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Show THE JORDA N JOURN AL, MIDVA LE, UTAH -----::::::r-=~-==------ ·- ~0 by Arth ur D. How den Smi th ~ 'WNU Servle41 Copyright by Arthur D. Howden Smith . counter hlm. One fmment;e arm, thkk as a tree-hough , f;hot out and Imprisoned the wrist of the knl fe-hanrl; o twist, and the knife plnged on the deck. The other arm captured a tblgb aml Bones w11s reared above Peter'11 hen d. Peter "ave him a prelimina ry shake ~ts If to prove to him how completely he was In his pon·er and started to walk llack to the lee bnlwat·k. noneq shrieked like the lost liOUI he was, certain that Peter Intended to cast him Into the ~ca; but half-way across the deck Peter came to a loose halyard. He lowered nones carelessly , 1 tucked him under one arm and pr<r 1 coodPrl to ree>e a landsman 's slipnoo. e. \Ve all watched him with utter fnsc!natlo n, and It Is an Indication or the pirates' corle In such afralrs 1 tlrat none of them interYened . nut Peter was not to hang l\Iastcr Bones. 1 "Your object lti no doullt praiseworthy, Peter," n•nmrked my greatundc from the ca'Jin compan.Io nway 1 beh;nd u,.., "but I f ar I must request you to let the 11 ,un go. He is of some I vu 1ue to a !riPnd of mine." ! PNer re"nrllt>r! ~lnrray curiously. I "11£' knife,; l'o lrt and me-j ,•· an- 1 werefl tlte Dutcl m::n "He will nr 1 t do it ug:tln,'' Murray ussured !Jim. ''l\laster Bon 8 !" -Peter regrdfully unhitched the noose from Bone • neck and admlnistererl a shove which sent him reeling act·oss the dPek, to carom Into the butt of the mizzenma st, recoiling with the loss of a broken tooth antl ending up in u battet·erl !1eap at :\lurray's feet. My gn•ut-uncl e r<'gar.led the fdlow with obviou~ <li,.;plea~nre. I "lr you r car a Gen era l Mo tors ""S I~ Car? '" '"F YOU own a Chevrol et, a Pontiac, an known all, tor there had been hole, John,'' said Pew with a gentlePew's rhuckle trickled lclly from no necessity for the lie. Doubt not, nes~ which gn ve the word:; a pecullm·ly SYNOPSI S Oldsmob ile, an Oakland , a Buick or a under the eye !'hade which east a she was In entire Ignorance of the . lnlf'ter significanc e. grePn lllur over his whole lmver fnce. ~ ._ Cadillac , you own a General Motors car• hlack evil the::;e two plotted ! I wn!'l The 11tory opens In New York, ~ih·er nodrletl almost complncen tly. "I sur,pose there Is a hell for such , about tho mlddl" of the Elghtglad with a great uurst of exultation "What I gets, I kePp~. I'm none as you,' I snlcl, tr-yi "But what/' you may ask, "does that to keep my Penth century. nobert Ormerod, whit'h must have shown Itself In mJ o' yom· free spen<lers, rich todny, poor who tells the tnle, Is talking to voice sten<.ly. mean to me?" It means just this: fuce. for Darby exeluimed : tomonow. .'ome day I'll be retirin' Peter Corlaer, chlet o! the trad"Some ~ays there Is lind some says "Th<>re wa~ a g-ood fairy flicked fTom piratin', and then I'll ulm to t•lde there i~n·t," an.,wered ~ih·er ers, and man ot enormous General Motors is a family of compani es r .• sonstren&th, •hen Darby McGraw, a wing ov~r you, Master Hob I Glory, In my own coneb un•l sit In parley- ably. "• ·o US to wor·t·y, !:illY I." Irlah bond(•d uoy, brings news building motor cars and trucks and such hnt ye had the happy thought. Will m{'nt." that a pirate shill Is "off the I was so '· ronght up that I ttlln'k I other famous automot ive products as Fisher ye throw In with u;; and be a pirate "You'll have to sail your own Rhlp mu~t ltaYe come to blows with Rook." An old sea captain anthem nounc~s he has been ch;J.s~d uy chir>f? Troth, tlH•re'd lie no hetter." first, ,r uhn,'' said Pew, ancl the remark but for a fortunate Bodies, Delco and Remy electrica l systems, dh ~::r·s on. Bone<~ the noturl•IUS pirate, Captain '. 