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Show THE JORD AN JOUR NAL The Center of Scenic AMERICA Surrounded. by Indust rial Opportunities 00 l\11\<IERCIAL METROPOLIS .. of the West's Vast Inter-M ountai n Empir e "KEEP UTAH MONEY IN UTAH" This Review Edited by D. W. Archie of creamery butter which won much favor with the general public. But DR. B. W. CLAYTON as modern methods and twentieth century efficiency came to be appreMost the of One Is ciated, these small institution s gradConducted at 32 South 4th East, Autom obile Painti ng Osteopathic Physic ian passed and the business has Embal ming Es- ually and ing Direct al Funer n Moder g Amon by larger concerns. Is done ng, been Buildi With Office s at 401 Boston They West. the of n with both the producer Sectio Popularity This in The Promi nent Profes sional Person s in This Whose Shop Is Locate d at 812 South State St., In tablish ments is evidenced by consumer the and Person Give and Notice Short on ishere Establ Anywh Go Paint Auto g Leadin the Is Lake, Salt the large number of farmers selling Section. and Enjoy s a Large Clientele From the Little Oetail s and Courtesies to them and the fame their brand of All to All ion te Attent Execu al to red Prepa Is and City the in ment ory. Territ nding Surrou and City milk and cream products has attainClasses of Work in the Best Manner. Many They Occupy a l\fost Homel ike Funer al Home. ed. By reason of the fact that they Among the profession s which have in close touch with everythin g mod- handle volumes of business through adjusts-n ature only Science has perhaps progresse d osteopath y Smart Jobs That Have Been Turned Out and developed rapidly in the past few ern in their line of equipmen t. modern equippme nt they are not only more rapidly during the lru;t decade cures. that home funeral a of occupy y They Qualit the for Speak ers Satisfi ed Custom able to pay the farmer a higher price Dr. Clayton has recently returned I than in any previous period in the is that of the modern funeral is one of the most up-to-date in the for his cream but by the same token years world's history, and one of the from St. Louis where he completed the Work. Autho rized "Duco" Refini shing Sta- director and embalmer . Indeed this west. It is indeed a real convenience can manufactu re and sell their own "Finger in course uate post-grad a a to brought been has that scien('tS profession has reached a high state to the patvons of the company that products for less. And it can be tion. high degree of perfection is that Surgery" and is the only person in of efficiency. No concern has given shows a progressiv e spirit which per- readily seen that this organizati on this district employing this new science and art of osteopathy . the business more careful and pains- me~tes ~very ~epal'tmen~ o~ t~e firm. also enables them to produce milk Diseased conditions of the body are method for the cure of hay fever, Througho ut this section, Henry A. trading feature, to say nothing of Entermg this home one 1s -!~pres and cream of uniform high quality. n ofttimes due to abnormali ties of body I catarrh and catarrh deafness. For Peterson is the foremost concern en- the satisfactio n of driving a nice- taking attention than this well-know concern. They have become leaders. se~ by the atmosp.he re of mtimate At the offices of this company the tissue, whether muscle, bone, nerve sull'erers from any of these the recar. appearing e automobil of business the in gaged in this special field of endeavor pnvacy and homelike comfort, and producers encounter the most couror vascular. Under normal condi-llie f is prompt and effective. glad are we review this making In poa throughou t this section, and have !s filled with a feeling of confidence teous treatment and receive more People from all over this section painting They have attained tions the resistance of the body to nt them upon the position merited the commenda tion of the pub- m newly made fnends who are. ~o for cream than would be paid if they complime to ' . . . · . . . disease and diseased conditions en- come weekly to consult him and take sitiOn lll their l.ne that brmgs them their enterprise occupies in the inguide your actions durmg your VISit had to depend on a smaller creamery I' ables us to d"feat the action of germs osteopathi c treatment s that invari- an ever-incre asing patronage , and as dustrial world of this section of the of their bus- to take c~re of _the ~ittle details which for a market. or other organisms , but should some 1ably· result in a very beneficial man- a consequen ce their place is the country and to assure the public that ICSince the foundation The production of cream is a proiness they have always been most are so d1stressm g m the hour of part of the body fail to function cor- 1 ner. Dr. Clayton enjoys high standcourteous get always will they here . activity. of continued position that ought to appeal to every fair and honest in