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Show Our Mission Is .to Sen e That's Why We Are. Here OtJR 676-S TORE BUYING POW ER This town is our home; we live, eat and sleep here. This statem ent sound s a bit ridicul ous but we make it to enligh ten anybo dy who may be thinki ng to the contra ry. We spend a large share of our incom e here. We do not spend it all f.or we try to be thrifty and put some aside for a rainy day. True, :we send much money away but in this respec t we are no different than other stores . Every store spends by far the larges t part of their incom e out of town for goods they offer for sate. It couldn 't be otherw ise unless everyl .hing you wear and use in your home was made here. 0 MONEY Mid vale , Utah . Buy at this Year-RoUDd Thr ift Store and SAV E! Lady -Lyk el 29 and49c Chi ldre n 'a ·Hose Barre l Sleev es They Wear Well ·n arab 1 e You'l l like the rathe r dress y coats of twill with the fascin ating puffed sleeve s. You'l l like the splend id qualit ies of the mater ials, the clear, fine eolon , the apt tailor ing of eMit ~ ment. And you'll be moat pleaeed with our reaso nable SJI't• Hose for boys and ~rirh. Try these for wearl The pair. ' To we ls - Child's Oxfords Solid Leath er Of Good Weigh4 Pair 121f2 to 49c H. c. S. Gmghaa) . Our Owa Braud I Modes for Wom en J,fi'lee and Junion ............ 19c-69c l"ew Patt erns in Fin• Gin ehan u $5.5-0 AND PERC ALES Growing Girls' Patellt Pumps 59c and 79c Here ia an all-ar ound Silk Hose -it fits beaut ifully, looks super b, and has unusu ally good wearillll qualit ies. The very coTors you want I The_pair, 98 c_ Wo me n's Hose Full Merc erized -Finely woven and sure to wear long and" pleasin gl1.l 25c to 49c $1 .49 Uu r Gin gha m Ho11or l\1uslin Wi de Oil clo th . Clner indeed ir. this new style-c oncep tion w i t h unusual lattice with modifi ed Colon ial design effect. In allpatent with covere d Spanis h heel and plain toe. ADd only For Wom en and M!sses F.di-FulaiGGed for Fit Rom per Co th A New Success Ma tch les s Ho use Fro ck s Whe re, oh wher e, are Values like these ) But then, we are the large st depa rtme nt store organ izatio n in the world ~d so we can o1f~r these striki ngly w o r t h y Hous e Froc ks-ta ilore d from splen did gingh ams in new Styles and color a--at this almo st unbelie vably low price r All sizes. Silk Hose do wea rprovi ded you buy the right kind - like these "1218 ." But you will not find them elsew here at this low price ! Reinforced heel and toe. Pair, Our Famo us Brand Hono r Musli n stand s first in qualit y! \Ve're proud of it! Sold only by us. .Priced, the yard, . Our own perca le-in . the 1926 patter ns. The same fine qualit y! Appealin g color s! 36 inche s wide, the yard, ' j Whit e and Patte raa I 3S,c : t • Patent & Sauterne -. For Wom en I This late arriva l is o:~e of Fashio n's favo r i·t e s for Spring . Distin ctive in design; semi-C olonia l effect in patent with sauter ne kid un- . derlay , covere d milita rr heel. Big value at.' $4.49 New Str ap ide a ' For Childrea I Silk Pon gee Heav y and Lust rous This is 12 snumm epoogee - Excepti onal v a I u es at, the yard only, 49c Cambric Percale Sprin g Patte rns 17c Light or dark ground s and new patter ns. 36" wide, yd.. 15c 23c Celie Isle Muslin A Great Value ! Glass Tow elin g ' 1 Bleach ed Unblea ched .lSc Oilclo th which will wearl l 48• wide, pr.i~~d, the yard, ~---.1 This new cut-ou t strap slippe r for childr en is in patent with blond calf underl ay.· Combi ning comfo rt, room for :grow ing feet and durabl e solid Ieath era; spring heels 5..Yz -to- ·8· ·.....