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Show THE JORDA N JOURN AL VISIT TO OLD VOLCANOE S NEAR SALT LAitE CITY .. Very few of the residents of Salt Lake Valley are aware of the presence of an old volcanic field 6 miles west of Riverton, its center lying just west of Herriman ncar the junction of the Traverse and Oquirrh Mountains. Old volcanic lavas have been known in this vicinity since the early '60s, but it was not until May, 19:.:5 that the old volcanic vents themselves were postively identified Ly Lee Christensen and Ray Marshall while making a geologic map of the region. The volcanoes have long been extinct and the original cone-shaped piles of lava, cinders, anC: ashes that accumulated around the vents have all been destroyed by erosion. In fact, the volcanoes have been so deeply eroded that the hardened plugs of lava that con.ge::tled in the conduit or throat of the vents have Lecn exposed, and these necks, as they arc called, now iorm prominent topographic features. Although volcanic necks are well kno n in parts of the West, notably in northern Arizona, western Wyoming and eastern Oregon, a similar feature o f the local volcanic necks is the jointing caused by contraction due ..to cooling, which has resulted in the duvelopm..:nt of huge columns or polyg·onal blocks of stone from a few inches to ;} feet or more in diameter and several ie"t lung. These columns are prominently developed near the margins of the massive plugs and they lie in horizontal position with their long dimension pointing inward to.; .l:·d L~ center, like a git•:mtic pile of -.:ord \Jood stacked in a cirt:ular pile. \V ht' 0 t,w dm oi the largesL t,lug .as ' , ~ n broken dow.l by erosion, a larg<J statrcasc made up or rw:k columns has been formed, which possibly accounts for the name Step Mountain, applied to it by the topographers of the U. S. Geological Survey. ..Since Christensen and Marsell re. cognized Step Mountain and its neighbor plugs as volcanic necks in the vents of old volcanoes, a geologist of the U. S. Geological Survey and Dr. Pack, head of the Depart.. ment of Geology a~ the University of Utah, have both visited the area and confirmed their identificatio n. The party left the Salt Lake Thea.. tre at 7:30 a. m. The hikers were: Ruth Burch, Elwood B. Stockman, Mrs. R. P. Brown, Mr. Sidney Smith, C. R Parry, E J. Campbell, Florence Robinson, R. P. Dustan, Chas. Curts, " Ei J. Wright, C. C. Cantonione, Ray E. Marsell, E. B. Graham, Mary Pack, L. Miller, M. Channel, Leo Robinson, Gertrude Sommers, V. Christensen , M. Christensen, 1Lola Farrell, K. Freshwater, D. Christiansen , Dr. Hopkins, R. S. Lambert, Sora Le Sieur, Donna Seyforth, Miss M. Iverson, V. M. Iverson, Mrs. B. M. Jones, A. Reeves, C. Le Sieur, Geo. H. Carrigan, Anna E. Jones, M. J. Marstello, M. H. Marstello, Viola Bidgi>od, Harriet Magdiel, F. M. Duncan, Roy Erickson, Laura Tatro. , , , anJ M1·s. N. A . Naylor of GR,EAT TH~ BALL, BASE of guestS dinner v.ere Jordan Suut.il GAME AMERICAN Sunday, Mrs. Otto Smidth 8th Grade Mable and Olive Warner i>f Salt George Beck Age 15 School Lake visited their mother, Mrs. Ivy Draper ~ark . Teacher Shepherd, M1ss Wamer, Sunday. been p_rogressmg Drape: has West Jordan is justly proud of its 111 late senes ~aseball the greatly will who class of seventeen students the m more do to prom1ses and years graduate from the high school this The names are as follows: future .. Just watch __ and s~! Gweneth Silcox, Grace a11d Edna year. Our lme-up for thls year IS as folMalstrom motored to Salt Lake and George Burgon, Morris Cundick, Sa(and catch ! --.:J attended the Wilkes Theatre Friday <lie Dw ight, Mary Dahl, Ora Finlay- low~: Owen Nelson, catch Allen, Venar i back-stop) not ls, h~ } JoHaun, Viola uardner, Lavon son, of last week • across baH the hustles. who p1teh, Gweneth Mrs. Prophinda Hogan o! Bounti- seph Smidth, John Slater, Mr. R. Johnson of Monroe Sevier 1 cover burns as Co., is a guest at the home of Mr. ful is visiting at the home of her Silcox, D~lila Richards, Irene Olsen, 1 home