their endeavour to deepest sorrow. rectly the disease i~nmediately gains ing in the communit y in which he scene d br~ghtene are work. !?arlors funeral The owner, even of a small farm, as it give the best service. Not only has The many jobs that they have turn- treatment and high-class a foothold. It is here that the osteo- lives and in this review we are glad furbeautiful and have hght to time mellow by up proper the the of is Now benefit the to a well known fact that this mode accrued is th"s path can uo so much good. With his to complime nt him upon the excellent ed out for auto owners in this section services ro~m~ escape these will it In for nishings. painted, a car them your for built has it but farming builds up the land, at the of p;blic knowledge of Uw oouy, lle can atljust standing he has attained in his pro- of the state have been the admiratio n arrangIS deta1l the is every and which held sun, hot arc the miles of for rays the extends reputation that same time making the producer more these at..norlllal conditions , by exter-1 fession and upon the high character of everyone. They have their place helu b~ing were 1uneral the ii new as eu which with element damaging around. money than he can make by straight nal trL:.cmen" only, and soon have 1 of his work in the assistance in keep- fitted with the necessary equipmen t exno IS There home. paint comes in contact. farming, and then he gets pay right '!'he manager and his assistants are in your own the diseased part functionin g normal-j ing the people of this section of the and the proprietor s are experts in parfuneral the of use for charge tra I best their forth put and courteous along in cash. The managem ent is in the hands ly again. Then nature takes her 1 country in good healthy condition. their line. lors. This plant is thus adding much as course and deft.als the action of We wish to refer him to all our The value of having the paint on of a later day business man, who is efforts to comply with the wishes of conhave they known, well As is coma valuable market at our doors for whatever has caused the disease, for readers. a car in good shape can not be too a thorough a!'tist in his line. Just patrons. Their establishm ent is funerals and ducted some of the largest the product of the -farm. emphatica lly stated. A good-look ing let us su'ggest that you take your plete from a standpoin t of stock, to wi.sh We section. t~is in ~eld ever service o!Ter to able car always makes a good impressio n car in to him and give him a chance from it they are complime nt this firm on the satJsfacBENN ETT GLASS and PAINT CO. and then if you are going to sell or to prove the quality of his work. You that is unexcelled . ln keeping with their progressiv e tory service it is rendering the peo- THE NUCK OLLS trade, good paint will add many times will be surprised at the change in the yet reliable policies, they have kept ple. the cost of the job as a selling or appearanc e. PACK ING CO. HENR Y A. PETE RSON E. G. O'DONNELL & CO., UNDE RTAK ERS I I I I 61-65 West First South Benne tt's '•Property Life Insurance" Produ cts "For The Adorn ment and Protec tion of all Surfaces." SALT LAKE CLEA NING AND DYEIN G CO. With Modern Quarters at 559 W. Third So., in Salt Lake City, Is One Located ~t 337 Eccles Ave., Salt _Lake Ci~y, Are Locate d at 265 East Ninth South, Is a Very ModExt~nsive Whole sale Dealer s I!l all Kinds of ern Cleani ng and Pressi ng Establ ishmen t That Of the Most Substa nFrom a small stock of glass and putty, enamels, varnishes -in fact, a paint carried as a side Jine in 1882, covering for every surface, no matter EnJOY an. Ever ~n- Enjoy s an Exten sive Patron age From All The tial Contributors to They ce. Produ and Fruit~ has developed one of the finest and what it may be. creasi ng Patron age Throu ghout This Sectio n Surrou nding Territory. Parcel Post Busine ss the Continued Promost be<~utiful retail paint stores in In addition to paints they handle gress and Prospe rity •the country. And that is not allGiven Promp t Attent ion. State. The Of brushes, lubriglass, of line full a exan s, warehouse y two three-stor of the Community. Reliability , reasonable charges and ladies' garments, while they also tensive tank yard, and the only paint eating oils and greases and misceldo they whom for men of list have a Because of the great volume of Iof the success of this firm is one expert work have caused thao yatrondistrib uting their own factory between Denver and the Pa- laneous supplies of all kinds. work that includes persons who reaincrease steadily to firm this of age find would men business many that their throug~ transacted busine~s cific Coa::;t--have grown into service The Bennett Glass and Paint Comlize that proper cleaning of suits and High Grade Packin g estabhsh~ent, ~rofitable reading. The firm began since it first started operation. who.lesale extensive the for agents exclusive also is pany needed. s in life longer