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Show -------------~--------------------~ -----------------------~--------------------~--------------------------------------~-~~~------------------------- It's Wond erful What A Little Boosti ng Spirit \Viii Do For The Community . Suppo se You Try It For A While DON'T WAIT-G ET ONE Of Those Swings Before It Is The Supply Is Too Late. ,.Limited . You Cannot Purchase Them-G iven Away At The Journal Office. t.;AS'f ER EGG HUN' f lSI SUGA R ASSO CIA11 0N lJRG~ Rl!:ASONABLE liHhA 'l' SlJCl;C.~S. B~ET ACRE AGE li~LUliU t;NOW U "Woodman, Spare that Tree." A\ 1 .. PRICE THRE E CENTS l\1IDVALE, UTAH , APRIL 8, 1926 VOL. 1 NO. 48 MASS MEET ING 1'0 CITY MARS HAL OF MAN IS DEPE NDEN T ON :BIRDS, SAYS (.;Ul\JSlDER STR~~T MIDV ALE MAKE S A PROlVIINE:NT PROF . LUCK Y CATC H CAR FARE RAtS~ "Man is dependent in the activities A Mass Meeting ol the Citizens of birds for his prosperity and safeof Murray, Midvale aud ~andy lor the ty," declared Professor J. H. Paul of purpose of considerin g the propo~eu the L ni versity of Utah, "This fact is increase in Car Fare Rates a::;keJ for being emphasize d even more than by the Utah Light & 'l'!·action Comhe said. In explaining these ever,' pany has been called to meet in the statement s, Professor Paul showed Murray City Hall, Murray, Utah, on how hosts of the b1rds commonly Friday, April 9th, 1926. seen in all part of Utah are of greatEveryboo y interested in this matter' est importanc e in ridding the trees is invited to attend the mas::; meetand plants of the state of such deing in order that a thorough dis~.:us structive forms of life as the moths, sion of thE: puint::; involved may be caterpillar s, boring-beetles and horLast evening at 11 :30, the City had. The hearing on the question ol ing-wasps . in~rease. in street c~r rn:tes. wil: be Marshall, with the assistance of spec"It has been shown," Professor he. J .before the .Pubhc Ullhbes C?m- ial deputies, walked in on Louis and Paul said, 'that chicadees and other nus~10~ of Utah, at the State Cap1tol, Pete Dizikis, at their home just west very small birds of the great forests j of Holden street near Center street near the head water::; of streams, live beg1l1nmg Monday, April 12th. T~e Journal s~ggests that anyone in Midvale, and 'found a full fledged on the eggs of harmful moth, beetles ~avmg a. compla1~t to make rt::gard- liquor making establishm ent going and wasps. These eggs are laid in 111g the mcrease m rates attend the , full blast. the bark of t he forest trees ,and if Murray ~ass ~eeting prepared to: A twenty-fiv e gallon capacity still permitted to hatch, wo uld destroy the P.r~sent h1s po1~t. Otherwise such , was in operation at the time, at least forests of America in a year or two. citizens not contmue to complain af- · it was so hot the officers could not "Our f arms and citie::; are absodisposed of by the ~· touch it. This was, of course, con- lutely dep endent upon large supplies ter the matte~ fiscated and is now quietly reposing of water; and the water supply of prop.er authont1e s. 01 course, we all understan d that in the City Hall. Approxim ately 108 any part of this r egion depenas upon the automobil e bus lines and privately gallons of moonshin e whiskey in the preservati on or reproducti on on ?Wned motor cars have made a great kegs, etc., was also taken to the City the great divides of huge areas of mroad on . the revenue derived from Hall and about 150 gallons of mash, water-bea ring lands. Extensive forthe operatiOn of the street cars. Just with one quart bottle labeled "Gor- est growth and forest cover should ~ow far this has affected the earn- dan Dry Gin." be replaced or saved at the head The still was fully equipped with I~gs o.t: the company is a matter for waters of all our great streams. heating devices and a pressure gas State or municipal parks under pubd1scuss10n. tank. About three hours were con- lic administra tion