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Show Tit E .J 0 R DAN J 0 uRN A L I ;:/ (\'ATJ O;V-W /0£ ~\1i!fi!:fi!fi~!fi!:fi!fi!:fi!fi!fi~_ :s FRIDA Y ONLY D. W. GRIFF ITH'S "BROK EN...,. . . . ,'"' Count ry Store and Vaude ville SATU RDAY ONLY "A Good Thing for the Budget" /;VSTITUTION- /NC. DEP AR". f11:E T'iT STO RES (Editorial in Portland News, January 28, 1926) See Ou r Double Page "A recent survey among Chicago house-wiv es dis. closes the fact that 85 per cent of them purchase their meat by sia-ht. Ad ver tise me nt in this Issue of the Journal The telephone, it seems, does not play the part of meat purchasin g agent except in comparati vely few cases. "This in encouragi ng evidence that the American housewife is sticking pretty close to her knitting and is not 'laying cfown on the job.' It is a good thing for both family budgets and hubby's palate.'' };; WILD WEST and & ....0 SUND AY and MOND AY The constantly increasing business in both Skaggs PRO GRA M HUB THEATRE - Midvale, Utah WEEK APRIL 11th 1'0 17th SUNDAY and MONDAY , APRIL 11 and 12 'STEEL PREFERR ED" Featuring Vera Reynolds, Hobart Bosworth, Charlie Murray and Ben Turpin Picturing the human side of the big steel industry, its workers, their lives and loves Also a Good Comedy TUESDA Y and WEDNES DAY, APRIL 13 and 14 REGINAL D DENNEY IN 'WHAT HAPPEN ED TO JONES" A rolieking farce comedy with a laugh every minute. People with weak ribs who can't stand the strain of laughlng are advised not to see the hilarious tickler A Very Good Comedy in ''The Fast Stepper" will also be shown COMING SOON CHARLE S RAY in "SWEET ADELINE ", Madge Bellamy in ''THUND ER MOUNTA IN". Buck Jones in ''THE COWBOY AND THE COU!IIT'fESS" THURSD AY and FRIDAY, APRIL 15 and 16 EUGENE O'BRIEN and LAURA LAPLAN TE in "DANGE ROUS INNOCEN CE" "The Female of the Species is more Deadly than the Male" If you want true drama, brilliant acting and a sensationa lly novel story, you must see this Picture Comedy, "Honey Moon Squabble11" SUNDAY , APRIL 17 ART ACORD (He never took "No" for an answer in) "RUSTLE RS RANCH" With Raven, the wonder horse and Rex, the dog Commenc ing today, the first of ten mighty chapters "PERILS OF THE WILD" depicting marvelous scenes in the South Sea Jungles A Good Comedy Goes with this Bill ~ stores and markets would seem to indicate that, in thi3 Western country, the percentag e of. women who 1!1::. realize the vital importanc e of personal shopping is at least as great as in Chicago, I* [,:y ~ ~ ~ I[ Get the habit of shopping personally . It is your privilege to make your own selection and compare I* ![ values, m II f2I The wise housewife realizes the amount she saves each month by shopping personally is • more than enou!{h to pay the monthly telephone bill. ~ H[ ji. N II' ~ ffii; IIi fE I . - ~ ~ MIDVALE ' L. J. McShane of Boonville, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Mc~hane are former residents of Midvale. The afternoon Bridge club met at Mrs, D. H. Townsend was hostess the home of Mrs. Jesse Boo-th Mon- to members of the Wesew club olt day. A one o'clock luncheon was Wednesda y. served. The prizes were won by Mrs. Students of the Jordan High and L. A. Porter and Mrs. Booth. their friends enjoyed the Senior Hop Word has been received here of the of last week at the school gymnasiu nt birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wells oi Bingham were Midvale visitors ThursdaJ. of last week, prior to their de parturc for California , where they will spend a month. Wednesda y of bst week, Mrs. Leon L. Olson entertaine d at a children·~ party for her daughter, Mary Eller. on her second birthday anniversa ry. The decoration s and favors were suggestions of Easter. Twelv.e small guests were prm~ent. · Mrs, Geo. W. Strom of Garfield spent Saturday in Midvale, the guest of Mrs. E. M. Hood Mrs. H. E. Phelps entertaine d the members of the Birthd~y club Satur day of last week. Dinner was served to nine guests. Mrs, John A. Aylett, Mrs. H. C. Aylett, Mrs. C. M. Burg, Mrs. Walter Nord, Mrs. Ira Beckstead , Mrs. R. AT THE~ -OF COURSE A. Pallanch represente d the com. munity club 11£ the Presideqt Con vention which was held Thursday and Friday of last week at the University of Utah, Miss Bernice Green of Magna vis. ited relatives- here, Sunday. Mrs. Victor Anderson attended a meeting of h-er club Wednesda y .....~...._0_~.