base so fast ts Ila Myers, Grace Malstrom, Lawrence bad as cayenne pepper; Russel Allen, son, Don Hogan, and Mrs. Joseph Anderson Mrs. Ernest Silcox spent three 1 Leak, Vesta Lancaster, Gerard Lan- _ first base, ?ver wh1ch .t he ball does • Mrs. Caroline Erickson entertained not pass; Frank Nelson, the all star LIVES, MINUTES, AND MILLIONS I , at a quilting at her home Tuesday of days last. week visiting her mother 1 t:aster. m ball the Catches Mrs. Byron Birch spent tw<' days second baseman. last week. Those present were: Mes- Mrs. A. W. Miller at Rivet·ton. Every time the clock ticks, a staggering sum of last week visiting her mother, Mrs. the pocket and glves the :unner a of Mrs. H. C. Gardner spent Sunday dames C. V. Erickson, Mary Van, money changes hands. sock on the rocket; Darwm Pope T. L Ohray of Salt Lake Maud Walker, Lucy Proctor, Nell vi'iting at Magna star); a . is he (here bag" "h~t covers and M~. and Mrs. Byron· Birch Pr~ctor, Margaret Pack, Norma Pac.k, Norma Swapp ~pent the week-end This money, remember , is only a check upon huspent Easter Sunday at Harold Nichol~, the never miss short family Gardner. Vern Mrs. of guest -as J.ulia Proctor, Engla Wengreen, W1lI I· • I I man labor. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Gardner enter- Magna as guests of Mrs. N. W. s:Op, shows his class at battmg ; bam Johnson and Mrs. Cherry. George Beck,, th~ lef~ fielder never !tfr. and Mrs. Crester Baker enter-j tained at a radio party Sunday, Farnsworth. If you work, you receive money for your labor. D1bb, the center l!}dwm ily; a ~ets Thelma and Yates Mildred Miss th. April Fred Mrs. and Mr. for Sunday tai~ed 4 If you do not save something , you have thrown A party was given Thursday af- Henderson attended the Northern fielder, always . ca.t~hes t?e ba.U in . Erickson of Salt ~ke. fielder R1ght m1tt; h1~ of center the Salt in Reunion Missionary States Vina Mrs. away both time and labor. You have wasted just so Mr~ George Wnght and cluldren ternoon at the home of nght ball the JUd&"es Ball_ard,_ Daune Merry the at night much of your life. of BmghaJ? were guests Monday of Naylor in honor of Mrs. Naylor's Lake Saturday Howard sub, . the tlght; lt hold~ ami_ also They Main. North 1~6 Gardens, J time social A . anniversary birthday , Mrs. Nephi Gregory. hlts the ball Wlt~ the force If YOl.l do save, every tick of the same clock adds Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Mrs. !fenry An- was had and luncheon served to the attended the Central States Mission~ J S~mth, I lt strike~. to your income. d~rson and baby and Mlsst Rachel following: Mrs. Laura Mace and 1 ary Reunion, Monday night at the of a torpedo when but pomts, good our are men The House. Gibbs of Murray motored ;o Provo children, Mrs. Lenard Brown. Mrs. Granite Stake Clock ticks and minutes are the things of which The little children of Mr. and Mrs. we have a lot more in store-so look Hyrum Beckstead, Mrs. K. H. NorSunday, millions are made. Wallace Bateman have got the chick- out for Draper! Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Brow~ of Sandy herg, and Mrs. Harry Bird. Mr. and Mrs. Eben 1\-ilcox of Field en pox. and Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory DRAP!!;R BOYS BASEBALL spent the week-end visiting Mr. I Sadie Dwight joined a party of ing in formed a party and_ spent Easter Age 13 friends and spent Easter Sunday ill Duane Ballard and Mrs. K. H. Norberg. the near by canyon. 8th lirade Draper Park School Mr James Farmer of Bliss, Idaho Provo Canyon. Mr. and Mrs. D. Smart and rlaughShepherd Miss Teacher, .Mr. and Mrs. E. M. BatP.man have ters Twila and June were Sunday was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. K, The boys of the Draper Baseball transferred from the Bellingham been Monday. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl fl. Norberg WORK GUARANTEED Saturday afternoon as Mr. and Factory to West Jordan. They ex- team have started the early season White of Salt Lake. of winning Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory at- Mrs. George Henderson left their car pect to be back home some time nex1 training and have hopes ESTIMATES tended a birthday party Tuesday ev· near South Temple while attending week, It depends upon the improve- a pennant. They are reporting regular on the CHEERFU LLY ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. to business in Salt Lake. They re- ment of their little son, Keith who games that Sam Mackey of Taylorsville in hon- turned to find it had been stolen. broke his right arm some two weeks ball grounds lor lH'actit..:e GIVEN l.Joys of the { the between on going are or of Miss Verna Gregory. Games They immediately reported the theft ago. the : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - against "seventh," plus ·'eighth" and Cundick Mr. and Mrs. Samual s serv- to the police, who were fortunate refreshment and played werP. I enough t<> find it Sunday near 4th family spent Easter visiting at the ninth graders. ed to thirty guests. 'IIhese games give the boys much Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker of Rig_ South and lOth West near Jordan home of Mr. and Mrs. J E. Yates of 724 E. Center Street experience in the National needed by, Idaho are visiting friends and re- River where the thieves had appar- Salt Lake. Utah Midvale Mrs. Loras Pratt of Salt Lake is games. ently been frightened away while atlatives here. Phone Mid. 120 One practice has been played with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. visiting Some tire. fiat a fix to Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson had tempting Riverton which ended 9 to 10 for · as their Sunday dinner guests, Mrs. damage had been done but Mr. and T. Bateman. It was a very visitors. Riverton after home is Reynold Beckman Henry Anderson and baby and Miss Mrs. Henderson think themselves featured by game, exciting and close spending two years in the German lucky, it not being any worse. Rachel Gill of Murray. were players Mr. and Mrs, Pete Pappas of Bing- Mission Field. A welcome home long hits. Ninth grade Mrs. Gerald Brady of Murray spent ham are receiving congratulati ons party will be given in the war11 used in this game as it was 1or pmcMonday with Mrs. Hyrum Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parry and on the arrival of a daughter. Mrs. ~hapel Wednesday, April 14th fot tice only. Draper's first scheduled game was family and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck- Pappas was formerly Miss Elsie Hen. the following missionaries who have recently returned from the different played Friday, April 2 at mverton stead and family enjoyed Easter out- drickson. Mr. and Mrs. Hurshel Egbert of fields of labor: Bishop Wm. Leak, which we won with a score of 3b t~ ing in Millcreek canyon. : Mrs. Elizabeth Thi>mpson and Riverton were dinner guest:> of Mr. Willis Jacobson, Emma Gardner and 14. .l{eynold Beckman. daughters, Lucy an<l Edna spent last and Mrs. Henry Egbert Sunday. Sixteen guests enjoyed their selves Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Baker of Thursday with Mrs. E. G. Evans. U. S. MINE SCHOOL NOTES Mr. .and Mrs. Fred Stayley and Springville visited Mr. and Mrs. at a party given by Wilson Bateman The A.g-e 14 evening. Monday hom" his Brown at Fay Sunday. baby and Mrs. May Erickson and son l<'rank. Spratling were Grade others 8th and "Stung" School of Mine game U. S. Mrs. Charles Strong and daughte1 Francis of Evanston, Wyo., spent last Easter Mrs. Elsie Nelson, Teacher Mrs. Laurence ~he features of _the evening. ~f ~anada visited week with ~rs. Hyrum Forbush. lunchthe in out earned were are very sorry to say that 1deas We Sunday. , Chnsten!"on AnMrs. Carne Coomber and Mrs. Louis Mrs. decorations. and eon Metcalf, a fifth grade pupil K. of William son little the Georg& W aki, na C. Jensen were dinner guests on host the assisted week. Lake this Salt sick is of Thursday of Mrs. Florence M. Oliver. Waki is in a Salt Lake hospital Pratt guests The evening, the throughout where he underwent an operation for The U. S. Mine school was