offer the only final When we plan~ a tree, we are doing what we can to make our sumed in completin g the raid and get solution of the problem of water ,lanet a more wholesome and happier dwelling- place for those ting all the paraphner nalia to the supply in the Rocky Mountain area." who come after us if not fo- ,_· •:rs2:ves. -Ho:mes . City Hall and placed under the Ci.ty Marshal, Roy Steadman 's lock and key. The defendant s, Louis and Peter Dizikis, gave bond for pr<Jper appearCarpenter s, painters, paperhang ers ance in court. No date has yet been and decorators de luxe, are busy put- set for the trial. I . Don Milne, sophomor e tenms P ay-1 Booth's have installed or rather ting a new dress on the U. S. Cafe Arthur Rorne, chemistry student at er de Luxe, won the singles tennis erectea a large electric sign pro- on Main street. of worth dollars b ld hundred Several . . . the Jordan High sch<Jol, won first High of the h Jordan champion ship y d f t d Alf cla1mmg the1r .name to the wor h h 1M d Monlast delivered were new fixtures place in the recent essay contest on ' day and by night. sDc oo . o~hayf.w len ;h e eatceh L'W the chemistry ::;ubjects sponsored by the The sign was placed in position day morning and installed during was ewey 111 e ma s. h ale lmah ill. ~ Tile twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. A. day. American Che1nical society. The conthat b t e way5, Tuesday .of this week. When close and ~ard foug. 1t L. AllLkr:son are bounu to have tlw and changed been ht . has lighting ~he . f b h test was state wide and drew many the sets gomg to Ml ne y 6-4, 7- name fl as es e ore your eyes mg in a Clean ~lotto·. A Good '-"how "' u mu.np;;. Ul,e ,na d t 11e mumps on th e entire the out th take to ft th a er mon , re- lt 1s proposed . ht entries. usual steady dDewey House • .1 a ft er mg , mon th bwas . t ,;;lie la~t week am! , now th e ff h" r h 1 The I scores. way making building, the ·1gll of front a is Mr. Horne chose as his subject, there it 0 behind that e. n- member IS game an l\lr. Howard Phelps, Jr., has taken s. lg t Y ot.her ueeides .u have the :;ame d1sthe of front improved new a for Relation of Chemistry to the and "The dealing charge oi the Hub 'l'hel:ttr·e in Mid- hant young sophomf ore was qmc.k to reputation of square l':.tse Oil tile left side. model. latest th . d ll I . opemng. o every advantage Carey is the ideal Western star. Enrichme nt of Life." As a result of for th(> take e e m anJ will open same t - ·' l10nest serv1ce rare y equa f d D 'l r. I . Les t cr was a J ournaI offi ce "'·•le fi . h I : ~ • 1 tho in r th' humdinge . a 1r . This will be n t . e seml- • na s, .ewey e ea ""' anna1s of mere h an d'Jsmg He is never a "collar-ad " cowboy or his elforts, Arthur wins a cash prize 1s age. as a first 111 llomul·ig· . • ~ up enth us- ·""ne··L, -•'11' • Geo·-• ca11 er 1ast wee I' \ uuung Th ey have w h a t th ey a d ver t.1se. way of a cafe when completed. That's an alfalfa dude. When he plays the of twenty dollars and a scholarshi p thnller 11-9, t6-3, Guy h l ' · · la"~ pl'cture house • t. . • d" m a d f B G M"l h"l R1chards .o tn~e 1 1 ~s , ul~ei.UJg t.o ue e u ~ ~" l<l:sl•l . . ht an d th ey se.ll 1"t the stuff boys, keep the old town on role of a cowboy of a decade ago, he at the University of Utah. . ng . y ran 111 The pnce 1s this popular picture w 1 e I ne lSpose 0 J uot l1a11 reg·ard'mg· 1·ecentlv ~ ~ 1 v In th e ·''1 urray c·t t· d . a.nd pamted in.;ide a -4tough three set contest of 6-0, 2-6, JUSt as a ver 1se d. D on 't l e t "your the up-grade. Now let'~> adYertise. looks like the cowboy of that age.j Mr. Horne is a senior in the high hou "·e was J . , cleaned s~. '-et car 1·ates. 6 When he plays the role of a miner of school and according to Mr. Olson tourname nt will be neighbor tell you that the Booths · The Lt .. ,es " iJ Sodc>ty of tht: and outswe. Mr. P~clps :>tat.es that the Nevada gold-rush days, he looks Smith, his science