·--......... --···· --· $198 • Silk Hose! Buy Tbeae for Wear tOe weKJ 3:a• wide, yd. Made from good qualit y silk and in soft, clear colors so becom ing! Don't hesita te to see all of these Dress es! -----------=--~-~--- 18c In AD-P ateot R.eal comfo rt for growi ng feet and good looks too. Of solid leathe r in patent wit'h tia awl I:IP>b.u anriwl ' hee.la.. 5Yz to 8 --·--- -·-·-· $1.79 8Yz to llYz -----· ··· $1.98 12 to 2 -·· ---·· -·--- $2.29 Oa r Silk Hose New Printa 29c Shoe for Tota $1.25 to $2.98 49c to 89c Our Buyin g Powe r make s possib le this splen~ I did value in Gingh ams. Just think I Apron check s: in pretty colors , pticed ., the yard, ° $8.90 to $24.75 For fit, for aty 1e, foe com fort, La.dy -Lyke Corsets are bestl Ool7. Bolts and bolts of out• · be H. C. S. Gingh ams I New I Frem --.11 ready for your sewin g. 32 ' inchea wide, the yard. ~or Solid Lea the r In the lighte r weigh ts for spring or summ er wear. lu a variet y of differ ent s t y I e s Our price saves you n•oney I . See this knit •mdc. rwear .! at, the suit, Gladio Percale Fut Colo n - Priced Low" in Aproa Checka Renfre w Devon shire doth - Ou r Cor sets for Wom en and Miue a Our trim. neat Brassiere s are made welll· Attrac tivdy, too I Priced. Inexp ensiv e, yes, and stylish, too I Thes e Frock s embo dy all the new fashi on motif s most attrac tively I - Uni on Suits .. Note the Plea sing Pric e! and AI.L day. Bra ssie res .,. .Ne w Sp rin g Silk Fro ck s .I Low Prices are yours EVERY month, EVERY da~ Twills With Bath Towels I Just see our heavy. durabl e towels priced at, I Day ia a Savi ng Day beca use our Nati on-W ide Valu ea aqd You just know that you look well- when you don that trim, new Coat which you purchase d at our Store ! If you haven 't exper ience d that deHghtf ul feelin g yet, don't hesitate to review all of our styles I Other Qualities 29.~ t.o 49c The J. C. Penne y Compa ny does not undere stimat e the value of the Ameri can dollar. We believe in giving it its just due. That's why every dollar you spend here will bring you a full 100 cents' worth of value, and more, freque ntly, if based upon what others charge for the same quality of merch andise . Buyin g for our hundre ds of stores combi ned with efficie nt, econom ical busine ss metho ds, assure s you qualit y merch andise at lowes t possib le prices . --- You don 't have to wait for "Sal ea" or "Cia . • __ :.._,, bere. E"!Very --. --~ $2 9.7 5 .; i~>faction. • By These Low Prices to 19c • ,. You are interl! sted of course , in seeing that your dollar s are spent where they will bring the greate st return s in quality , quanti ty and sat- APPLYING! JIAK ES I , IT, u $1 2.9 0 Topn otch Value s in most attrac tive curta ining-F ilt:t and Shado w Net.s, priced , the yard, RULE sTORes .IA~FYING DE PA RT ME NT In One of Our Spri ng Coa ta Filet and Shado w Effec ta Giving the Dollar Its Just Due i COLD EN SAVES YOU Th at Feeling of Style Curtain Nets - A NATION-WIDE I_N STI TU TIO N· All Linen l l .A ttic e Eff ect Paten t or Kid Yes, good muslin at this low price. The yard, 12Vz·c Impor ted all-lin en glass .check toweli ! •!f. The yard 'I~c " ' Tan and Gunmetal Oxfords A Cle ver Pum p For Grow ing Girla This late arriva l is unusu ally attract ive ii) patent with sauter ne cabret ta under lay; low walkin g heel with rubber taps. An except ional va.hu. .at- J.98 A Girl's Shoe Of Real Value An arrest ing, fashio nable three -butto n pump in paten t or kid. High quality leathe rs. The finish is notew orthy . Espec ially at the rock- botto m p1 ice l"f- Splend id selecte d leathe rs for wear; new and smart stitche d design . In durabl e gun metal; low walkin g heel with rubber taps. One of our except ional values for growi ng girls at- $3.98 $2.98 Tu b Dr es se s fo r Girls Mad e In Stur dy. Ging ham Fabr ics .. It's not a bit difficult to clothe the school girl to-da y -whe n you can find ready made Gingh am Dress es of decide d attrac tion in our Stor e-at this low price I Our Peerless Price An intere sting idea in patent is here. The shoe is cut · on definit e lines of qualit y; the strap carrie s the decora tion. A soocllookin g pump 1 A new cut-ou t wlie strap effect in patent with blond I underl ay. Room for enry toe and firm suppo rt over : Instep ; aprini ' heela. And .low priced atI Size - 5Yz to 8 ·---···-·--·--..... $1•79 8Yz to ll.Yz - ..--·--- ·-- $1.98 Trim lines, good desig.n and comfo rt featur e thiS one-st rap cut-ou t pump for misses and childre n. In allpatent with low walkin g heels and rubber taps. Moderately priced atSize 8 Yz to 11 Yz _..·-·----·--·· $1.98 12 to 2 ··--.. ··-···-- ·- $2.49 The mater ials are worth y I The styles are those which make little girls appea r dainty , neat, and youth ful t Spark ingly lovely colors I And our convi ncing price I Sizes 7 to 14. 98c to $1.98 ... |