Show pennsylvania ROADS A man pik for thir vuda kiluk law haggst rt a aar join john hamilton toil demty see rotary of agriculture of irani ijiri I a plan forthe for lie improve ment meal of country roads tinder existing lw laws in tho the state which ho he believed win tho the delfred amil 1118 plau plan for tho the of the roads Is in that in their report the board of vien vieu rih era should birtt of all 11 II their thelt ai As to public iier cui ty demand demands cell such a dmd bat that they pre pro ant as pait ct of their report a map showing bior abo coudres and distances aud bud olio also ft a trofilo map the ilia contour roii tour cf of the tile ground with the cuts aud and fills markci and dd also 1 the degrees cf elevation lirt that BO no road exi it in fit extreme enter hall shall LITO over live degrees 1 grade and if it possible lirt over three that the right of wy way hall lo 10 nt at least 33 fact wide that all sl vains aud and ravines bridge i hall shall le be properly marked uron the 11 map brilli ilia ll 11 location lucati of crossroads crobo oad nearby houses anil and property lines through which the proposed road ii is to mil run aud and that there hall shall also be mark marked oil on tho the draft ile character of tho the oil soil over which the road if Is to be built that all drawing drawf vs shall ie te to ft a cale scale aud and that there shall accompany the report the this engineer a rat imato of tho the probable cwt of construction mr hamilton alfo alm suggests fop that none but liberal minded intelligent public spirited citizens lo 10 placed upon taboo board boards of viewer viewers aud and that the engineer bo be thoroughly competent not only to rein ran linn lines open upon the ground but aleo also to take level levels and eiro give estimates nf cult and fill fills with the probable cott cost ct of con str traction action air hamilton believe believes if his hi suggestions oro are carried into effect by the courts conr talt it will bo be but a question lon of a few years before a Is shown iu in the condition of tho the eublio highway highways |