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Show THE JORDAN JOURNAL. MIDVALE. UTAH ! lE G ! I UTAH HAS HUGE I TIMBERED ARU • I Praise Lydia E. Pinkham's V cge~ahle Compound -By- CHAPTEr' XI-Con~;nued -11that 1\tn!;(' anti :-IcUee RANKS ELEVENTH, Bln FORESTS ARE FAR REMOVED FROM RAIL CARRIEHS George Et elbe1 t 1 Condneed Mrs. Annie Kwlnski of 526 1st AY&~ Ottld keep a "atchful e~ e on the un1\Iilwnnkee, Wis.; writes that she det·ground wlr,•I•'S' In the exp(•rtntion became so weak and that he "oultl re\ i-ll tit<• ca\e eitltn run-down that she to destroy th<· iJJ-.~rnment or to op· was not able to du Utilization of (Copyngbt, 19~5 . by W. G. Chapman.) the Huge Timber At·e~ I prate it, hP marie hi>< 11 a,. cnlltinns!y her hou~ework. She 1 w~u s~rvlce in Ashley and Uir.tah Forests in aaw the name Lydia ' to the l'icinity ~ltortl,v a f. <'r ~arl>. Prothe Uintah Mountains Depend EJ. Pinkham's Vege. reeding with tile Utllt<l t rare. watrh table Compound In on Developments lng nntl listen Ill,! C\ ,•ry few f<>et, hf' won't !<tuff your Pill'S IYilh cotton. The the paper and said gained tlte smuLtit of a nl';trhy ro ·!- mel'< age r'm goin;; to senrl isn't SfL to her husband, "I l'l'et." that COUIUJHndt-ll a go1>1l Yie\Y of tlJP will try that medl· Tic tUJ'IJed on the cut·rent, tapped cine and see if it Ogden.-While Utah ranks eleventh entrance to the ea1 e. ConeeaiPd then the tend,or, nnd then opening the will help me." She In the list of the states in the amount nmong tlte lm>.hes lte •e!~au his ion~ says she took six gwitelt wide sent brondcn;;t acrosg the bottles and is feel- of national forest timber, the stand or >!gil. Flis ears more than hi:; eyes sea!;: • timber in this state is rather far re- had to .:uirle hilll. "f;end help to Yalhalla island! Mnr'ightiug otT sleep, he spent the enMrs. Mattie who lives In moved from railroads to make utillza-1 tin,v-murder. .Help needed ut onl'e. Downing Street, Ala., writes lion of it an important industrial item, tire night watching nnd waiting, with· as follows: "A friend recommended it is shown by a compilation of the out re,ults Light of a new clay lUI" Don't delay. He lay to silore If ne('NtLydia EJ. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- forest service here. begiuning to break n little in tile east pound and since taking It I feel like S;g-nin.::; the name of Ste,·e Cutler to Utah has 5,225,335,000 board feet of eur cau;ht the tlr"'t sounds 1 "hen his -a. different woman." hiH R. 0. S. ml'~><n~e. he waited for a With her chlldren grown up, the mid· national forest timber which constitu- of ~tenlthy fPotsteps. die-aged woman finds time to do the 1 tea 95 per cent of all the timber in the Cr;~nlng his head forw~rd he wa!te'l response. None coming, he repeated things she never had time to do before ' state Most or this is found In the I f':tgerly. In the half hgltt of early the message. A~:"ain an(l again he a:.:l-read t~e new books, see the new Ashl~y Pow II d Uintah nat'onal morning he sa I\' a •1,\l'k ti;:-ure l i'l't:P- tatl'tl the air "lth hil; wave vibt•ations. • e an I I . I . h •. . f t' plays, enJOY her grand·chlldren take There was no t'eS[lOnse, and Dirk having ng cnutwus ·'· tn t e turectlon o liP .nn active part in church and' civic forests, with the Powell forest fr<lii'Derl At the failure of his experi· 'th ca1·e. It l:alte1l ft equently to look 1 ,544 ,· afl'airs. Far from being pushed aside th e grea t cs t ti m b er s t an d wt . t en. nteut. For half an hour he kept It aroun d an d 1rs by the younger set, she finds a full 60.0,000 board feet. The Ashley and , "~IcGee !'' Die!; !ll'Jrtnured smiling. up, and theu closed the circuit 01111 rich life or her own. That Is if her ~mtah forests ha~e each more than J "I thought he'd come.'' rosp to hi~ feet. health is good. ' ,OOO:o.oo,o.o board eet. "That will