Show notice I 1 hereby firm n that under an n ord onlin in of price town en utile an ord 1 nance the running at t urro larre of 0 corpes cattle bulte billy nam MW bap sheep costs and wine saine had to provide tor for the imi chemor ba bare to taken up and impounded ii ed the following tol lowin 4 aed to irit it cne one sorrel horse branded J J under halt circle cimie on a left ft thigh with etar in forehead fure bead and II 11 the said id animal is I 1 not claimed and taken away within ten nos day days from team ibe the date dato of this notice and all ail aasta aosta ereon paid label I 1 liall osino at public ale use and wll pell to the binder bidder for cah cash the animal above described buch such sele ie to lake take piece oo 00 the etu IT day of april at the pound of 0 aid said town bated at price town carbon county L altah tab this day V law T elt pound keeper |