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Show JOliDA THE Wil~::::~AN-.:~~:. :.E;:~ WANT ADS '------------·-1 AgeMr.1aand 7th Grade Mrs. John T. Bodell had BABY CHJCKS-200 White Leghorn as their dinner guests Wednesday, April luth. Hatch coming off l\Iay Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bodell and sons, 1st ami 8th for sale at $10.00 per Blane and James of Salt Lake and hundred. \V. 0. Boberg, Sandy, Ut. Mr. and l\Irs. Louis Christensen of Phone Midvale 173-R t 5-1-26 Herriman Mr. Louis Christensen returner! FOR SALE-New modem 5-room l home Friday after a two weeks' trip house. Good location. See J. A. to Kansas City. Alcorn, West Jordan Lumber Co. Miss Cornelia Crane spent the 4-1-26 tf week end visiting at Draper Wl.th - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - her sister, Mrs. Lee Anderson. FOR SALE-Coles Hi-Oven Range used three months, good as new. i Price $25.00, West Jordan Lumber' Co. 2-10-tf I VEwitlz FETY SAL8-Choice Cuthbert Ra:;;pberry plants, $1.50 per hundred. A. A. Malmtrom, 559 Center St. 4-t .atljOUr GOING FAST-Large Choice Lots 50 X 145. Best location in townMidvale's new Addition. Only $350 per lot. Your own terms. For sale by owner. A. A. Malmstrom. 559 Center Street, Midvale tf MEN! ,I REAL SHAVING VALUE SHAVING CREAl\1 Softens the bear~l, makes shaving a pleasure. I FOR SALE-Baby Carriage Call Midvale 16H-J. ~ CJ ~elglJbQ[iS' Issued Every Thursday by The Jordan Publishin!{ Company, Inc. ' F. R:\fS SHAVING BRUSH Bristles set in rri.Jber. A MYSTERY-Strayed, latter part Good quality Mixed Badger. of January, 1926, 2-year old heifer J Guernsey, from farm in Union. Re- I Regular Value $1.50 ward. Notify L. A. Smith. Phone 1 Midvale 62-R3. 4-8 26 r Both for .......... _.......... -·-······--··-··-·--···· 98e Midvale Drug Co. MONEY IS NO OBJECT-if you fail I, to read the ads in the JournalSave Money by Reading Them! Midvale Utah AUTOMOTI VE General Repairing CYLINDER HONING, IGNITION BATTERY CHARGING, $1.00-because we generate our own energy Vern Gardner Garage One-Half Mile South Triangle Service Station West Jordan, Utah LOANS INSURANCE Phone i\tidvnle 137 -w ne year ·--. -········ ·-··------··-····--· $U)0 PA'-'S $80.00 PER lr~-ro.- 'I'·H RE'NT SIX R001I BRICK-~~ acre garden 1 h mrs. .c, · Or.rm Smith wa:; no:;tess to Telephone .l'tli 1 1 17>' t e , llt~ ewu aL her i<vmu iv <.:llnl!:;( va e ' Store building and up:ntm nts, 115 land, Sandy, Utah. Modern, bath. uay 01 la:;t weeK. ~ewtng leature<l Entered at the po::.'toffwe at Mit! val • X 181 feet on Center Street AtNcar school and church. Cheap Mr. and Mrs. W. A .. ~arret~ have 1\ tne, pa.:;cime. 1 ~.~ 1 ~·~shmems were ser- City, Utah, as second-class matter. tractive; small investmtnt; · h, If/ for quick sale. as their guests, M1·. Volham Garrett veu to twetve J.(Ue,.:s. _ _.;.'_____ down and monthly payments. YOU _ _....;;...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 011 · L G tt Miss !With I Mrs. J. hugg· llau as her guest look this up, Sec Crapo. PEACH OF A HOl\IE-In Sandy, 1 !