'ot I, Darby; hut I wlll huve a 1\'HR frunght wllh Implicatio ns thnt tm<l severn! otlter men .empr·~e<l fr·mu Harriso n radiator s andAC spark plugs. Still R!p-Rnn. Th<> older Ormerod hite to eat. if such there he nboard made me turn cold at the pit of IllY tells Robert tl.e pirate Is Andrew the fo'<''lie lratch, ~·:mnlng and strl'tchother General Motors products are Delco· a pirate craft." Murray, his (Rr>bert's) groatstomach. tug their nnw;, e,·;,Jcntly havln~ jwst uncle, commandi ng the pirate "La~hin's of ever;~·thlng In nature," Light electric power pl:mts and Frigidai re It was as If yon eonld see the trail nri,en from sleep. At the bRill,€' moship, the Royal James. Murray re.Joim•rl Darby ,bri~kly. "Sit to the of bloodshed antl suffering Silver electric refrigera tors. There are General ment Peter Corlaer climbe<l from the Is an ardent Jacobit... , 'ext day table yon, and I'll fetch lt !rom would blaze to pO>''!'. s that ship and cabin Robert and Darby E'DC•>Uuter a companion way, Im·ched for a Motors plants in 44 cities, employ ing on~-l.,g~ed the ~alley." 8allor, John Silver. to exploit her to aflvantage . moment, on his feet an•! then stagRot-ert meets a young woman 120,000 people; and sales and service The tnhle was ~et and ready, not "And why not?" returne<l Silver vlg· gered vt·ecal'lousl~· toward the bulfrom a Spanish fr !gate who is wltQ coar·se wal'i<s. cr(lckery I startPd and steel for'ard orouRly. forkR, to aid "\\·e•n him, name no names, Flzrn, organiza tions in 144 countrie s. aeekin~ her father, Colonel Imives an<! ~poor:s, but with dainty hut captains can't Jh·e for ever. Some an•J Bones ran aft O'Donnell. Murray with a force with a loud yell. china, heavy silverware anrl fine na- Is aged and some soaks theirselve s in ot sailor" visits the Ormerod Genera l Motors uses the combin ed "Don't ye spoll my decks, ye fat house. He annnunces his Intenpery, too. I commente d on this when rum. You never know! You never cow!" resource s of this great fam.il y for the benefit he shouterl. tion of ca rrylng off Robert, IJy Darby 1·eturned, bn\uncing l'll!IOkiug lmow I" force, If necessary, promising him Poor Peter, regarclles; ; of both of U!', of each member . It effects great savings in the !li~hes and a jug of hot chocolate upon "There' nm Done!!, us has Ideas seized a stay and a &'reat future. clung to It abjectly, purchase of quality material s; it provides the a tray. on the uiJJeck," remarked Pew. quite helplc;;s. nones reached him "t an 1 · "'Tis the way himf'elf-" hi~ thumb h' h t "Stand up, ~raster nones,'' he said. And he contrived to make me feel fir . • r gave 1Hm a s 11ove w lC sen best of engineer ing talent; it maintain s the . . • t ·1 Indicate<.! the starboard stateroom door the horrnr of a long-draw n-out feud him 1 h 1 Bones stumlllerl to hr. feet, bleedrng CHAPT ER V 1 world's largest research laborato ries and P ungrng n t re scuppers eat from several cuts nn<l scratche!'l. He -"will live. The he~t of everything and rivalry. tlrst. -5proving ground for automob iles; and it "Get up .. he'll ha,·e. and on hi'l own ship nigger d B d d It was \'ery plainly frightened at what "Ye~. there's Bill." rmninnted Siher. Aboard the Brig. • !'Onar1e ones, an en Ia ahenrl of him. slaves to serve him, nntl they in llv- "Flint's mate, is Bill. !