instructor , is a have not kept pace with the times. A A doubles . s ma1,1Y P.atrons Communi ty Church w1ll hold their n.e intends to .give ill clears weather the as soon as He assists started and acts like a miner. Cattleman , very brilliant student. visit to their various departmen ts will IS a valI a bl e 111 PIC t ur~s annual spling dmner April 13, at I tne bes.t that hy tourthis photograp enter may school his in up. Outsiders t 1 h 11 t ·11 d 0 frontiersm an, pioneer-C arey brings Mr. Smith convince the most skeptical. we. 0 wa ~ 1 I~ the ChuL·cll. Cost, a<iults 50 centl; and. yo~ Wl to these rules a glorificati on which work. Dinner served advertlsm g for the leatui·e picture~ nament by registerin g for it at the children 25 cents. high school office. is commensu rate ~:ioth t~e pa~'t our which he has already booked. from 5 to 8 p. m. s played 111 savmg this emforefother 11!-. Phelps was vehement in his l\lrs. J. V;. John:;on will ente1tain ' pire to America. -·at a family dinner Friday evening at statement that ~he Hub .Theatre is Carey is at heart a pioneer. Alseason, the of game In the first her home in the Iris Theatre mock I now ~s clea~ as It lS pos.slble for huborn in the East, Harry took though on out came Jordan's baseball squad Covers will man mgenmty to make 1t. for immediate friends. the long end of an 1l to 3 scoxe, West- Greeley's advice and went West while It is Mr. Phelps' intention to cirbe laid for eight. f th 1 comJ:l.ailvoad W N d h · G. R. & D. Mrs Walt The minster being the unlucky opponent · in· young manhood. He fell in love e Miss Helen Candland, Jordan, De• · er or , c airman o Robert Walu.ce, Supt., of the lo- culate a card every Saturday ou Th platunloading pany have erected an Midvale Healht Center has call d West-old the of remnants the w1th ; Westminat played debatwas her game e announced teacher, batig the for cal smelter ,has a new Chevrolet Se- which appears the program ek a d -1form at the stub end of their house ster on an exceeding ly sticky field. ' the out-of-the way places where the meeti.ng of all wor ers an 1cers or · successful The week this teams . ing . Sunday from , is, that week, . coming spifiily. . ~. 1 . dan which percolates very t f t track in the Midvale yards This The contest was t1ght for five in- ; hard..dy111g frontier towns and trad- · 1·11 this d 1c service men.. o puu epar A k) h . k · · The Semon; annouce that their an- to Saturday, inclusive. This weekly · b · , 1 public 1 t , the of use the for is Mond for team platform 1 12 3 0 1 k mngs, emg 2 to 0 for the Parsons mg posts ept a IVe t e ast spar ual Hop was a very suecessful af- progmm will also be featured in the aspirants for the affirmativ e t c oc all H' pn h W. G. hay, at R. & m builders. Carey search-! p up to that time. In the sixth and of the empire are: Fred Oliver, Esther Whitmore , shipping goods via D. s reet. en . ( o on ome er · · d d f They especially enjoyed the Journal. d lair. · He i a venture. oun C. J. Ridd, of the Ridd Motor Com- seventh , the Beetd1gge rs opened up ed for an He requests his patrons, as well a.; and Ralph Edge!. Those on the NeCharleston dancers on the Window in:;;truwas days Dealers, Ford by-gone of local pany, history the studied the Parson pitcher for Card:; furnished by the Journal Jol.J all others interested in good pictures, gative team are: Kenneth Cropper, mental in getting this much needed on McCall, game was then call- and he lived all those parts which he The Garruns. Nellie eight and Reynolds to hang this card up in some conven- Kathleen Departme nt. improvem ent. was later to be called on to play. ed because of playing conditions . I Earl Staley, former 'devil" has ient place for reierenee during the rett. less and carload of shippers All He became miner, prospecto r, rancher Greer and en Hendricks Webster, The question for league debates severed connection s with the old • week. to urged are shipments carload than i : fo game 