>lr. awrence arre. , • -u . N l...,rld~:y he1· d"u:.::n· tu1·, Mr~. P. "'. · .... - ~ u "" NEW.;PAPER FI~A-~c .... ::; New 5-room nre brick; modem and \:i-arrett and Miss Z.P..lllla < ay 01 e- .,vuerts of l\liuvale. ..., up-to-date. Hard wood floors, full pili. airs. Arthur '1'· Shurtleff and Mrs. There are many citizens who ex- RARE OFFER-\Vrolesale gas busbasement, furnace. JJoss than uu-s. Hans Jensen of .Union spent·' George B. H. \v alton (;nten.amt.:u a~ I mess · 'th eqUipment · bu1'lders cost. Easy terms. per:t to pay thei1· butcher and tneir WI and stock of O:,UiJJay anu Monuay w1tu Mr. anu the lai.ter s home ycsteruay a1ternoo11 J ruccr" every month, but they think tires. The right party can make ---g d .ur:;, 'L .t'. G1'Ct'I\ NOO • ' in hunul of th,' primary orficers a no " lJr. and .1v1r:s. :::.1·ol.t A. Jones and I tcac~1ers. A pro";ram w<ts g1ve 1, a"1u •Hat a new:;pap~r suoscr11',wn bill some money. See Crapo, C07.Y-G-Room Cottage near Sta.te .1Vllss H.utn Antlerson or l:ialt Lake 1ef1·e,;Hment::, st<'I'Cd to lirteen g·uescs, can be paid any old tJmt. ::>orne 0.£ ~ 1 Street. Lot 100 X lOO fe('t, only LISTF;N, MR. HENTER-You me $2500.00. visited ::>und<~y wH.n J.\1r. anu Mrs. J.\.liss Margard :::.hon w..ts no~tess them wlll 1->t i' 1·un lvr' year:;, IL i.J1e .a.>. W. McDonald. to the me:moers of the Laf-a-Lot club publisher uoes nut cui u ou. And i... paying for a house. Who gets it? Mr. anu .~!J:;. .t'hilip :::.harp ;:pent l<'riuay evening oi la:;t week at her 1t 1s cut ulf, tll<=Y get lm,q, aml ueLet me start you out \dth onE:' of' COSY NEW BRICK-!! rooms and dunuay evel~>Hg w1W1 mr. 0nar1c:s I home. The uecoratwu:s wer·c m Lao- dare they w1H nev~r 1.:11\.e -.;!1e pap~r your own on easy t~rms. A new bath on Lincoln Avenue, Midvale. ;:,.nal p, . ter colors. Games were enjoyed auu again. one if you prefer. (Come and h:..ve Furance, sewer, city water, electric 1\lr:s. Lavern Snarr enter Lamed tu1 rt:Heshment:; serveu, L.·.;y feel indignant because u<>Uut a chat.) lights. Moderate down payment we .Pnmar·y olllcers at u.;r hom" Mrs. I. Smith ,;as the guest 01 lla:; ucen thrown upon their crclllt. an I easy terms. .1! nuay <.:Yt:Hhlg, Altel· tilt ous1n.,;::; i1hs. ~ila" :.:.uuth ::iatun.•,y. 'Lu;y :;huulli r"ll<.:u tllaL the pu.v.- SA MONF;Y MAKER $-Sfndl clairv - - ...- rwur 1ce crealn <t!lll ca!l:e Wdti ,;c.1Veu. all's. John A. jon<::::. eut.crt... i.wd ilw j 11 slle 1 gc:~::; I.v gvuu uut 01 t 11eu and beet farm n~ar State Street :; ~ l\10NJ.;Y $$-Plenty of it at 6 1':! tv l•H:s. 11l11ua .:~eJ.;ull, J.\u:;. bLlld aiunay B,iJge dub lil"nwets w.,,,.l <:redit. What he 11eet.i:s to P'-'Y m~ Rich :;oil, good 5-room house, fu'l per cent on farms. No delays, No -•l•llo.;i "'"l>• "'~·"· J.o,;J."~"e. l>.l.llle~u..:q,,, n..;.;tl~y . .:utenwo11 ut her home on 1nelp and settle hi:; papd v•u'=>, L•"·• ha~ 1nr•nt; barn for 12 cows; 9 guc><l I commissions above the 6-\--2 per cent .,J.l;:oci 1~lvn.oue \.Ja:su a.lu ul•:s:; .Ol"'HLJI ~vuo!l State street. 1 i:; ea:;h, auu twtluu,; will ta.-:e th-e cows; ha~,r to feed them; m'l' -hou. 0 inter(•st once a year and easy re.:>ILaJ.