hn1·e to du for tlte prPS. The sailor 11 as npproa' h!ng the ('n· Thousands ot women past fifty, say they owe their vigor and health to Ut1llzatton of the huge hmber area trance ln n wide rletour. heating the ent," he ohsPnPd ''I'll try again Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- !n the AshleY anrl Uintah forests in brush, as it ,. pre, to mnl{e ~ure his later. MPam•, hile. I'm clue up at tltf' pound, and are recommending it to the Uintah mountains depends large- , enemv did not take him in the •t•ar. h<Jtt~e to inten·iew llol'tor Alstpr," their friends and neighbors. Jy upon the railroad developments into Wllez; t.e finallv rearhed the brink of Everrthing was quiet about the big the Uinlah basin, forest service offi· the hole he l'eune<l O\ er cauttou~ly house when hP approached, boldly anti cials point out. The timber on the ancl p!'cred 1Jown. 1\ ithont any attempt nt concealment. Powell forest Is also a long distance '] his was Dicl;'s opportunit.v. Swift- It was still 'er~· eat·Jy, anrl it wn<: 11 from a railroad point. :Marysvale is ly Lut noi~t>IP~sl~· he crept upon l1im qm•;;tJon "!tether t],e rest of the hou~e the closest station and is 100 miles from the rear. 1'\ot anticipating tillY itolrl "ere out nf l>ed yet. from the heart of the timber region dungpr from b('( inc!, the tnau 11 a~ lie was a little grutifiPd 11hNt the on the Aquarius plateau. This is ex- leaning far o1·er to explore the interior front door o]lenPd for him, and Alice "S N'S." Sta:1dard remedy for 32 years for Distemper &,~!!':'! ceptionally good timber, the forest ser· 'of tltp cnYe. Tl e suilor was n for· Cutler let him in. ITPr fnce wns Stran&Ie~ lnll ucnza, Coughs and \\'hite, with dn rk circles uncler her vice says. midnhle antngonl~t. and Dick Lad no Colds. Gtve to sick and those exposed. Glve *SPOHN'S'' for Doll Diseyes. "II as anytlling happened?" she Intention of taking chan<'e,;. lie Intemper. Sold by your drul!'gist. If not, rnser 1rom us. Small bottle 60 (".,.Ctl, 1ar5e n>l,eri nnxion~ly. tended to give him a dore of hi<: 011 n ROAD BUILDING SEASON LOOMS •J ?.:J. Write fClr !reo boo~Jet on d1aeues. "Yes. evei'J thing -two of our worst melllcine. IPOHH MEDICAL CO.Det~L COSREN. IND. enemies nre pril'oners In a cave." With n stout - --------cluh picked up for thf> Commission Signs Statement of St. "Y{)Il 111ean ~lr. Dlal;e?" purpo;;e, Dlck lli'nlt the imeelin;; ~ea ~ St. George·Anderson Ranch Project "Yes, an1l his pnt·til'ular friend from tmw a blow on th.e head tltat knoched ~t AVOID d • o P P 1 n !f Pt~ne d r u g a In the sea-::'\[r. ~ld:ee." all ~en~es out of hint. With a grunt I C eyes 1< ro from Alkali or o t h e r trrltath.on.. The smile that irr·n1liated her fnre Salt Lake City.-Initial steps to- he lurched fon' arl] and tumhlecl l!tt•• The old a1roplo remedy wanl the construction of 21.7 miles of , the cave. 11 as sufticieut re1ntr1l for Dick. As he that bnr.~:a comfort lna: relli!f 1J best. 2 5c, oll drMQDWtl 1 federal aid highway between St. Dick was after him, descending ra[l· looked into the blue depth~ ot her BaliARIKtei,NowTorkCtty George and Anderson's ranch were Idly, and stood o1er :1im with the club eyes he had a quPer sensation of gid1 taken when the state road commission· upraised hefot·e l!e hacl n chan('e to diness. It pa.•scd nn Instant later, :mel ers signed tho project statement. The strug~le to his feet. nut furtl er p1•n· his smile of confirl nee returned. 1 tital cost of this project Is estimated ' lshuwnt "as nnnP<'P,-'1ry. Either the "I want to see noctor Alster," be Bones of Prehistoric Bears A profe;:sor at J'raguc uni\·er,_ i(v, at $3'i-i,OOO. It is not expected that the 1 fir:;t hlow or tltP full on the hard added. "\\'ill rou take me to him?" "Yes, If lte's up.'' Dr. D. K. Ab::;olon, un1·overed tlte entire project will be constructed at 1 ro~ks had marle hiw .a~ hel11lesH a:; a "I cnn interview him In his bed 1f boPes of a number of cnYe hears In this time, but as funds become avail- I cltlltl. The man wn~ !