•'lint's best pal, him a vicious assures the permane nce of its various divi· kick with a heavy senY I woke with a ray of ~un«hln~ eries like grand gentlemen have." Is Bill. Flint's confeydun tey, some boot. "Master Bone!!," re:nmed my grent· sions and the products which they make. !!treamlng across my fn"e through the "You feem tn have eipel'ienee d no says, Is Bill. Well, well! But we unrle, "~·ou are for the prpsent under Peter gronned, and I caught Bones thick, greenish gla~s of a deadlight trouble In becoming Intimate with your was talkin' o' cripples my comma11d, nnrl I happen to have In other words, General Motors has ever) and how a blind by the nrm. and un odd feeling of contentme nt. new col!lpanlon s, Darby," r remarked. somPwhat ol<l-fl'shio ned theorlf's as facility and every incentiv e to maintai n "D-n you for a coward l" I shouted. There was a soothing swi!'s•r-sh of di"It's me head does It," returned rPgL rd;; discipline and the carrying "Cnptnln ::\Iurray bade you use us quality and to offer value for the price; and vlded water!'; and the hrlg herself Darhy, unabashed . "As I told ye, It out of ortlers. Yon have recently disgently. Is this how you ohey?'' was swaylni easlly 1n a following !'ea. brings goo•l luck." tb.e current models of General Motors cars He snatehed free ot me and yanli:ed obeyed an order of mine." Oorlaer was sleeping the sleep of "• 'ot to me,'' I retorted with a grin. "Sure, I didn't-" are offered as the greatest values in the hisout a knife. utter exhau!'tion , and I wns at pains "Ani! don't ye hE'! too sure," he "Master Bones," my uncle went on tory of the automob ile industry . ''Obey, Ye louRy luhller I" he howled. not to disturb him a~ I slipped to the tlasJ,ed. "We'll maybe sail n long ways without raising his voice, "did you "I'm Fllut's mate, and I'll !'bow ye floor, opened the door and entered togf'ther; and I'm your friend, Master ever !mow a man named Fotherlli who can sny o!,ey to me. Get back the main eabin. This was d!'serte<l Bob, for ye were never one to let me Jnck, I believe, was the gi\•en name?" ther~ or I'll eut your heart out and save for the hoy n rby, who was be put upon In the counting-r oom." Bones nocld~>d, unable to speak. eat it afore ye." curled up on the seat under the stern ''llumph," saitl I "That Is to be "And what rlltl I order done to him, I Ico!(ed allout me for a windows, peering out at the brig's sePn. Where is 'himself,' as you call enpon, :\!aster Bone!':?" anxious to give hlm a le~son; but creamy wnke. He heard the door dose !Jim T non£>s moistPned his lips. there was not a sign of anytltlug after me anrl swiveled round at once. "Asleep In his het·th. Troth, he was "Keel-hau led, he was." h::~ncly, and I bncked awny cautiously landing lightly on his feet as If he up until tlnwn conning the brig throngh "Correct," agreed my grcnt-nnd e. from the mennce of his knife. Sliver "Keel·hnu led. had been to ~'<ea for years. the harbor shoals." A most expressive 1 shouted to him to let us he, as clld phrasP, Robert," he adrlecl "Oeb, l\fastE>r Bob,'' suys he, "1 "Are we outside?" to me. one or two others; but his only an- "Technica lly, I should thought ye'd nevPr wake up. Ah, It's "Sure, we're by und beyond what explain, 1t Inswer wris a :stl'lng of the curses in volves drawing n man under the the grand, l'f!lntl day. And do ye they call Sandy hook. '!'here's only keel CHEVR OLET ' PONTIA C • BUICK which he wa!'! !'o proficient, and he of a ve S('i. It has-shall we 11mel! the brine in the nlr7 It makes the wlrlt' ocean in front." say?continued to clr·cJe nfter me. OLDSM OBILE ' OAKLA ND the toes of your two feet dnnce. "I'm for the dec!>, then." I nnswerccl. unpleasan t con"equen ces." For whether ye w!ll or no-troth, It does." rnp•elf I was not gren tly frightThe companinn wnv "''"' empty, uml lie turned to Bones. I CADILL AC ' GMC TRUCK S ened, for, as It chanced, knife-figh ting 'Twa'! lmpos~ible to nourish re:<ent- I u}('t nc•l,ody until I had climhecl to ".