·p. ) Mr. anti Mr::.. \.JUl tis L. Shaw eu- 1 p 1acl! v1 the ::.am e. City water, electric lights; milk in 1 paymt?nt priv'legcs. Pay ~ff that 1 .rH. i:illll 1YHs. Chade:; Dahl enter-! tertained the membet:s 04 l.-liLir cluv 1 Th1;:; incguL.u •"Y o1 incornL i:s the. com" ~ 130.00 per me nth. $; 15.00 higher loan •aHJ'"u "'" u;llll..;r ;:,chlu.at ev~:>lllug- J.vl! Saturday eve1i111g at tht;Ir . holn,,, cunm u.l many new:;papers that woultl net $:2300 00 down and easy terms. C. C. CRAPO, A~ent. •.u. auu Jvl!ci, ~v. ~-. 1'nvlJI«;:., <~•· .. <H 1 Games were p1ayeJ anu a nuu-mg-... J be in a thuving pvs1tion, n they "J..uvaJ,) aw..i 1Hr. anu n.u:s, '" · .1\.. • supper was :;enetl to twelve gue:,,, . .:oulll uepend on tne ;;am,~ p ...ymellt;, _ , _ . 11,uula;:., ;:,1., "~ lll"'lau, J.uallv anu l~J.l'. lHr. and Mrs. l~aymvnd Clay anu that tn..: lh·y goous man a 1, ••1e ,,!.vl ;;n;~~r;:;J[;::cJG':<J1 ••. t.1. ..-.,, J(lllci u1 \.JaJaunua. daugt1ter, .MaJ.gw o1 Lu::; Ang~:k:; an.o stvrc <:an looit to. 2rifil!~U:?!!Lill:Jlili!fiiiJ[IillffiB!i@iiliJal§BIT§JffiBffiiJ:illiiffillliJ§BJI!i*Jff!E~ffiilffi:] LrJ.J., a11u .i•~L;:., ~· ..J·c:u~:c D••J•U u• 1 Ll1o:: ~u. esL:> o~ tH< . .,ctay :s pan~nts, Mr. lt Lah.~;s lots oi time and eft'ort to 1;0 "'"'" L"'"" .>Vc•l• >::>~Liuay W!.,ll •I1 "· allU - .1Ur:;, J ames Iv 'I ay, COlleCt all tl.~.-;e ll•Cle i..Jl•.. H u.,..;,., i::~ b,~~ •11Ol"RA'' \. .1. MIDVALI~ SANDY "" .....~1·s, u, ••, mcuuua1U. Mr. N ei:; llla!:;t!·oul of Magna wu., ly co::.t:; more than the lJill is worth, Q<J .•H. \.JLio.~.r!u::. .;.'""'""'"'u u... l~1gu,., the g·ue:;t oi hi>: ml•thl·!' l~ln. C to collect an ove.-llU~:> suuscr1ptwn ac.- C~ Hh·••<> \ 10>HvU J. U.-'=>u<+t W!I.JI ".L!"· Llials~;tvlll ::>awntay anu ;:,unuay, count. If tho:;e accounts (;UU1L1 be ~-..-ol .:;,,1,up. ~lJ::;, L. vv atLs nas a:; her guests, 1 pJ.·omptly pa1J, nt:W'=>pap,)l' .!Jl!Uj,H. 11u, anc~ uu:;. ~ii1fun.i \\ al.-er v... ,\'lrs. T. Beelar, Oscar fianoru anJ · could use the more regu!a.1· l!lcome ILl ,1ha~:.uuv•, lua.Jw wuu nave "P"•I• 1Vliss ~va .Bullock oi Colorado. creating new features l<.ll' tnc:IJ.· paper, ~ .,villt: •!l.llt: 11e.n : w1•LI lilt·:;, ~~ a1.-.e1" The mt:mbers of the Star Six club adding to its usefulness anu 111ter- filil par·erlL:., l>U. anu 1~Hs. >:>. w. ;:,ua1·p attended the Wilkes Theatre Monday est, and making it constantly a great- E;§J reouuwu w ~lieu· numo:: >:>uturuay u.1 evening, er c1·edit to the city of which it is @.B ,..,.,~; weeK. the exponent. ,. 1v!r, 01arence Sharp, Mr. Clarence The individual citizen oftt:n says r,g ~~J.Hlt:rberg, uen.1e ~ vn)L.itiJ.l, Lulu o~aWholesale and Retail that he would like to do :;•Jmi!thmg filil cuuson at~u .tlt-. anu ivHs, lVan Ulvvt• The students of the eighth graue for hi::; home town, but he has no pa1·~o1·meu "' pany "nu mowred to ~~~ entertained at a weeme party last ttcular girt :tor any form o... pul>lic REASONABLE RATES vo~tonwoou vanyun and spent the vv"etlnesday evening at the home 01. work, so does not know when anu AT ALL SEASONS OF THE YEAR uay l:iunday. iiliss ~velyn .Uay. 