<till uneo!I~Cio\ls. prchlstoric dcposlts in Czecltoslo- able the first section, between St. 1 "That "ns quick "ork, :-rcGPe, I t:t k he's not up yet. It's quite Important, ,.nkln. These huge nnltnah; were 12 George and Harrisburg, will be built, 5uid exultnntly. ":\'ow for a ~;ng and ~I';;s C'utler.'' "Follow me," she replied, lending feet In height an1l greatly surpasse1l as a cooperative agreement to this ef- some rope." 1 the 11 ay, :ect has been signed with the Wash· • He lmd bron~ht hoth nlong with the Amerlean grizzly In fewcity. ington county commissioners. This him, nnd within a short time he l.ad There wag no nece~slty of rousing They are believed to have Ji\·ed in is estimated to cost $160,000. the sailor tru«1<ell np and gngg .. d. the man from his slumber~, for on the the Ice age. The project statement or the nigh· Holling him Into a corner just as ('on- upper landing they almost ran into way from Echo to Kimball Junction, sciou>ness was returning to thP !'lnllor, him as he was emerging from the sit•k via Coalville, was signed also. This he cllmhPrl. ba•·k out of the hole, and chnzuher. He gave Dick a scowl and started to retreat to his own room. project is 24.6 miles in length and its rel!umed hts vlg-11, "How's the patient t11ls morning, estimated cost is $400,000. A cooper· He had evel·y reasrm to believe atlve agreement covering an eight Blake would put In an appearance he- doctor?" Dick greeted him casually. "No better, sir,'' was the sour retort. mile section of 'this project between fore daylight. It was his hahit to "Ila•e you given him his morning wanship and Page's ranch, has been seucl wlreles~ mes~~.ges just herore the medicine ~ et ?" signed with the county commissioners break of dny. "rth !IIcGee ns adFOR BABY'S SKIN "That's none of your business, sir," of Summit county. Under this agree· lance guard to clear the way for !tim, "Vueline" Jelly rellevea chaf· ment, Summit county will bear $24,000 tl~ere was little to fear, und wh('n he the other Raid angrily. "I won't be ing, diaper rash, cradle cap, of the estimated total cost of $96 000 did fln~ll,; appeat· lr.e npproach_P'l the lnterrogaterl hy you. I ask you, Mfsq scurf, and other inflaamatioaa. ' h ' cave w1th le~s cautiOn than Ius con- Cutler, to protect me In my profesth e f e d era1 governmen t t o b ear t e federate. Wonderfully aoothltta; and sional-" balance. healine. Indispensable m tho Dick had taken possession of 11n au· "Profe~slonul fiddlesticks!" interDut'llery. A modified agreement on the federtomatlc that he found on the seaman, rupted Dick. "Get it out ot your head al aid road from Richfield to Elsinore and with this In Che.b~ Company his hand he trailed was signed by the road commission. In the rear of Blake. His intention thut th<'re's any professional etiquett~> StateSt. ~ttda~t NewYork down here. doctor. I'm going to see The new contract with the bureau of : was to use it to force obedien<·e to his Mr. Cutler." public roads increases the federal ap- orders, but the ~ight of tl•e man. small "~ot with m:v permission, sir." propriation for thls project from $39,- and rather 1\ienk of stature, made tlti:s PlanliPg his bulky figure ae;nlnst 816.93 to $44,484.65. course repug-nant to him, the doot·, Doctor Al;;ter faced thPm de "EO. U. Jt. PAT. OPP' "Turn arounll, !\[r. Hlal>e," he rall~d finntly. Diclr smllerl at his II'Ord3 and PETilQl.EUM .IELl.Y Idaho Urged To Widen Market calmly. nttiturle. Salt Lake City."Significant indeed The man "ltirled on his toes as if "I brrn.gnt tlli• nl1>ng to enfor!