mean will overcoats with equipped been has The plant because of their up-to-date busmess Its career with the belief that sueHouse Produ cts Thru Today the Bennett pa,int factory not products of the Murphy Varnish Comlatest machinery so that they can addition to better appearing garthe furnishing by obtained be could cess proof quality high the and methods Murphy's only makes all the paints, enamels pany, which- iincludes in ments. out the Entire Terriducts which are handled, this well- goods of quality upon a reasonabl e· handle all classes of dry cleaning grade high a LacquerBrushing Benthe bear propa which that fact d and specialties establishe an is It 1 They manner.. ry satisfacto most the method known concern has gained for this ~arg~n of profi~. With this tory. "Peerl ess Hams longer nett name, liut also turns out many finish for all kinds of furniture and an m mwd and with reduced expenses are the only cleaners in Salt Lake; erly cleaned garmet will wear as prestige al commerci a section woolthousands of gallons of special ma- wood work. and Bacon , "Pikes in the city, they proceeded upon their using Carbon Tetrachlo ride exclusive- for the process used livens the For automobil es, Murphy's' "Da.. excellent market for retailers, that ting wear-resis them makes and terials every year, made to meet the ens fluid, could be gained in no other manner. car~er of solid. foundation , of good ly. This is a non-inflam mable Peak" Lard are Used many differing special requireme nts Co-te" is an almost imperishable" which leaves the clothes perfectly -thus a garment they clean will not prices. reasonable and values brought are dollars of s Thous(!nd of its CU8tomers. lt is prepared to finish and its adoption by car owners in every household. So extensive and establishe d has odorless, cleans better than gasoline only look better but will wear longer. every year through supply the right paint for any spec- cannot be urged too strongly as the into this section turn and service prompt give They by become their trade that their brand and preserves the clothes-i n fact it This well-know n concern is one of ial need-to make paint to its cus- appearanc e of the car is not only the trade channels presided. over their work out in the latest styles. all fabthe of life the lengthen to tends I thi . k . d f number a ~nd firm, known well this most prominen t in this part of the than 11 own formulas when neces- improved but last much longer Another feature that appeals is that NELS ON-A NSON CO., Inc. 1 tomer's sary. In their retail store will be found paints of every descriptio n and for every purpose- -house and barn paint, shingle stains, pastes, calcimine, any similar appliciatio n. For the service this concern has rendered the people of this territory, they reserve the whole-hea rted support of the public. of people are given employme nt by the concern. The fact that their trade extends over all adjoining counties, this is their special field, and brings new faces, new business and adds prosperity to the ci~ in which they are located. Their products will b~ found in the leading stores and shops. The story s se~- · ric. Altho much more expensive than nown m goo s IS we thell' gasoline, they are able, by the instalget tlon and local merchants lation of new machinery , to give cussupply from them. Each departmen t of this well- i tomers this better service at the old known house is in charge of a man sehedule of prices. Every g-arment thoroughl y conversan t with whole- left with them is given their best atsale conditions , while the manage- tention and this fact caused them to ment is in charge of one who has build a reputation that cove1·s a wide wide experience in the buying world. territory. No work is too tlifficult to handle and they make a specialty of 0. I the state. Its place is modern and up-to-date in every particular , clean and sanitary throughou t. The business is conducted along progressiv e lines and we are glad to »ay that this company is a credit to the community. The plant, a popular efficiently managed concern, is a modern sanitary institution of this part of the country that has met with the universal approval of the people. Tltis company has probably made greater strides than any other similar instithe tution in this part of the state. The when they clean a garment it is not only thoroughl y cleaned but does not come back with a disagreeab le odor. If it is not possible for you to take your work in personally we suggest that you take advantage of the parcel post service and you will be surprised to see how quickly and satisfactorily it will be taken care of. PORTER-WALTON CO. ·This Well Known and Highly Efficie nt Institu tion ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 Which Is Locate d at 41 West First South, Is Of- ---- ---- ---PARA MOUN T-EM PRESS THEA TRE fering the Public the Choice of Natur e's Best in NATIO NAL l\fONUMENT COMPANY Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Plants . They Give ExFurnis hing Amuse ment for the People of Salt pert Servic e At All Times. nding Territory, Offeri ng Fea- Locate d at 73 West South Temple, Is One of Surrou and Lake "1Houtain Grown, Tested Seeds Are Hardier" Best M~nument Establi~hments in This Sectio n ~:=~~~ f~~d t~~i\sm~:~o:in~ai~t:; Bring ing the World's and ctions Produ ture by name and fame in the enUtah's Large st Dealer s In Seeds And Bulbs EnJoys an Exten sive Patron age Over a known Greate st Stars of the Screen to Salt Lake. First and region. • Grani•te and Marble tireWith .d e Terri•tory. D ealers Ill that business acumen and w I s. Alway ngs Showi We are desirous of bringing to the ties are compared and tested and s "Rock of foresight which has won such wide Famou the ing Handl rials, Memo for offereci are best and patronage for the attention of our readers the advan- only the very " Grani•t e f rom Barre, Vermont , and AI SO popularity in the past, the managecompany A geS inand education the tag-es and opportuni ties that are of- sale. Garden vegetable, flower and The Paramoun t-Empress Theatre public, but for ment has anticipate d the nee?s and fered by local bus;niess men and in- farm seeds must all stand the same merits the most liberal patronage of tellectual uplift of the race as welt. the Salida Gray and Rose Pink Granite. people of this sec- 1-- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- - demands of the dustrie:;. ln our attempt it would rigid inspection , and when one buys the public and constitute s one of the This theatre has a modern heating of the state and the establishtion to expecting or desiring Anyone interalton" business the of "Porter-W name review In a and ventila.tin g system, is perfectly be unjust to overlu0k the Porter-Wa l- seeds with the 1 1· one o · th t f th e coun ry t · wantJ, anything in the abov~ mes ment is one of the busiest spots in ere IS n ton Company, bec..J.U!;e oi the impor- on the package, he may be certain most important features of the com- appointed and is well known as one cs s o has concern more worthy of extended 1 should consult them Call around and this 1 section and the busin:ess, tant part it is playing in the develop- that they have been carefully chosen mercia! organizati ons of the commun- of the best show houses in Utah. the and s proportion large get grown to and are the very best obtainable . ment of this communit y. There is nothing which adds to the· mention than this popular ho~se. r I look over their lar~e stock and brings social entertainm ent which ity their even g demand is far surpassin • . . The fact that they are so close is: and trade activities to the city.. The plant of the company IS ve Y • To conduct a successful nursery progress of the communit y as does be will manager The pnces. their the with equipped is and extensive this h t peoplP th , · local "l' largest expectatio ns, this firm still . requires experience , capital and suf- another reason why . . one ea re sue as l a IVe-wire substantia of example notable A specialize s in rendering individual deyou whether you show to pleased the scientific machinery for It not only brings the world's great- latest t' ftcient acreage to propagate the var- should avail themselve s of the opport ti thi t c'h to · · Th k ld 1 h hi f d picture wor s me, o.r no . service to every patron. Courteous progress in the moving pur ase a g c as~ wor . . . ~Ir Sire_ ious nursery product.s. They have tunity to purchase from them. What- of the state is this est stars here to entertain us, but it pro uc Jon o of section this pomt to and efficient to a marked degree the stands for quahty, rehabJIJty It IS a pleasure for usf to brings added business activity and name given the bu~iness very careful study ever you order or buy from them th thi s r t th · d e l eading manager has surrounde d himself with s co~cern as . one ~ e monumen me ?rogre~s m anti keep themselve s con;;tantly post- must be right and yo_u get exactly very popular theatre, which has ad thus benefits the entire communit y. an f thi s sec t Ion f th e coun t_ry, and as en t erpnses 0 f thi s sec tion an d .to say employees who are thoroughl y coned as to what is best fo1· the ter- what you order and you have the ad- reputation that is spreading far an It should have the most liberal pat- 0th f th e ~eno ds h ave th~ t th ey h ave aI ways b een e rm ne ntly versant with every feature of the • 1·itory they ;;t:rve and wha.t will grow vantage of wha.tever per!lonal advice wide over all this part of the country ronage of the entire people. e a d va?ces 0 d h onest as weJl as P rogres - business, imd as a result the work f marked 1mprovem ent s m th e monu- air an . and is a popular place for evening . and informatio n they can give you. . best in our climate and soils. they . In this day of the hi~h cost of hv- ment makers' art this company has sive and up-to-date and that Th;;y ofl'er· all kiinds of trees, 1 Now is the tiime to plant tho automobil e parties. moves along at a most rapid and reputhe s themselve have won for highly satisfacto ry rate. The theatre is attractive ly furnish- mg the manager of ihis theatre ~as adopted these late scientific products I bulbs-gla diola, shrubs, plants and vines and those I spring. flowering 1owere d the ~ t and ard b u t Jn-l as rapidly as they were approved by 1 tation. ofi ha":ing :he le~ding con, rnf d n?