1 and cattleman . Even now he lives each _pitched part of the For in~tance, Tuesday a~d Wedn~s- thi;> year is: Resolved, that the 1m"Home of His Early Beginning " and and ce convenien this of notice take amendJordan and all were fairly effective. on and owns a great ranch in Southgone to Salt L<.1ke to live with his 1 day, Apnl 13 and 14, the famous p1c- migration Act should be so often. it. use UniGreer and Dell Smith did Jordan's ern Calif<Jrnia where he conducts a sister. The business of being · a 1 ture! "What Happened to. Jones" is ed as to admit Japanese to the large trading post a~d is surrounde d heavy stick work. as Eu"devil" around a p1·inting establish- j com1~g to the l;lub .. Re?mald Den- ted States on the same basis The Communi ty Club will conduct Westmins ter played the regular by those things associated with the ropeans. adverw1dely this m featured lS ney 1 looking are We school "goat". his got ment line-up while Jordan's coaches u-:;'ed fine tradition of the hardy pioneer. , a ~ower show, entrants to be been already have debates Practice . fil~. tised one boy, energetic live for another Carey's popularity will grow so children over ten years of age. The The many different candidates . ana Murray, Bingham, with held show popular th1s for pnces The puband in order that expects to be a printer 1 Beetdigge rs line-up as was as fol- long as fans love to see virile men announcem ent is made now Davis High Schools. While no depremay competing children lisher in the not far distant future house are 25 and 10 cents. the that epioving on the screen, sWiftly-m lows: cisions have been rendered, Miss beds. and who is willing to take a few hard 1 flower ~hei~ The ladies of the City, wives of Catch, Dell .Smith; pitch Webb, sodes, colorful backgroun ds of plains pare the gro~nd for Candland feels that Jordan's teamb Saturknocks and work long hours to learn . Club, Lions Midvale the members of Greer and Henderson~ 1st base, and mountains and stories of an era The seeds w1ll be d1stnbute d have made exc<>llent showings. th of I hours the C between 17th April day, redthe every of of Johns 011 . that lives in the heart Greer Hilton· 2nd bas'e ome on, boys, at's talk . Next week, practice debates are will have complete charge L"L h 2 • 1e. d 10 l·t e0 ·g-earn. ' 1 lurary e t a_t ' no?n 1 an ' a. m. ' • meeting on April 15th. The Lions 3rd base, Brady; short stop, blooded man, woman and child. This l Casper, scheduled with Salt . Lake Collegiate under the dn·ecbon of a com'l'he Stage J?rivers and J~nitors at 1 Rooms the at seen to be will over star affair popular whole the very • 1 turned Ste have Milne· left field Adolphson S. D. L. and High West In:>titute, put 1! w School 1 011 the Jorua.n H1gh comprised of Mrs. dWalter, their mates in order that some valu- cente; field L~nnen A 'Des ae· e: Iris, next Sunday and Monday jn mittee will h l debabes league d T regular The l Ill . p • l which future J a party m the near e ps ..an Mrs. P E. H. Mrs. , N~r his gained. of be one may s Ba~dit"-suggestion Seventh able "The Canning. Merrill, when field, 16th, and right wili make all prior entertainm ents 1lllustnous Faculty Secured. Recrea- come on April 13th W1lmer Booth. The ladies committee is functionThe two teams meet in a return latest and best p1ctures. Jordan will debate Bingham and tion to be Important Part of fade into insignifican<:e. Watch and expect reasonable may we and ing East high, two debates being held at game at Jordan soon. Summer Program wait, but don't pray. at this stunts novel and new some each school The District Conventio n of the Debating has attracted more stu- last meeting of the Club in April. AgUtah the of sessioin third The in held be Lions of DL;triet 28 will Mrs. J. S. Alley, wife of the presin Ogden May 3rd, J 02G. Are we all ricultura~ College National Summer dents tlus year than at anytime is chairman of School w1ll ~pen at _Log a~ on Monday the history of the