·e my are the change~; that have taken place electrifi~·tl. "'hell he snw the ~un ordc rs. do('tOJ·," he «nid, thru~tin~ one in Idaho farm production in the last f...tnting at hiln, his hunds sttu·tetl \lfl-1 of the nntomatles a~ain~t the rill~ of ten year~<," writes Harrison C. Dale, "ani a~ if to ~nrr!'ntlPr Dick smiled the man. "I don't \\'ant to u::.~ it un1 head of the economics and business at the rra1 en lear on tl1e white. pr,,ty lle•s nNt:::;~ar~·. hut I'm not r>articular. administration of the University of fn('e. \\'ant me tn ~hoot?" lc:!aho, in the last issue of the Idaho "I'\ ow .rou'll !!:O h!'loll' to join your 'l'hPl'e "a~ a ~m;p that ended In a Economic Bulletin, a publication is· friewl. I i'xpcrt :\Icli_ee's lonc~nme wlwezy n•oau. :-;ltn\1 ing thnt the dl.ssued by the college. "The customary do" n there." penser of dJ·ngs and medicine~ hnd ~'" practice of comparing physical vo:Qme ")Iefke! ls he do\\'!1 there?" .;;ta.u· "hP]egome n l!n•arl of ~~~~~~ poke11 in of yield and crop values from year to mered I:inl>e. his rills u< nn~ nther man. Hi::; l:antb 'TPS, he's ileen listening to our tre!l11 1 lt•d from a:.:ifation. year, however, sometimes fails to give a true picture of fundamental produc- little alter<'ation." "Thl~ Is nn flutra:.:e, sir!" he ~pi utDick picked him up and carried !tim tered. "I nppenl to J'OU, l\Iiss Cut· tion changes" he says. "A rise in the Jlp wu~ a li!!;ilt- ler general price level, for example, ac· to the entmtu·e. 11 eight, and 1vithont gt·eat difficult~, lte "1\Ii~<s Cutler has nothing to do \\ ith companied by improved yields per for Constipation, got hint clown anr! pl:reed him alongthis.'' cut iu Dkk. "It's hetweEo-n you Indigestion and acre, may indicate an increased atten· Torpid Liver tion to some farm product, which in side his partner ill rriltle. lllcGee shot und me. 0jlen th11t clnor and go ahead point of face, is actually of declining him a 1·enomon« tonk nnd tried to of 11\P. rtl follow ~·ou.'' Relieves that feeling "If ~Ir. Cutler··s shocked to death-" tmportance. Professor Dale presents grunt his :ln"l'r. of having eaten unwisely. 30c and "Don·t exert yont·~elf, lllt·C:ee," DiC'k the mnn lcegan. 90c bottles. AT ALL DRUGGISTS. 1 n tabulation of crop acreages in which "You'rt:> the one who's going to be he notes that despite the supposed de- said. "You'll hurf:t a blood \es<:el 'J.'hat gag's m:ule to ,.,tuy In t!•e month. ~IH•~ked. doctor. No, no, don't grJ out: dine of farming in Idaho, the total You can't work it .loo~e.'' \\'<' need you !:ere. Come in, Miss crop acreage represented by basic "Are ~ou goin~ to g-az me'?'' whined CutlPr, an•l l'lo-.e the <I•JOr. Where·~ commodities has steaqily increased in Blake. "I'll kel'P quiet if ~ 1111 don't." ~1arie ?'' the last ten years. "For the prei<Pilt -uo," replied Dirk. 'ln her roorn:' I "I may "ant to a~l' you some Qtws,.SUHlllJOn hE->r. She must be a wit· Dairymen to Organize Cream Pool tions, and it "ould he a little incon- ne~~ here." Rupert, Idaho.-Sixty members have venient to remoi'P the gag to get an· M~ ~titled hut laboring under great been signed up for the purpose of or· Sll ers from ,I 011." emotwn. Alil'P • Cutler slipped out cf l ganizing a cream pool to be known as He left the two In the tot'I!Pr nnd the room, ancl retm·nerl ten mmutes the Minni-Cassia Dairymen's associa· wolked over to the wlrelPs«, \\'lliC'h he Iuter 11 ith a white-lipped mnid, wlto RAZOR BLADES tlon. Directors elected for the new or· begun examining <·nrefnlly and <'ritig"tl\e Dick an imploring glnnce. He RESHARPENED ganization were George Breazeal, Ru· cally. He "ns so absorbed in this iguoreu It, hnrdly noti('in~ her. BLADF-'> THIRTY-FlY& CF~"TS pert; S. W. Beck, Rupert; C. C. Nel· that he nearly for·got his prisonPrs. throw away your dull 11afety razo r "Now, Doctor Alster," he said, turn'Ve re-sharpen your blades (Hollow son, Heyburn; Joe \Valker, Declo; Ben Finally with a smile lip looked up. Ing to that individual, "I want to ask ) A.t a traction the cost of new blades Edwards, H. C. Polly and J. G. Nord· "I get It now," l•e said triumphantly, you a simple question. What drug or Send Uft your name and a.ddrefii'.S on care'!. We will 1nall you our safety strum. Burley. "I guess I know wireless enou~h to polson have ~·ou been giving J\Ir. Cutblarlo mailing cabinet. ,JOH!'