'J.'wenty stuuems where to begin. Here is one way in G9 J.lli', auu J.Urs. W. R. Thomas, Sr., .vere present. which he can beg-in right now. Let filil vr ll'lalau, luano ace v•.sttillg a1. m.. Miss Lorna Stay entertained at_ a him look on his copy of the Journal NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY <wm< "' '""' >On, "''· nnu "'"· '-· '~P'i" pany on "" "'""'"' Ja>e =U ' " il h" '""'"ip~un ia ""'-~* l H<>ma,; or i\'lluvaie. Wedpe~day evening. Games were uue. li it is, let hi111 walk up to the ...,. OFFICE, PI.ANT-6500 South State .tsaoe!le Mcuoualll had ~:~s he 1 playell and reue:;mnents served tv cavtain's o.Luce and settle, aJiu take ~ues~;;, .rnuay, v~tneune A!exanue ••• uny-five guests. pnue in uoing so, realizmg- that when ~ auu .l:!.Velyn .t'ate. 1\lr, Pete .Uow of Salt Lake anu ne penorms tuat simple ilt.ue act o1 ~Telephone, Residence, Murray 445 Midvale 175-J J.ih, anu •vJ.rs. li. G, Bharp had a" ,\1iss Twila ~mart ot unwn wer._ JUStice and good ou:;1ness, he i:; help- "" .nell' guest.s !'rll.lay evenwg, .in. auu ..!inner guests o.L Mr. anJ ll'lrs, J. L. mg an agency that works every day E:ffi ~~ <Vii'S• .Jau1e:; ;:,~eaulllan V.I. It e:;• J o1- .Jow la:;t Tuesday evening. tor his home town, to avoid needless [Il§TI~~'«1£Ml~~~~~-~~~mf*l_' ~'Wl-~,f*j-*,f*!%"J%"1%"J'W'%"J%"J%"J~%"J. %"1, ~~ uan, Miss Virginia ::>nuth of l'rovo anu ouruens aull expense. f3_,{3!!~13::l!:::;::J._,_.f!'!JB-~ l::cl0!.! '-'-..,1!\!J~~I!'!l~!!iill.!i::J~~~~B 1u1·, .kay l~obinson of Fillmore wat- ••liss Zina Leemaster of Sunnyside a week-<.:ilU guest or A'lr. and Mr:>. visited last week at the home o1 fviis::; da!"ghter Alice and Mr. and Mrs. w. A. lianeLc. .;:lmith's parents, Mr. ant! Mrs. Hebe~· Willard Garside anti children of MagWmneu:t:U 1HcDonald, Willa Stoke:,, A. Smith. na were dinner guests of Mr. anu ana l:Serye AllUt::.i·sou euJuyeu aJ, Mrs, R. A. ~!<:Guire of Leamington 1Hrs. Heber A. ;:,!llltn, :::.untl..ty . .c..as•t::r uuung m the hills. utah, visited relatiVes here tlunng Mr. and Mrs. J. <..:. :::.tay entertained Mrs. Wanua N eisvn and childre1. che week. at a party Monday evening· in !JOUllT anu lt!rs. Le1·oy W11son and sou, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brown and of Mr and Mrs. tiobart. l:>cay or L1.>' .tll!rtJe v lSlteti 1nursday with ..11.1-. anu children of Tw m 1• ails, ldaho arc: Angeles. Tne even1ng wa:; sJ.Jcnt w ,,u,;. 111. J. '1'hu1·nton. visiting relatives here this week. a social way. l'eu.;:;hm_,nts wet·" Mr. anti !\J.rs. ~ugene Fordhah. Mrs. t..lizabeth Co•terell returneu serveli to auout 1i1ty guests. llave as their guests, liUS. fo'orunam" home last weeK alter spendmg the Mr. and lilt':;. J.<'aull 'Icny auJ thtfl~· motner, L\"J.rs, WII!lam .P. :>cnnt:iuer OJ winter with her daughter, llhs. Roy children of .Pocatello, ltiaho were th~ Logan, h.ansas ami .L\'J.r, l<'owl1am"" Grane of Burley, ltlaho. guests oi Mr. anu Mrs. Wil!.am l'el·orower, !Hr, K. ~. 1- orunam or :St. Mr. and Mrs. Dave l:imith had as I'Y, last week, ueorge. their guests last Friday, Mrs. CaroMrs. B, M. Crosgrove entertained line Hansen, Mrs. ~lla Nibley anu at a dinner party in honor of her l~lUH.RA 1VlUHl\1UR~ Mrs, Maud Williams of Midvale and l>irthday anmv~:>rsary ,Tllurway at1'ne J.