school. Special ef- ident of the Club, going? I'll say we arc! meetings several in- the committee and Leon L. Olsen is a frequent visitor June 14, w1th reg1strat10~ date on forts will be made to sustain this have alreaciy been held arranging at the Tenabo Consolida ted Mines Saturday, June 12, accordu~g to ~n terest. The male members are, of plans. Jordan The Senior Class ,of the property near Deowawe, Nevada, announcem ent made by Pres1dent Elin the dark to date. entirely course, High school held its yearly dance mer G. Peterson. these days. In this issue of the Journal apThe meeting will• be held in the As in the J?ast two ses~10111s,. a last week. The dance partook of the Mrs. H. E. Nelson, wife of Dr. Nels and Communi ty Church at 5:30 p. m. the pears an advertisem ent of Egbert son, ?entist, will take a prolonged ~a.rge and particular ly profic1ent viS- spring carnival. The decoration and Ernstrom, engaged in Plumbing with regular time. vacat1on in Silver City with the Nel- 1tlng faculty has been secured to co- spiritstun ts wert~ in keeping and Electrical business. the I operate with the strong resident fac- this spirit were the order of son family. Mr. Heber C. Egbert is the busevening. The new Chevrolet standing in ulty, says President Peterson. iness manager of the firm. He is Over two hundred courses of un- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - front of the Jomnal uifice does not also engaged in the insurance bus. of indicate prosperity but docs indicate dergradua te and graduate credit in versity; Dr. E. A. Ross, professor iness in South Salt Lake County and that the old reliable (Ford touring) forty departmen ts will be offered. sociology, Universit~ of Wisconsin needs no further introducti on. The has ~rJU.d its time and stopped en Particular . emphasis will be placed and Dr. A. C. McLaughl in, professor meeta firm name signifies "guarante ed Tea was served following Chicago. • route to Salt Lake the other day. upon courses in 'which teachers are in of history, University of fifty ing of the Communi ty Club, Wednes- work" and "square dealing". So far as we know, it is not running terested, especially in the field of edu- In all, twenty one visiting and Mr. Carl L. Ernstom will attend to seven resident faculty members will day. The Literary Section was in · cation, to date. charge and presented the following the mechanica l end of the work and The faculty secured for the com- offer courses. has formerly been with the Garfield Recreatio nal features will be stres- program: A very important thing going on ing summer has been characteri zed Piano solo, Mrs. Fay Olson; review Improvem ent company for a period by a leading eastern educator as sed at the summer session, it is furnow is spring clothes, The Grave of HBuffalo Bill" Mrs. of two years. "America 's greatest summer school ther announced . Already trips have of "So Big" by Edna Ferber, He has been an electrician for The remains of Col. W!lliam F. Cody, the famous plainsman , rest on' Bay, Mary B. Stokes; vocal solo, Miss Why it is moths seldom make the faculty." It includes such men as been planned to Bear River qualiwell very is and years many Mrs. by ied •Lookout Mountain in the Denver Mountain Parks, where the City and· Dr. E. V. McCollum, professor of bio- Bear Lake, Logan Canyon, Yellow- lsobel Reading, accompan mistake of eating a patch? the of wants the of County of Denver has erected a memorial, Pahaska Tepee, conta!ntnr care take to fied chemistry , John Hopkins University stone National Park, Southern Utah J. W. Johnson. many relics of the scout's career. (Photo courtesy Denver Tourist was announced people of this communit y in the lines meeting evening An Colothe of Canyon Grand the and proTerman, M. L. Dr. Wouldn't it be nice if we were as in nutrition; 1Bureau.) named. for April 21st. fesl!or of psycholog y, Stanford Uni- rado. nice as we wi::;h our friends were? Ii you attentl(;u the Easter Egg · As President of the United States Ht.nt """ i..1e .:Yiluvalc Vv ani Grounus Sugar Manufactu revs Associatio n, I 1 as~ ;:,uuuay luunhng, yuu no uoubht am deeply interested in increasing ). ou saw a buncn the Beet Sugar productio n 01 Lhb 1 ecl oette! tot 1t. ot me-n, tusy wnh tnei1· ousmess a:t- country, and that 1s only possible 111 fair:; Ullrlllg· tlle week ,ar;se at 5 :.:>ll j sections where the soil is adapted to a. m. anu 111 the l.Jreakmg dawn ot beet growing. Last year Utah attained second !!.aster .Ulorn, 1!!