!SO:S S:t;R\"JCE !'ITSTE\1 operate it." ler every duy as his medicine?" Box 5541 I..o~ Angelefl, Calif. Many Entries Are Received "Sir, I-I- This Is outmgeous! I'll PAJD FOR DENTAL GOJ.D, FAV'IE CHAPTER XII Spanish Fork, Utah.-Many entries not stay here another moment!" Discarded Jewelry, Diamond~ and Plat· Cash by return Mall, Hortda Gold R.,"Oh, yes, you \\ill. If you attempt have been received alrearly for the Co .• 21 '\\",. A.da.ms St. JackPionvtlle, Fla lt was not 11 to complicated go out of that door. I'll l'hoot. Get plant Utah County Livestock show to be Dick's DIS,Ol'ERY--Graes Cor Alknowledge of sending and re- that and rememher lt. Now answer held here April 7 to 10, it Is announced La~.~. l" S. tn,.,~,tiga.tlon aaya new gr"as cetvin& wireless messages had h~::en my que~<tion What poison have you thrive on the l\"orHt; e1thPr hay or pasby Manager G. C. Taylor, Friday, the .Tohn Zawadke. :\tw.rlon, Montana. picked UI• nt an early age when, ns an been feeding to l\Ir. Cutler?" the third of tho show, has been deslgamateur, he hall experimented wl1h "You Impudent scoundrel!" explodHJ: Bt;YFJtS FOR FAR)lS nated as "Governor's d::.y,'' and Gover- 1 various Instruments. rect wltll owner. DP8crJbe, P:tate lowLater he had ed the irate man. ''1'11-J'll make you J. Johnson, 3216A, Lincoln, Nebr. 1 nor and Mrs. George H. Dern and a added to this on his father's J·aclt t, pay for this!" party of state officials have assured taking the operator's place at tlmPs Dick decided to change his tactics. 1 Any book you want the manager they would attend. The ;o send messages ashore to friend~. Toying with his gun In careless fash-by mail, C. 0 . D. annual show banquet Is to be held the iiis satlsfa<·tion was complete. He ion, but with an eye on the doctor, he Deseret Book Co., j evening of Rpril 8. ami! eel at Blake, and said : "I don't said: So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah min<l 1f you - listen ln. Blake. So I "I won't beat 'bout the busll aD7 Walsh TOR~' no LEAVES OEATH ~0 AUINI Is Your Work liard? Is your work 1\'earing yon out? Are you t01 Lured with throbbing bc~che -feel tired, weak and worn nut? !hen look to your ltiilneya! lllnny occupa· tions tent! to '"<'~ken the kidneys. Con· .tant bnL 1mcLc, ::.l!adache~, dizzine•s and 1 heumatic pair.s rtSult. One snffe:rs annoying kidnPy irregularities, fcf.'lB ner· vons, irntn ble nnd worn out. Dvn't wait! Use Doau'6 Pills-a !'timulant dinrctic to the kidnP)lS. \VorJ,ers cvcr\'whcre recommentl tioan's. The~· I<houid help you, too. Ask ymcr neighbor! lonl!Cr doctor. I'll he ~rntally frank I 1 ith 'lou. The gnn.c Is np, unrl a conEMPLOYE£S KILLED AS STORM' ft "~ ott f!'OIIl ~ ou no '.I' m 1y case matI VJP.~Co<S DERRICKS; $250,000 tPrs a trltle for you 11 hen ~·ou face a I_QSS AT HOUSTON, TEX. r•ourt. Your two fr[('ntl~, ~tr. Blake und tll:H saiJ.,nww. ~ltUee, have with rlrawn. 'I h<'y h.11 e no further interest A Utah Case !n the 11Iot. In fud, they're detained Mont&rJ lnten::;ely Cold; Frig:d Wave Ji'. L. Jensen, Hit-; Ar zor.a; Flo:Jds in Sp::tin; nga lust tl,eir will, ,m,) ean't ('Ome to , ,...,. E u r e k a, Utah, ~ n. y s : _.S h a r p, Mon:c:na Colde;;t In N~arly ;rnut· :t:<" stamP. The last I saw of tv.lnging paIns a Y~.:ar ~hl·nt th<'y 1\.Ci'e tru%ctl up and gn~gerl caught me over my right hlp and m a <'f! 1 e. I tltlnl\ the~ 'II stay tt.ere through the small llld iJ ltPlp ('OilH'S." of my back. Tnen"" was a sore spot Th(' information Lltat his two con· l.Ja'·-· . .:'ex~:, The claws of a tiger my back and federates had been captured hull a vls- -lil~e March sank deep into this state had trouble with __, my kidneys actin lllle ef'fect upon the ph~·"ielan, hi!! !ace which a few days ago was warming too freely. I chang-ing from anxlet~· to ffc>ar, ftust.