\'.l.urray Women:; club met Oil Mrs. Verda Rogers and daughter ternoon. Covers were laid for Mrs. Fred Mickelsen of Shelley, Idaho, J.'hur~tlay at the club rooms. Papers .Bonnie Lee of Murray. Mrs. Enno Drown of Magna, ...vh.;, Mr. and Mrs. Robart Stay of Los vi Western history were given by Athol Fitzgerald of Heber City, Mrs. .Mrs. W. L. W nght, her top1c oeing Angeles, California are visiting at "'J.'ne .Pacu1c 1- ur (Jompany" ana by the home of l\ir. Stay's parents, Mr. B, Fitzgerald of Salt LaKe and 1\lrR. Harry Heward and Mrs. S. J. .Nlick;~irs. Hugh Wart!, her reatling being and Mrs. J. C. Stay. Buy enough Stock-tonic or Pan-A-Ce-A to last your stock or elson. Mr. and Mrs. Legrand Smith, Miss ·1·ne Nonnwest anti the Huuson Bay Mrs. James H. Gray of Lehi, Mr. 11 ur L.ompany ," l\'lls~ Beatnce ::>un- Mary Chapple and Mr. Mack Boyack chickens for thirty days. If at the end of that time you per renueretl two vocal solos anu of Spanish J:o'ork were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Sterling Durrant of Calien1VJ.l:;s Carmalita Martm gave two and Mrs, A. J, Day this past week- te, Nevada and Mrs. Della Bills of Riverton were guests of Mr. and are not pleased with the good results, return the empty rcaaings. Olncers were elected as iol- end. Mrs. Samuel Crane, Monday, Dr. and Mrs. T~ U. Morgan and J.ows: Mrs. D. A. Mc!VliHan, pres!Funeral services over the remains \lent; M1·s. 1< rell Anderson, v1ce Mr. and Mrs. Richard Orgill of Bingcontainel' and we \Viii cheerfully refund your money. Could ham and Dr. and of Mrs. Wm. S. Allen, who was accidentalC, 0. Jensen vr·e:;JUent; 1vlrs, J. H. Vose, seconu v1ce president; recoruing secretary, and children of Magna were guests ly killed on the railroad at Amencan anything be more fairer? li'J.rS. rtowaru Hau:sknecht; con·es- of Mr. and Mrs. H. E Stringfellow Falls, Idaho, were held Saturday at Sunday 2 o'clock in the Draper ward house. ponumg secretary; 'Mrs. W. L. WrigHt Mr. and Mrs. John Vawdrey, Mr. Counselor James L, Smith presided. Mrs. U. E. Gaunns; ~-:asurer. TnE> and Mrs. Robert Withers, Mrs. Esther Prayers were offeroo by Reid Beck members of the program committet: Anderson and Mrs, Joseph L. Sorenand Millard Andrus. Speakers were are: Mrs. I<'. '!'. lJuvaH, Mrs. ~ Y sen were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Enniss. President Soren Has.t'arry and Mrs. Frank C. Howe. Fera Smith of Taylorsville, Sunday. mussen and Bishop M. B. Andrus. Mr. and Mrs. 11.aymona J acoos art Mr. and Mrs. Legrand Smith, Miss Music was furnished by the choir and rece1ving congratuil;l.LIOns on tne b1n1. Mary Chapple and Mr Mack Boyack a vocal solo by Miss Eva Crapo of of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Fera Smith announC4· of Spanish Fork, Miss Zina Leemas- Sandy. The grave was dedicated by • ter of Sunnyside, Miss Virginia Smith Charles Crapo. Floral offering~ were the birth of twm boys. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Linsay an- of Provo and Mrs, P, H. Maxfield and profuse, nounce the birth o1 a son. Mr. anti Mrs. William Weber whu have spent the winter at the hom~ o1 ll'lrs. Weber's parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Louis Tripp, lett a tew days ago by auto for Bremerton, Washlngton, tu FOR PEOPLE WHO CARE make their home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Watts and Mr. Agencyand Mrs. M, McMullm motored tv REMIEN ART WALL PAPERS :Salt LaKe l<'riday anu attended thu Auto Finishin~ in DUCO, OPEX and other Lacquer Finw1l1<es Theatre Mrs. C. Malstrom had as her dinishers by Spray Method ner guests ::>unday, Mr. and Mrs. "fRED HYKE Charles ~dwanis and family of Salt. Phone Midvale 132 98 So. Main St. Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Green and son have left for a trip to Los Angele>' and San Die~o. The Gleanor Girls of Grant ward entertained their mothers at a sorr'he New Spring Line Is Now Here. All WQOl, Tailor cial Wednesday evening. Made Suits-50 Patterns at $24.00. Better Ones From Miss Lucetta Malstrom was the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. Edwards That Up. Why Buy Ready Made When You Can Buy of Salt Lake Monday evening. Tailor Made For Less. Suits Made To Order. Miss Bernice Watts entertained her club Monday evening. Games and CLEANING, PRESSING and ALTERATIONS dancing were enjoyed followed by refreshments. There was a Clean-up rally in the Grant ward amusement hall Thurs. day ('vening, giv('n by the children of 64 West Center St. MIDVALE, Utah • Phone Midvale 108 Liberty school.speaker. Mayor I. Lest~r was~~~§~~~~§~~§"~~~·~~~~~ ~~~~~~~§~§~~§~ the principal ~ EAST MIDVALE 1 I I I I I - -- I ", rnHill III DRAPER DOINGS • L··STER Artificial E*J III III III Our Guarantee On Dr. Hess Products Y Chix In Quantities of 50 to 1,000 On 36 Hour Notice FEEDS OF ALL KINDS Midvale Feed_ & Seed Store M. L. McNAMARA HO:\lES ·..;undy, Utah III KLENZO FOR SALE--4 Desirable Residences. 1 Enquire J. Wilmer Booth, Booth I Mere. Co. REAL ES1 A IE tiROI\ht< j 0 'l'ERMS 01<' SUBSCRIPTION I $10.00.1 ------------------1 C. C. CRt,PO 1 i KLENZO WHITE LEGHORN Eggs-for hatching from our flock mated to Ivan's pedigreed cockerels of 265 egg strain. W. 0. Boberg, Sandy, Ut. Phone Midvale 17:3-R t 5-1-26 1 . The JordanJournal I DRUGSTORE ALL KINDS-of Sheet .:\'l:etal work done and repairs. Moderate price:;. Midvale Tin Shop, 88 No. Main St., Midvale. t-4-8 T. _. VG 0~ Our. 'JOURNAL Proprietor .t'. West Jordan Lumber Co. MIDVALE, UTAH Painting and Decorating ECONOMY MOVED TO MIDVALE HOTEL-ROOM 1 (Over Well's Groceteria) Formerly in Iris Theatre Building· FINE LINE OF SUITS $25.00 UP. SPECIAL CLEANlNG, PRESSING, ALTERATIONS MIDVALE TAILOR SHOP R. GYGI, Proprietor Elva Peterson Teacher, A. J. Hees Mrs. Elizabeth Butterfield, daughter, Slyvia visited friends in Salt Lake Saturday and Sunday. Mr. John T. Bodell returned home after spending ten days at Vernon. 'I Mr. and Mrs. John A. Butterfield had as her dinner guests Wednesday after the funeral services for Mr. Butterfiield's father forty-five guests. I Mrs. Sarah Crane is visiting this week with her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Yates of Salt Lake. I~ I i H. F. RASMUSSEN, Tailor A Home Product For Home People West Jord n Milling Co. .... |