~er orco find an ed, tastefully decorated of our readers who are in need of this· dahlias paeonies- and you will has cern engaged m this spec1al field of va:rtable in every way, being pleasing to .Sists that the best IS . none too good the trade. That the managem ent best the of Permissio n to excavate the bones t assortmen larg~ a \ in reluctance no service shoulu have the been especially active along these endeavor, and to point out the ad- of prehistori c animals which have of part this of peop~e the for nerves tired the to restful eye, the ieties. pre-j are calling 0n them, for they by the most mod- vantages of transactin g busi•ess with been found in a quarry at the Jordan We want to complime nt them, and and jaded senses and here amid at- c?untry. While the class of produc- lines is evidenced plant. pared to render complete service them. en- tions that h~ show~ cost much more ern and up-to-date Narrows, has recently been granted Their :;eed testing grounds at Cen-\ urge our readers to bear this nursery tractive surroundi ngs you are the than the ordmary kmd, yet he has remusic, excellent the by tranced the University of Utah. The work terville, Utah, are a model of effi- in mind for we feel sure the service . standards his lower to fused stage shadow of actors greatest of recovering the ancient fossils was ANY ciency and here, seeds of all varie-! will be satisfacto ry in every detail. COMP MERY CREA AL MUTU the , Carpenter Mr. this, doing In replay the production s of the most placed under the direction of Profescommendmost a taken has manager, continent. the of ts playwrigh nowned sor A. L. Mathews of the geology dePAINL ESS PARK ER, DENT ISTS The of the University . You see romance, fiction, travel, war, able step forward, for he maintains So., Salt Lake, is One Of partment found were bones the which drama and all the variaus phrases of his high standards of production and Locate d at 551 W. Third in quarry ss Busine the of tions Institu n Moder Most The frequently (and best the only belongs to W. S. Evans of Lehi, offers not depicted here are life human Utah. City, Central Buildi ng, Salt Lake public. the to ) expensive most the the It lies at the southern exonly for the entertainm ent of that is Aiding Utah. Life of this Sectio nD.of the.f.State . d th tremity of Salt Lake valley. . dF f • • th p list daily, but hold all their old pracI been have diseases common Many any beyond successful proved have auvance great a made e The discovery of these fossils will has Science Iver~I Ie . armin g. an s0 rogres e In and tlice as ":e~l. teeth defective to directly traced doubt. brains Great years. few throw new light on the prehistori c past the in ory. Territ nding Surrou the of pment Develo I plea~ure a us gives it additiOn In to person every of duty t~e is it parappli~ been has ~ are constantly striving to improve . This advance Years ago there life of Utah. It is thought that the known institution prob- and agricultur e. well This t1methese to readers our refer to that as well as health own his guard and of camels, dentist t1cularly to the modern assure them that ably typifies better than any other were small creamerie s in every com- bones are the remains and dentists tried these having by friends and family of person a be must dentist modern the race. health conditwns of the human sent horses and rhinoceros es. I of they will receive ~he best profession al the material progress of the com- munity to which the producer offices .the At removed. defects We thinking. and idea"s advanced of profesmedical the of branches All and to whlch the retailer t~c i treatment at the1r offices and we munity; the fact is that this section his cream sion have been affectt,d and many of because they have proven that they these :vell-kno~ dentists only supply of butter for his his for looked That the installmen t buyer can IS I woul.d urge th~m to remember . these of the state is organized along twenthe old idea~ concemin g health have have adopted the latest and test- latest Jdeas a~e m use. The work conthese of many claim that he conducts himself with .t~at j de~t1sts when m need of anything of • tieth century lines as regards the customers . And been proven false. In their place\ proven methods for the benefits of\ of such satJs!acto ry na~ure grade high very a out turned cerns commerce of ent credit. developm continual they not only mcrease their waitmg 1 this character. new ideas have been adopted that their clientele. ° .. I I I I I I |