- under a bmb-like ep,.ing, · a box of me of the ln" :md PH lin~ alternntl•ly; but the '!'he convu!do:1s of the dying month put my kidneys la~t licntenre of Iliek's seemed to g-il·e WI ecked Yege::..nce in a storm which him n ray vf hor•e. lie bra< ed up un1l cut through Houston, Beaumont, Libsmiled. l Hty and surrounding towns. causing "l'm nfraid you'll walt a long time STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS for hPlp,'' he said. l'eriH\JJS thfc> at least two deaths, brought Amarillo j Footer.Milbum Co., Mia. Cbem., B<&lfalo. N.Y. thrnc:ht that Captain Hrent 11 ould re- its gt·cate.~t snow in e'r,hteen years turn suddenly to cltauge matters F<titT- and play(•d freakish IJl'~nks through· ened his resolution. "We're far from out the state British Racing Grows any shore. nncl out of tit<' route ot I The 11 estl'rn pbins were covered InterP<t in horqe racinJ.: in England und-:r a de• n snow and l'lu 11. while pn~o::•tlg sl1ip~. '' ha>< been lnl'rea::<lng gre:ttly. Stutil-l· "Rut how far do ron 'H['JIO~e that Gnln,r~o n aloag the gulf, ll~s!:ed m a tics issued l1y the Uacing Calendar balm~· sunsh ·ue, fe~<.r(ul it~ turn would wir"!Pss in lite cnve will t•:n·~· ?" Didt • !Je ilext. ~how that lin ri n ~ the last Hat r·1ci ng nskr>d, Pttjoying the other's confu . inn. ' Th' utorm about Houston and Deau· Reason ·1/lfl() 1.101'~<'~ ran under Jockey "I br1 aciC'ast :\It :-; () :;; tnPs":tl:'l' a short I m t clu!J rulP"<, tlu~ ltemr; the greatest to· 1 on c·ansc"" d amage w 111Ll may t 1 · · titHe a,:n ~ollie sldp ou.,.ltt to pick It 1 1n 1 ~=;<>1 PJn;n t to sen ral hundred thousantl I a on 1·ecorc: · -1 only 1,1HO U)t nnll !,urry to OPt' as<l:..tntH'e. I · 11 co ars tn.J, 1't 1s fdlr..c1 many 11ave 1 hor~e8 l'lln durmg the i"f'nson · -!l'rl thf're was m 1nler, mullny unJ rest.ltn.l in S'Yer:<l c!Eathl. ril•t on the islnnrl." H pcrts from HouUc n state that Alstpr ~md1lenl.1 !o!';t nil Ills bravado, the same storm tore throurrh resinnd hP;.:un wip'n~ his brow with a trembling hanll "\\ itat wir.'IP~"?" he dence :o:ec.h -ns of the city lJt.t'VE"Cn :) murmut·~'d 1\e.tkly. "\\'lt.tl't e you f untl 4 o'c,ock cau"in~~ (lamage nnw I e~tim:t d nt ahou• $~:io.ooo. Stroe•car tall.ing about?'' "General hreai· Dick langt "d in hl!=< fare. "I told transportation was ll!l.mJJel'Cil !.ly fallen down forced me to and brokPn ,,ir..:ot<, and t'w res· quit work. Tanlao ynu the ganH• was up, doctor," hP tH iilf nee section~ was without lights for ttmt'd up my whole wt•nt on gleefully. "But the 11orst h: I many hours. ;;...::t:. ~ system, banuh I the still to coutP l'l'e h.Hl a conf"s~ion ~· nervous strain and Lhut lrnpll ·:.tc~ you. That's \1 hat I'm :,.~' gave me baclt the Dem·er, Colo.-The w.ntcr twinsg~"lttln~ nt.,' health ef twen~ j'ears ago, I strongly He took a rhnir and l'traddled It, snow anrl col1l-are back on the job recon:mend Ta•· facing tlte dnf'tor, who remalnetl mo- ugain ln the Hocky mount, rn region lac." 1·: J. !t!essmer. tloule. s against the opposite wall, a after a two-n;onth's lay-off that s£nt 1 254 So. Ninth Ave., 1 houRewiYes to their spring cleaning IJicture of <.lei"pair und tPrror. 'lll!li.