·a man di~oheys an (Jrder of mine "A car for e\lery purse and purpose" was nn art In which I was somew;Jat more t1 nn once, ~fa:<te1· nones. That ment against the boy for his betrayal the deck. T'was Jll•s~inA" strange that f>xpert, thanks to in«trurtlo n from my Is r.ll. You may l!o for'ard." of us. He was as naturally lnwle;;,:; I so readily adapter! my,;elf to the General Motnro cars and truclu, Delco-Ullht e!tctrlc father',; Tndlnn friends; lmt I wns conand unmoral as a young wolf, but I sea and its way>', seein~ that all my pL,nu and Fri:Pdalre clectrlc refriaeratora may b" The mnn stnrted to l:'louch otr, wlppurc'haoed on the GMAC Plan, ~rovided by General r'el'IlNl lest t11e scoundrel make a dart lnt!; the blood from his cheek with could not re~lst a jeer nt his recent life I had nevrr hecn beyond the wa}\.{otonftad. fto assure aoundtl."t'Dl8 and low iin.anee ratea. transform ation. at Peter and slay thE' Dutchm"n as his cont si£eve; but Peter stepped In ters of the iuner harbor. Yet 'Us the he lay Inert. .Turlge of my nmnze- ft·nnt of hlm. "And how do!!s It seem to ue a pi- fact that I had no dl ·comfort or mls1 ment then whf'n Peter swaye<l to his rate, Dnrby7" giving and e>en ncquir·ed !nstlnctlve ly 'fhp Dutehman tonlr an oaken belay-~ feet, holding on to thP bul varks to lng-pin from lhe rack aroun<l the mlz"Oh, fine! Sure, I nl ways !mew I the sailor's trieks of Rtanding and pull himself erect. wa n·t intended for a bnnd-boy to run walldng, n1; was comnrente<l upon by His face wa<; zenn.n~t, bel•! lt out toward Bones - - - - errand nne! carry b:tle ·. Ah, It's thr no le ·s an authority than John S!l,·er. "You Walk Like a Blasted wl it<', but he nhnndonec1 his support nnd the othrrs and cr:lmly broke It Admiral, Absurdi ty of Avarice without he.ltntlun nnd ad,·nncl"!l in two with his bare hands and grand llf • [ ster Bou! They tell me The deck was deserted for'ard. \)ne No Less." tossed 1 Daniel Guggenhe im, who has just crooked-le gged, ncr•1S tlH~ der·k to>. nrd the fragnents O\ erside. ~~If -·• l•e jer'·e... hlm nc' lit's tllUII'b t (1' mrn wa~ lashed to tl1e ma1'n ct·o -"· !Dan C!'n Steer, 11 11 • r given $2,500,000 to advance neroWhiCh iS a· Jong Way us. ward the door of a statergom op!1oslte tr·ce><, sweepin~ thE.' entire circuit of otr from n·n, who Ln't "Admlmb le !" exclaimed my great- nautlcs, cnnt'lemne d avarice at a dlnneither Cl'ip"I tulle him, Bob,'' h!' said tbat 'l n \''h'c" i)e r tlr e1 I 1h hOI'iZOil with a" >'P'.'" ·• · ., PE.'tnt• " a11d I n•e1·e um·le. "\Yhnt wor<ls could hope to j ner In New York. " ".. i:tss. Aft tltnre ' p!Nl nor hliud, mayl (> has ltopes, -"Is 0\\11 uncle to ye, nnd ~ome rlrty, WPre only ~liver and anothet' fellow so he ha~. wl f'nand I jumped betwren him and Tlonf's In e ·press so much as that ge ture'i "There's a story," he said, "thnt he r('n e'llhers that." 1f ye choose, ye can be as great as nt the wheel. Tl1e one-legged man p w luu lwd !;o eoluly, with !Juch time to ~top the pirate's ru ·h, dodg- And It lntrigUPS me to note that Cor- 1 shows us how nb urd avarle0 is. A him. Faith, and I know what my waved to me \\ lth !.Is crutch from h!.· d!'n on lac 1r hu nanlty, tlrnt 1 expe- InG" n knifr thrust by the width of mv Ia r has a rl!stlnct taE<te for the dt n- Califo"nia boy asked hL<s father: cho!ce would he!" 1 eat on tlte cabin slryli" Jt. mnUc. Silver, lrus the lookout r t n•·ed a su lden fellow-f 1 ~Jin~ f'lr coat-s'ee,· e. "'Father, can r go down to the ''Is lt your Wen that pirates ne,·er "Keep away, Pettr" I punted. "I slgl tE.'d ony YC!':Sel ?" "('ou.e nnd talk with Long Jol n, ,la~ter noneR, distn tcfnl ns I had I orange grove and pick a fl w oranges?" workT I inqulrul !\laster Ormrrod," he ealled. "\Vher(' fom.d hlm-nlso , a pronoll'lr'e d de'lir<' can h mile him. You can't. :rou'll-" "• ot n s. !I s'nte we clenr!'Cl Sundy I " 'Yeo:;, son, but be all-fired r reful H!! fr C'f' fEll 11 tt·ir e. did ye find tl em ser, legs o' vourn? to <hnn;l" the subject. The bnr€' Jlrox"I take him.'' rep~ ,lt<'tl C'ol'lner. look, si ,' the onc-1.-gged mnn ~tn- only to pick had ones.' 