-n~--u~~.c--<)~o-.o--~o-~ •• -D a• which was held at the home of Mrs. ~ ' ••• l'ar}ey J3urqham of Salt Lake. Miss Cora Lindsay spent last week with f:riends in Price and Hiawatha . Mrs. Kate Watson has returned to her home after spending the winter at the co"st, The Ladies Aid Society will serve a dinner Thur!!day evening to members of the Mason Lodge and their partners. Reservati ons are made for eighty. Mrs. R. R. Fenn entertaine d members of her club Tuesday evening at her home on Holden Street. Bridge was played the prizes going to Mrs. Annie Nelson and Mrs. H. E. Phelps. -- A re,&"u!ar meeting of the Ladies Aid Society wiH be held Thursday !\t ••• the M. E. Church. -=-=,=-=·=-=·=-::·::-:::·::-:::·::-::'::-::'::-::·:::-::';.;:-::• Friends of !dr: and Mrs. P. G. league game of the season. J)gwns met at their home on Oak The Debating team meets BingStreet Saturday evening of last week ham in a league debate 'fuesday, Lola Grant, Jordan's office girl is April 12th in two debates one at each and enjoyed oid~time dancing am! a late supper, There were 11eventy-five attending to her duties again after school. The Debate at Jordan is 'at an absence of a month due to an apguests. 11 a. m.,· the one a t B'mg h am at 3 . ·t·Is operati on, d tel pen Tuesday evening of last week, Mrs. Milan Canning, Jordan's catcher, 1 p. m, R. R. Gilbert enterlaine d at dlnr1er on the occasion of her husband's has been out of the game for a week birthday anniversa ry. Mr. and Mrs, James Silvery and Covers were with a very bad arm. He was hit on the elbow with a pitched ball. He chilclren, Glenna and Albert were the laid for thirteen. Mrs. J. Hollis Aylett and baby is expected back in the line-up soon. dinner guests of Mrs. Floreta Roberts daughter expect to leave late in the The Spring class Track and Field 1 of Salt Lake, Easter. meet is planned for Friday afternoon 1 Miss Myrtle Harris of Ogden was w!'lek for Pasadena, California where they wil! visi~ a~ the home of Mrs. at Jordan. Ribbons will be given the guest of Mrs. James Silvery durto place winners by the stuclenty body ing the week. :Nne Huscher of tha~ ci~Y: Mr. and Mrs, M· J. Joy ~nd childJordan's Cross Country team will ren spent Sunday in Ogden. compote in the state high school City The Committe e of Midv;le The lJ, A. Club will meet at the Creek Canyon Hun, Saturday. R. Lions Club desires to the extend their }l.Qme of Ml'lir Paul ~- Roberts 'fhurs- Price, Ralph Price, 1'jielsen, Jensen, sincere appreciati on to all those )Yho clay evening, Frost, Butterfield , Cropper, Bush, assisted them in making the Lions Mrs. Betsy Blackley of Heber i!l a James, Walker and Wilcox will make Club Easter Egg Hunt the unqualguest at the home of her nephew, t,he trip. 'l'he Cross Country men ifled success that it was. Over figl,lert S. Lindsay. have been badly hantlicapp ed by the- kiddles ;!re much happier and life for Miss Katherine Forester and Miss bad weather and the lack of an in- them will look much brighter In the Lillian Wheian of Salt Lake were the door track. days to come for having been given g1.u~sts Wednesda y evenif)g at the The Baseball squad meets L. the opportuni ty to show their skill homo of Mrs, Mary B. Stokes, S. Tuesday at Lucas field in the first in hunting eggs on Easter Day, 1926, and Harry Langd on in "The First 100 Years " PATH E NEWS and Good Music TUES DAY, WEDN ESDA Y, THUR SDAY SA LE IN an For Instan ce-An y Handk erchie f at our REGU LAR LOW PRICE and I -YOU GET TWO FOR ONE Regul ar 5c Handk erchie f, you pay 5c and GET ONE ABSO LUTE LY FREE !! and so on with .every handk erchie f in Stock. or I HOSI ERY- in Childr en's, Misses, & Ladies One of the Many· BARG AINS we offer this week is our GUAR ANTE ED RUN STOP Silk Hosier y, Regul ar $1.49- You Pay $1.49 Only and get ONE PAIR absolu tely FREE !IIl Space does not allow listing each item in this wonde rful2 for 1 SALE . You must see them to apprec iate. Come early and get your pick IRIS THEATRE Commencing Thursday, April 8, and lastina until Wed., Aprii·I4, inclusive Let us Protect Your HE AL TH as Well as Your wE AL TH Midvale Plumbing & Wiring Co. "MeeT Me At Booth 'S You can get the FAMOUS, Nation ally known GOODYEAR Pathfi nder Tires now in Clinchers, Straig ht sides and baloon sizes. They are big, burly, handso me tjres- made in the World 's Large st Factor y and backed by a standa rd guara ntee of QUAL ITY They'r e tires we are PROU D to recom mend and sell at a Money Saving Price See Us Last-M idvale 's Large st Dept. Store I Bath and Electr ical Fixtur es of every descri p tion. All work guaran teed. Office 87 E. Centre Phone 1\Hdvale 216 ERNSTROl\1 and EGBE RT, Props. 1\lidvale "the.h ub city" Utah :-::-::'=':::-::·:::-:::;:-=c-=-=-=,-=-=-=u-=u-=u-='= JORD AN NOTE S "MeeT Me At Booth 'S er e. SHOC K ABSO RBER S TO THE LIMIT ED POCK ET BOOK D.j • • ' |