<.t:.:-' '~ Bur!ington, Iowa. "I don't !:no-,,." Dick rontitJUPd, tasts, golfers to the linlts and aspirFrom Mother Nature's storehouse "whf'thel' you rf'Hily Intended to mur- in[; II ozne run kings to the sanrl lot.s we have gather<'d the roots, barLs der Mr. Cutler. or "it. ply to keep him 1 ar far n<>rth t.s 1\Iont::.na. and herbs wt :ch are compounded, But the o!J say:n~: "If we don't 'mconsclous until-'' under tne famous Tnnlac formula, haYc it whE:n we ought to have it, to ma'\i:e Tanlac. "~o. no," intenuptPd A lsi er, "I t ,,.e·a I> reb 'bly haYe a snowy spring," If yt~ur body is weak and under· dhln't Intend to kill him. It i~n't a nourished, if you can't sleep or eat, sr"")ms 'r a. fair way of heing rroved dangerous dt·ug. The efl't>ct will pass have stomach trouble or burnlnr; trui'; for rnow nnrl near zero temp('r::.. way In time." rheumatism, just you see 110"• atures a·c in evid 0 !1Ct> 111 Yirtually "That may ~ave you from the elec· quickly Tanlnc can help you back every p;;rt of the mountain territory. to health and strength. !ric clm!r then, doctor," coc lly re1\rop+ r a cities nrc experiencing the I Don't d~lay taking Tanlac anmarked his tormentor. "It he dies cf'ldE'''~ weather in n0arly a year and other day. Stop at your drug~ist's under the effect of It I don't think the 'J'rea~ure St'lte city-Livingston- 1 now and get a bottle of this, the greatanything in the world can keep ~·ou est of all tonics. Take Tanlac Yeg~ from tl•e cutTPnt. Now. If I were yon, had the two co .lest days, Sunc!Py and table Pills for constipation. MondaY. on recarrl rince Dtcember 27, aud there wa~ any autftlote for the 1!12-t, when the mercury s.:m k to ten ==:::-::----,--:---::----:-------polson, I'd gPt hus~· uclministPring it. der;rcQs above zero. Hon.or An1erican Woman Whnt do you think 7" 1 • 1 )Irs. Carl ,\kele~· of Xew York, wife 'l'he man nodded and gul[led. "1WINTER STORM TRAVELS WIDE of the African explorer, has heen hon· 1-will try It!" l•e stammered. ored hy tlte Cnundian government "Don't waste time, then, for I exwhidt nanwd a mountain nfter her. pect a ship be here any hour to Snow Falls East as far a'. M'ssouri; ~[rf;. Al,ele~ is the former )!iss ::'\lury Freezing Ter.1peratur·~ Change take us off." L. JobP, explorer. A peak in the "If ~·ou'll let me, I'll give him Canadian rockies will be named Mount treatment now-right away!" replied Kansas City, Mo.-The lion-like Jobe. the doctor eagerly. E:no"n;torm thnt has gripped the Rocky "All right. I'm not hindering you. ' mountain section for several days, ac"Hut-" sJqwJy and lmprPssively, "re- companied by rain. sleet anrl snow, memher this: I have two witnes~es reached do,vn Into the southwest on to your confes~lon, and if Mr. Cutler Tuesday. Sno,..- was reported from dies you'll be held responsible. Un· 1 nearly all sections of Kam;as and der the c!rcumstanc~s. I wouldn't play I most of Missouri, northern Oklahonn, any tl'ick or try to double cross me. If and the Texas p::>nhandle are blanket· you attempted it I'd shoot you like a ed with white, it was said at the dog and with le!'!s compunetlon. Now l weather bureau here. get busy with ~·our medicines." The storm reached Kansas Sunday, Alster glanced furtively at him. "If and before noon Monday the ground I save hi~ life," l:c be~:.tn mePkly, "you was covered with a thick blanket, -you 1nm't-inform on rue?'' Dodg~ City repnrtin~ that from four "l'm makiBg no Jlromise~." replit'!l to six inchl8 harl fallEn in that section, Dick ,;harply. "T m l!il ing ~·ou the v. >th the storm con•inHing unabated. t·hnm·c tn ~u\·e your"C'l f f1·o,n the elec- Earlv Monday aftr•r,Joon the snowfall tric chair." had extendel east w'l.nl ir..+o l\Iicsouri All l he lllot·nin~ ll!C'I; 11 at1 lH•d "fth and later reports e~11•e from sout'!Jenst the ot! er"' hr the· lwd-ide of tlwir pa- Kansas towns or a heavy snowfall in tiE'ttl The strnin of the situution be prcgrps~. g,lll to tPII on .\file, awl ww.trd rwon ll!ek ie1l ht•r .nto an Hlcon) bevonrl Salt Lake C1ty. the I <':u·ing nf tl•E' or her t\\ o. ' <omeback Snn·Ir.y night. hut l•i,; sway ' ·--... ================== I l l I M - h e II EYe Sa Ive I I for SORE EVES I I 11'"'!