'O('h, tlu>re's worl eYerywhe rc ye Yon W.llk like a hlnsted ndmlr4l, no imlty to sudJ whole-~onl Be reached out his hnncl, grahbe<l ·wererl hrblrlv. ed, heartless "'But Rnppose there n'n't no had go, bad 'cess to It! But I m to lrnve 1 tess." "Very good. Keep on this cour e ones, father?' n•y shoulder nnd l:iJilln me from his cruelty wns unplPII'iHnt. my own cutlas~ and two pi tols for "I fou~1d •11em he! ow," I ans:' cr. cl, "Do you conunonly Indulge in ex- patl1 as easily ns If I had been a and call me at once sl ould a sail show "'Then you'll have to walt till some my bPlt, and tltey say I'm good for the hfe of me u;wble to rest>t the plolts like ye terday's, And I did not nttE'mpt to re- in any qnnrter.'' And he tlescended gnes bad, of course. \Ve can't afford Sil vE.'r?'' I child luck." ~<'~~undrel's IP;::ratratl ng manner . askecl. "Did ~·ou take this ship d8- turn to his side, for I lmfl f<lt thP w!tlr proper diptltY to his brenkfa:<t. to eat good, sound fruit that fetches "0ood luck? How's thaO" \ hHe are the rest of your eom- , slgnetlly to carry you Into • ·cw York?" stt·en th in his arm an1 knew th ,t I a dime apiece up in • 'ew York)" "Sur(•, It's my hair, I tl:ink. Flint pany'i" "You mi.:ht say truthfully she was lrad no cause to qe tion his ability CHAPT ER VI -him that this cn~w all with by ll!' Iauglted an1l winked nt the man tlte uest fitted for It of ':ievernl,'' he to tnke C( re of hhn,;elf ng;.~inst any usual-he ha;; a liking for :! red- nt the wheel, nn nwful-Ionk ing crea- acltwl\vled ged. "Blow The Chinese Flapper my other Rtlck mnn, howeYer armed. Tall Ships and Lawless Men headed lr,d. Such as meself hrln;::s tm·e, o l1eavy of shoulder as to appear otr If she was J;:OOil for "Let hlm be, nm." cnllecl l'ilver anything el e" The Chine"e flapper Is not ns uttrachim luck, so they swenr, and Long deformed, with a green shade 0\·er 'l'here was a noticeable tightening tl>e as the ". 'ot forty pound~ In her,'' ruumllled again· -wns I wrong in fan('ying his term migl1t s0em to Imply John--" of di clpllne after my great-uncl e's for her garb tlet>ply sm1ken eyes that were all pit- l'ew. twiddling the wheel-spo kes. tone unduly oflidou~. pro\·ocntlv e? is a hybrid nrrangrm ent I "\Vho?'' ted around with tiny hlue sc»r;:;. "ller crfw-" "I'm d-d If I <lo,'' ru:;:p 'd Bones. nflmonltic. n to Bones, nnrl Peter and which Is neither one tl'lnl! or the otll"Long .Tolm ~tl~ter ~liver. to he I were let severly alone, except by "Is that foretops'! drawln' full, Silver raised his eyebrows and g.tve "If he ''ants It. he'll get ft." er. She has positively discarded the sure-him with the one leg we talked John?" asked the man with the grN•n me a !'low wink. Silver, who, I think, found satl~fac trouf'erR wl,lch He "praug at Peter with knife uphas l•een tile tra<litlnnto by the f:hore ~-e-;terday-he f<ays eye-shade in a voice that was sln,:u"l'oor unfortuna tes! 'Twas one raited. aiming to slash hls throat; bu~ lion In mmo~·ing the mate hy the ef- 1 a! l!'nrb for centuries and wears In I'll go far with Flint." Iarly 1:'0ft. Peter moved with lightning !>peed to fu~in•np, of his cordiality to us. A sten<l 11 long full skirt. The Chim•-E.' time we couldn't take chances." se(l>nll loolwut was !'ent Into the foreI had to lauo:h at my own hentu!'leSilver squinted aloft. headdress Is retained, but she is litop, an<l the watch on deck were able ment at the pl!'ture Ilarlly's remark "She'll do," he decided. to put on nny ot the other feacalled up. eontlnuall y on the alert. Yesterday morning at "\Yould you mind telling me how a tures of the Occidmt: l girl thnt sll(' this hour I had been lahoring in 1lus- blin•l mnn can steer?" I inquired. My g1·E'!ut-nncle pacerl the deck with can obtain. The rE.'sult is a garbled \\'c can't quite enter into