~6, careruliy hide a\·aY' some lt>(JU .,gg.; 111 eve1y nook place among the various states, wibh a total out-turn oi 2,708,817, 100 lb. anu t:urner of the ::;elected plot. At 6 ana 6:30, 7 and 7 :;JU the kid- bags, or 15.04 per cent of the total die., were g;J.tllenng at the comer ol output. So far this sea::;on the aere1\lain ;..J,J Ctmt~.:r. Hundreds or them ag-e contracted is not a::; great as last lL'Oill eve,·y \\ al,, in J!le, kllidlCs that year, and unless an earne::;t effort i~ v··oi)<LUIY wou1u never have tasted of pllt forth by evexybouy concerned , tne JvY" vi' J:;a::;teruJe 111 any other am afraid last season s figures w1ll manHer. l'lley gathered and at 7 ::>0 not be reached. H would be partiunuer tlle gu1uauce of City officers cularly unfortuna te if such a thing Buy Scout;:; anu 'l' ne L1ons Club coin- should happen, s111ce apvroxim ately nuttee, they marched 1ll orderly man. VO per cent of the sugar produeeci in this state is sold in eastern markets ncr to tHe grounus. and the pdoceeds received are a big a to 'l'he little tots wexe guided in the inuustrial life of the iact<Jr sew..:teu s<.1uare ol the grvunds and allv\wu to ,.,I.J\. egf;., unuwle::;ted by wt:st. We do not recommen d that an abEggs. the i.trger boys and girls. Egg_, .uJ'g~, «H CvL,Jl'S, a11 de:;Jgn.o, tlormal acreage of bc8ts be planted in ev:ry buy an<1 girl had a ba~ket tulJ j any one district, in any one ye~r. of them. An , the JVY of tllldmg a 1 That would be unwise. Our advlCc pi.:<.e egg! 'Ln"e huhurcu eignty would be to follow the old aJage and ptlze e,;.;:s were mnong t11e lot, total- say to the farmer, "Do not put all oi lmg ~Jh.Ou 111 pnze::;. Down town your eggs in one basket" out divide thtY weont, dun .!ring the prize egg your land and plant a reasonable to tne l.J..:sme::;;; w,.o::;e name u.ppea•·- number of acres to such crops as are By following cd therevn and received ten cents adapted to the soil. he will obbelieve we course a such worth ot ~nything they chose to take. the aggrem Last y<::ar was a :;uccess, UJ26 was tain a greater amount better. Let's wake a rip roaring gate for his crops than he would do sut:c.,:;s, gatheriug mom<!ntt;,m as the ii he attempts to anticipate the fuyears roll along. No better, finer ture price of any one particular comexample of communit y spirit and co- modity and plant according ly. Yours very truly, oper<LolO!l is needed to build up a Stephen H. Love, Pres. by displayed communit y than that a::;si:;tants the Committe e and their 1ast Sunday m0111ing. Appar ently Puts Lid On Local Bootle g Whiskey Maker s Today I HUB THEA TRE NOW .. PURELY PEUSONAL of:JERA' l'ING UNDE R 1\JifANAGE'R N Date Of Trial Not Yet Set. Defen dants Put Up Bonds To Appea r i !s U. S. CAFE PUTS ON NEW DRES S AS A iNE\V ELEC TRIC SIGN SPRIN G TONIC DON MILN E WINS JORD AN TENN IS I AT BOOT HS A MOVE CHAM PIONS HIP! IN THE RIGH T WAY I LOCA L STUD ENT IS GIVEN HONO RS IN CHEM ISTRY POPU LAR WEST ERN STAR IN THRIL LING DRAM A SUND AY Carey' s Popul arity Never Wanes v.. JORD AN WINS THE OPEN ING BALL GAME OF SEASO N D&RG W RAILR OAD PUTS IN UNLO ADJ 0 RD AN DEBA TERS CHOS EN ING PLAT FORM J HEAL TH CENT ER NOTIC E I I COMM UNITY CLUB TO COND UCT FLOW ER SHOW I LIONE SSES \VILL PRE SiDE OVER LIONS LUNC HEON ON 15th PLAN S FOR NATIO NAL SUMM ER SCH.OOL ANN 0 UN CED ! • .- , I EGBE RT- ERNS TROM OPEN PLUM BING WIRIN G BUSIN ESS I COMM UNITY CLUB MEET S -LITE RARY SECTI ON IN CHAR GE |