~ M!J. Vaseline Green's August Flower -·-- .. ~-1 D~~~}:,~~~~ I 0 Ks I I l ! I uilds up weak bodie ~-~·~ I 16 :· '\. ~. I I II I I I I ''ill Lift Off-No Pain! (TO DE CO::-ITISUED.) First Use of Rubber Huhlll•r lir~i rame unller the nntlce c•f EHr••p£:uns. its earliP~t tUentlon l•t'· eurrlug in !l e reeon.ls or n companion or Columbus, 11 J,n 11ntel! thnt the nnth es of Ilalti pla~ Pd gaml'S with balls "uu1ll' of the • :nnu of n tree." Th~ l:'p.tniarli:s itt Mt~xico dlseo,·ered~ithPt on their own account or from the na'ti,·es-the use of rubber for wa terproofin~ their cloak~. hut S(•llle cen turil'S t:>l:lt•sed befnre Its utility was re<'ognlzPd In F.urope. It rnnde Its first nppear.:nee In Brituln us 11 curiosit) for Prasin~ peneil marks. w·ll h" shc1 t-livPd, accoc·ding to J. r:.:cil Alter. meteorolo;;i~t in charge of 1 li•,, Snit Lake office of the 1!nited t Doesn't !Jurt one bit! Drop n lltue <:;tutes weather bure~u. who asserts • "l'reezone" on nn aching corn, instant· r!wt thP "ln11b" will have d~Youred ly that corn stops hurting, then stort· the 'lion'' b<Jfore noon Tuesday. ly you lift it rlght otT with fingers. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of I\~ any Persons Ci1U1Jht In Flood "Freezone'' for n few cents, saftlclent to Oil c:ty, Pa. Scores of per:"ons remove every hard corn, soft com, or ~·ere maroon 'd in office builrlings com bet" e~n the toes. nnd the foot 1\fonrl. y afternoon when Oil Creek, al- callusl's, without soreness or Irritation. read) on a rnmpage, rose six feet in \ ten minntes after surfacP. lee. loosen!'d hy tile warm weather. lodger! a~ainst the ice gor~e in the Alle•.;-heny rt-r;;-.~ nl'cr below hero an1l ca•tqe<l additional backing up ilf fioorl waters. I Cuticura Soap and Ointment Traveling for Pleasure 4 sino DOAN'Sp~~~ I AftPr r·on sidPnt hie u r;;in~. Herr Schulze of Bprliu took his wlfe on a tour of nortlwrn ~;urope. Arrhing In ctue conrl'e nt Nordkap, the promontory of ~orwuy. they l'iewNl the midniJ!'ht sun, and Herr Schulze Idly ~crntehPd on a rock: "Sat here with "ife. ~'lne! Schulze, Berlin." Thn•e weeks l..tter a nelghborln& rock rend: "Sut here without. Finer! Meier, HamburK." '1 8arebones" a Nickname A so-railed parllamen t of 1-Jnglnnll was summoned by Oliver Cromwell a!t· er he had mnde himself supreme ln the three kingdoms of Eng1and, Scotland and Ireland. Cromwell iUmmoned 122 persons whom he thottght he could manage. One member wae a Puritan named Barbon, and this name, exten<led into barebone, was applied In ridi· cule to the assembly «"hlch became known as "Barebone's parliament." It was suddenly dlaaolved on Dteeuaber 1S. 1603 Comprom;se Made On Canyon Cut Salt Lake City. -Acting in accord· an(·e with a lett-~ r fro:n City F::ngineer H. C. Jesr.en. d~>d'ning to a;lprove a plan for changing the RloDe of the west r.lrle of the c~nyon at 1\Iemory GrovA bv cutitng tbe rim of the hill back f'et the c't" c·JmmL<•slon decided to p;rmit •he ,rlm to he cut back five f ~::> t a nrl th e f oo t o f th e "' I ope t o b e bro•tt!ht cao;tward 10 feet. th•tg effect· lng thp des1red change In slope. lS Keep th• fealp CleaD and Ho:olthy Promote Hair Crewtb I 30 GOO Fi,.eces Sold At Vernal Vernal Con~~r;;o;;'s Fruit . Declarmg ~he ltnd bcl'n com erte<l a.t a church ;ev!Yal meeting, a prPtty llivorcee of. Hacramento announced nt the same ttmP that f:he had dropped her ~:!:l,OOO heart balm suit agnlnst a locnl mer<'hnnt, hecauRe it conflicted . with her religious cunvlchon!<, rtah.-r.harlefl I. Tuttle, ~' estern J'(•;l\'CSCntatlve or Draner & Cr>., Boston wool hltyer~. thron"'h W. • '. Preas. his Ycrnal agent, purchased mnre thr.n :lO.OOO tl~eces nf this spring's wool dip. inc! aling some of th<> best waol produred ln the Uintah J basin, al :ll 1-4 C'!nts per pound, regu-, lar contra ct. Last week wool solcl hPre for 32 1-~ cents to tbe s•me 1:-uyet. Gne per cent Is deducted from the p-o~~ weight for tag" SureRe ief- |