closed Gwenieve Hand three days last week because of an were as follows: appendicitis . Bishop Wm. Leak has arrived home Florence Freeman, Deane Clark, Ar~ epidemic of measels. LaPriele Bateman from the Central States Mission after villa Richards Yesterday, our school had a gen~ Lloyd Ardella r, Fenst~rmake there the la11t five months. Dorothy eral cleaning day. We washed win~ The members of the Relief Society la~ring Harvey Cundick, Vernon Bateman, dows, cleaned walls, put up new curarrived also has Gardner Emma MlSs entertained at a social in honor of from the same mission whE:>re Roy Bennett, Randell Walker, Rulon tains and put a pretty spring border· Mrs. W. J. Leak at the Leak home home last two Henderson, Dell Smith, 1'heo Dwight and calendar on the wall. The following she has been lab-oring the Friday April 2nd. Don't forget the ParentTeach ers' One of the ore wagons went over AN OPTIMIST IS A BALDHEAD ED program was rendered: Remarks by years. Don't forget the opening dance entertainme nt to be given in the the bank yesterday. Fortunately it MAN WHO IS TICKLED BECAUSE Bishop Leak; reading, Mrs. E. M. 01Men. Friday night, school auditorium Thursday A11ril didn't hurt any of the horses. HE HASN'T ANY DANDRUF F een; remarks, President P. T. Bate- give_n by the M. Best mus1c, Everybody 15th. Admission FREE. During the past week, we have had ON HIS COAT COLLAR man. Refrashmen ts were served to April 9th. Allgood Louise of '!'he engag-ement A heavy snow has 1 rome I bad weather. IS YOUR BATTERY STARVED f'Orty &-uests. just has Goff Burton and Lake Salt of and Bateman J. G. the sun in shining Mrs. today and but Mr. fallen OR STUFFED? Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hogan attended will marriage The announced. been Myrtle Miss Lake, Salt of so we hope the storm is over. If you don't give your Batterr the the Stock Show in Salt Lake Monday son, Gerald in 14th April Wednesday place take Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Urban and their proper attention you perhaps doq't and T~y '()f ~t week. Mon- Cundick, Elmer Palmer, Temple: Lake Salt the and Pf\terson Austin Mrs. Goodrich, Grace have moved to Ogden. sister, dRy they werP. dinner ~:uestl>l of Mrs. knoy what the trouble l&. guests dinner were Greenwood June grade was sorry to lose third Our No matter what m~ke of Batten Manderfteld at the Hotel Utah after of Mrs. Lydia Bateman, Sunday, Age 14 Grace. Peterson Olive yQu hAve- we eafl recharge and repair which they formed a party and atMr. and Mrs. Louis Christensen had The regular Fast Day will be obAn ore teamster, Mr. Goff had a tended the Wilkes Theatre. The folit tg your &lltisfactiop., guests Sunday, the runaway yesterday. The horses got dinner their as Sunday, wards the all in served Certiflt!d Electrical work of all kinds. lowing day ·t hey went on a sight-seefollowing: Mr. and Mrs. John T. cold and ran down the hill finally PAPER HANGING AND ALL HOME DECORATING ing tour and visited all places of in- April ltth. Phyllis Verda, Emma, Misses Bodell, have son and Mrs. G. 'J. Bateman turning over the wagon and ore into terest in tha city, After which they Phone Midvale 136-W Mr. a ditch. and Farmer Jessie 151 Wasatch Street and Bodell where Oregon Huntington, to gone were guests at a dinner dance given Raymond she expects to spend two months, Lavern, Sam, Muril and at the Commercial Club house. I SELL PAPER Bodell. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hogan are re- while Mr. Bateman is in SouthP.rn Mr. Lavern and Sam Bodell have ceiving congratulati ons on the arri- Utah on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Al Ros~ have moved! returned home after spending the val of a daug:hter. born Sunday, 1 past seven months in Nevada. Z' E. Center St. ·-·· Phone: Mid. 2'12 to Magna to make theu home. 1Vl;~ o! UNION I I Midvale State Bank Paper Hanging Calsomining Painting J. I w. GRACE FULLER . PEP I REAL SERVICE Quality Goeds West Jordan Gilbert O'Brien Personal Service • LESLIE LIND 0 & E Electric Service Midvale, Utah M·arcll 28. |