Show LOCATION OF ROADS the th Import of or correctly Selet selected ted not cannot country roads almost as a a rule are badly located the older one cues followed the track tracks of bridle paths aud farm lines aud and grew op up no koono one know knows exactly how ho but many of the later one ones lave been laid out and accepted under some cili cial form of procedure and yet flow no improvement pro the viewer viewers who elect lect and recommend the route routes ore are influenced b by I 1 ton ciany friendly and personal per soral con de ration and too often divert the road roads from their proper couro regard loea less of the rights end and need needs of the aral eling public they seem to feel that their immediate local interests inte reeta are the only Cs rou ceded and sj not realize that not only they but all who use the roads all time to come will be dobli to travel circuitous circuit on route routes and clamber op up and down bill hills to the enor mons lou to of timo time and energy because of their mistaken and mud shortsighted policy verily ioime is money and rad grade grades md cud square coners co ners constitute vonti tute a heavy perpetual tax the bublie for rarely is i a route once in a USO change I to other location loca tiou ono of lacall locating g a road at the couttet according to coal tent currey surveys and thorough examination can hardly be where report reports aro are made by viewer viewers to acme superior co body wy with abon the final decision deci jon fion it if Is of great 00 mat the viewer viewers be 11 liberal beral minded in tell igert and publio spirited and end tit that at one ox of them should alway always be b a abor thoroughly compe competent tnt engineer A full report of every examination should bo be made and anil hald should certain efficient asta to make I 1 1 vat and accurate opinion en on ak |