation making enemas unnecessary are Accept acceptable ible to the stomach tto coach and truly bese i facial in effects A single taken after the evening eal 04 or just before retiring ng or better still detill at the moment when the first ind mation is noted of an aPProach approaching in cold headache aay any b symptom of indigestion or dearil depression assion of of spirit will remove a t the e whole digi difficulty culty in ln ea an hour pa without the patient being con 1 p of an any y other than a tIl 1 1 bartning wart ning effect and that the exi pecked illness failed to manenal ma tenal 1 4 ize or has his disappeared ste p aro are pre prepared il J aey from rora a prescription widely used 1 I u by y the g t physical physicians ians and am H i JF presented io in the form lct jap p I 1 i proved by modem scie ice n j laya tim despe TAKE j P arzow liver CAlpo ted have TZ tl ft to z f 0 PS C ast 4 ailts D 1 ass tie i LS 11 ir it given a hr fair trial rin Ta labilles billes invigible InVin 11 tain ahng are an CIA ible cure care they and arid iway are aa an cco eo ld rented P b ONE FASY to TAKE ro TO ACT art IL GIVES 4 ripens tea are we old add br by d nam er or by I 1 4 inai if mats a box is to the RELIEF 3 R I 1 ho hi to 10 spee 0 kaada alj str t drw Nt yok York sample vw bat 10 iott acom nt J |