th ha{ltrlou. ly In the counting room In measured Etrirles throughou t the aftTile man with the ~reen eye-sha1le appearanc e which is sometime s ri<llcu- piness of other Jleople if we think Pearl street. And how muC'h hml chuckled in a way to chill your bloor1, lt'a ernoon, his IH'ad bent upon his chest, lous. foolit;h. happened since then! I It is really quite Impossible to draw with an unwashed multitude, their not a word for nnyhody. When night harked so sarr!onic, so overpower .ngly evil hack to my setting forth for the nris- wa::: the ca \I her of the mirth it sug- a compnriso n between our wide und heads bohhing up from the lower r'ame lie !<nperviserl the hoisting of 15pacious avenues and bouleYard s an:.! depths us they climbed the grade, tur· two lanthoms, red and green, one tol puc>ket. the ca.-uu 1 eonversatl on J;l'sted. with the onP-Iegsed mariner-h ow [ "Don't go to mak!n' up your mind the crowded, smelly bazanr streets of boned head!~, skullcappe d head~. fuzzy. nhove the other, to the rnuin truck; Eklllfully he had pumped me anrl an- Pew can't see e\·er:~-·thlng, ' Master Or- tire Orient, l'lerre Ya n O'Paassen as- haired hear!!!, wimpled heads, tar and he nte very little of the excellent nexed Darhy to his plot !-the en- · merud," said Silver, shifting his crutch. ser·ts in the Atlantn Constituti on. booshPrl h<>n<'ls, cal11ac:ked head"', der- meal which ,'!1\·er cooked in Ute galley counter \~ltb the Irish maid"I'd !.ate to have him decide to tnke a They are built and run on entirely by-l'rowne •l heads, nose-and- earrlnged and Darby sened us In the cnbln. Wlt11 this I curlled my recollec- shot at me. Steer? "'ell now, what's different stnndards . There may be heads. PetPr was almo ·t himself agnln, alIt choked with nol!!e. It tlons. Thought of Moira O'Donnell neelled in steer·in'1 A strong arm, grace, mujesty and beauty in a noble, brayed with asses and tinkled with though he dared eat but little and sufwas unplea.,nn t, for I could not rid says you .. null you says true. Also poplar-lin ed thoroughf are, yet tourists camels. It dnuced with ge-;ticulat !on. fered qualms when the brig rolled my m·nd of the suspicion that she and Jlkew1 e, an ear for canvas. Laf'tly go to the end of the world to see a much from the perpcmdlc ulnr. He was must be hound up In some way in and leastwise, an eye for the cour·se. scene as nen Sharar de:;cribes: "I enasleep ns f'oon ns he lay down, but Daya of Youth I drowsptl lightly for some hours, and the schemes ht:r father worked at in "Any man can read a compas:, tered a long stone passage, lined with "\Ye are young only Ol\le," you often co-opn11tl on with my G"reat-uncle. young G"entlemn n; but not every sail- shops, more a tlight ot steps than a henr some per~on remnrk as an e"- all that time I could l1ear overhead Don't spend a penny for J;>aintin_g or decorating until you the tap-tup-tn p of footfalls in even Rut there! I (ound relief ln till~ orman cnn feel how his ~hip tnkE.'s the street. I moved throu~h the bowels cuse for ''hitting the pace.'' have investigate d King Wall Finish. This amazing finis'h reflection. C'erte~. her futh!'r could wind and meets his rudder quick when of a great mnrkei lit with occasional not only gives any room a rich, beautiful appearanc e but True, we cnn be young but once, an1l callen!'e as my great-und e strode he no worse than my reluUve; and :<he war.ts meetin'. Pew can. Give shafts of the sun w1t!ch dropped the pleasur·es of youth must lle crowded from tl:e !'I Prn rallln;,: to the call in the cost is wnarkably lfYW•. You can make any ' average sized room look like new for less than a com]·anio nway nn<l back n~aln. here was I, innocent of any art or part him some one like me to play e~·es through manholes in the overhead Into that :;pace of time. ~-...c..• dollar. Ask your decorator about King Wall Finish. Yet wl en I wrnt on deck In the In l\lurray's de~lou. ploys, yet tossed for him, and he'll steer as strnight a vaulting. It was bl':md toBot how long are we young? Some He will tell you it is easy to handle Gust mix with Into the grip of their mechanl rn uf' 1 !'Ourse as a packet-bo at wl' a uonus j;etl er with stone n rches. It was men are ul'l nt forty, while otber·s arc m(lrn·ng It wa to dl!>co,·er Murray hot water and apply) and that it never spots rutt,lessly ns If my life ciPpen!.led 1 on the voya;:e." hung with droper's goods, dead sheep, still youn~ ut sixty. It depends upon already tlrcre, dre sed with his cus- \ laps or streaks, even when used by an inex- 1 11pon his success. And perhap It "Are there many cripples in your ~hoe:; and lwn hiefs. It wns throngeJ tire puee they h,t and the manner 1n tom"lrY immaeu ate precision, his face j perienced painter.. Write today for name of fresh and unf. tlguecl. dloJ. What more natut·ul, then, than crew?" I a ked curlou!'iy. lie r.toou wlrlch they hit it. dealeT nearest you and FREE Color Chart that she wa<s equnlly innocent 't Aye, the wit el, hands I showing 19 beautiful colors to ch00$C "l'rip]1les 'I'' repeated Silver. "It all We {'Un u·owd a lot of work anrl astraddle close hv • from. c1a peel • hehinrl from the eom·er ation bet ·Jxt the dl"pend on what you might mean. him, bls ze fixed Moving Contine nta pleasure into youth If we l:eep o 1r upon the two coP plr. tors I hnd ovrrhPard the Tb rn's cripples und cripples. Rome tossing waters ahead. The !den that the continents of the beut·ts nnd our minds and our bodie "You sec!Dl perturbed ," I said. night before It appc u·Nl that she on 'em ~-e pays their screw-" world are moving Is embodied In the dean. We cun re<luce the amount of was lgnrr ut, prolu J'Y In greater lg"I nm," be returne<l frankly. "I "Their "butT I interrupte d. "Wegrner hypothe is," su~gested by both and s'wrt!'n our youth by resort· nornnee of hf•r f1 •he. 's p nns th11n I, '"I heir ·,·rew the what d've call It Prof. Alfred Wegener of Austria ln lng to reckie s diss.patiO n.-Nc;w- have two problems upon my mind.'' r 1se how e-scJlla n O'Do nell's concern -In urnnce m~ncy. So mu ·h '' e get his book. "The Origin of Continent s castle Courier. "enfortun ntcly, l see no slJ;ns of ' upon <!lscovertn g the characte1· of the ft'OIU the prize money extry for the and Ocean;;;• published in 1912. 1.'his pursuit," 1 ans vered. men w!tlr tylJ•>m she was to b<) thrown hurt. Pew, he got a thou:;and pounds, theory ls that the continents of the He emiled. Deer Thrive in New Home In con~ et? Which S&llle he blowed in three nights world are drifting, the rate of muv&Red deer from Scotlnncl have ueen And th's arou ed a further r col- in St. l'u~rt-e. D'ye miod, Ezra? J ment being necessaril y very slow, and acclimate d In "ew Zealand, where DISTRID UTOR let:I'OD Wlun Another pirate chief is introas It the lass had ~ot t:i~ht hundred pounds for my leg during recent conferenc es of scientists they haYe multiplied to such an exI s::~lcl n~> we pnrted? duced In the next Installmen t. & -and fair enough, If you asks me." It was decided that certain tests, in- tent that there are now three times "l!c"·E' nur 'Ill~ h · dlv("'·gc." "And that eight hundred pounds I'll volving radio, were to be made durin& as many of them in their SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH . neJY hoiUe .!t • ' • 0t h:n·,. • Jld that llad ~:-amble you ha' stowed away l..r. a. 1ate the winter of 1926-1927. u in all Scotla.od. ITO .Bill CONTll'i ~he I ° ! I G EJ\' :R AL M OT OR S -- I See Peculi ar Charm in Orien tal Street s Costs less than 1.00 to deco rate a room with II fi • I --- ! I 1 I L!:= === === =llj LlEll • SALT LAKE GLASS PAINT CO. .. |