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Show This Is Our Home From Choice A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION- OUR 676-STORE BUYING POWER SAVES YOU MONEY Although this store is a member of a great Nation-wide institution of Stores, it in all respects is also as much a local store as any other. INC. DEPARTMENT STORES Be Sure It Speaks the Language of "The Flyer' Waverly Caps Features Sty_le For Young Men Fine quati~ band; satiQ lined ; leathW, ,wut- ban4., ~t's a at;Jle 0 "" . Man's Size V aluel ~~7 \ t' .. ldnt.id B[O(Idchl.ti ...... ' ' d''e•nu . ,tacbe4J ~D III'OOID,7. I t - .. --t 3 to 6 yrs............. 89c 7 to 12 yrs....... $1.10 13 to 17 yrs.... $1.19 BOYS ELK SKIN SHOES Just the shoe for the spring a n d s u m m e r wear. Made from all solid leather. 9 to 12 ·------··---------·-----· $1.69 121/2 to 2 .....- ........._ .. $1.79 2¥2 to 5% .................. $1.98 lahel s t a n d s :value- for Medium weig-ht moleskin; five pockets. Priced- f2% to 18c $1.98 Men's Khaki Now for Athletic Work Panta • $1.69 to $1.98 Men'S Khaki "4-for-l'' Hose: .. Riding Pants Heavy 8-ounce khaki drill, one watch, tWl> side and two button-flap pockets, double reinfo£ced seat and leg1, laced knees. All sizes, 30 to 46. Big values at ~ur low price of- For. Wear $2.98-$10.9() ONE PAIR KNICKERS AND ONE LONG PANTS $8.90 to $16.50 Men's nainsook suits; full cut; cool: low priced59e to 89e English Pants fMen' s UnClerwear Full CUI MEN'S SUMMER KNIT UNION SUITS Real Value Short Sleeves, Ankle Length r P'uH mercerw ized lisle lOCk, huvyl weight. Carefully made. ' at! Wide bat liCit utteme. W'Jdc belt loop•. Cassimeres and ftapnels; plaiD and mlpal. ! . $·2.49 to-$3.98 "True B1ue Suits 77 For Play $1.49 'For heavy work in shop, 6n farm or for outin, wear, this stout yet phable 1hoe will wear loni' and giye ta'tisfaction. It will resist moisture, too, and it is so inexpensive you can well afford to have a pair or two 1 1 handy. Practical p i a y suits for romp-! ing k i d d i e s .I Strong stifel or j khaki drill; alsoj denim. A Boys' Oxford·~ Of Real Value 98c Everything you're looking for in union suits. : Ecru ribbed or fleece lined. -- ... DOMINATING Boys! Here's Stvle Style for Men • J and Real Value OUR TRUE-BLUE BLOUSES And SHIRTS. for Boys Plain and Sripes • 79c ~elected tall calf, smart style, Goodyear welt and rubber heela; excellent •orkmanship throughout. One of our best valuea for . the boy and yout~ .J,.ow priced, too, at- BELL BLOUSES AND SHIRTS For Boys Attractive Patterns 98c to $1.49 BOYS ECRU KNIT UNION SUITS Knee Length 49c $2.98-$3.49 BOYS ATHLETIC UNION SUITS " Ages 4 to 16 .....- ...-..... 49c I Look at this shoe I It hu style all the way. And Val-l ue! Selected tan calf, good workmanship and Goodyear I welts. A real man's-size val- ' ue at the price of- _79c $3.98 Fine quality solid tan leather, Goodyear welts, rubber heels. A great shoe for early Spring.- durable' yet exceptionally go'>d-looklna. At onl~-- $2.89 $1.98 !Men's Gun Metal Men's Oxfords. Spring O:dorda Of Taa Calf j 69c Birr B u y i n g • Povv·er b makes the low pnce possil>le. • Union Suits Five pocket., very durabl.. Low oriced at ......, I big Of plain blue or grey chambray; two large button pockets; large, roomy slee':'es and body; square cut tatls. All sizes, including Regular, Slim and Extra S1zes. Workmanship a n d Fabrics that stand hard, grinding wear; styled-to-the-minute; qualities we can emphatically recommend. ~.. ito urith Two Pair Knickers- Work Pants Grey and blue' mixtur. JlO seams across toes- Our Own Nationally~Known Brand Mac'' $1.98 Work Socks "Big- Mac,, ·work Shirts· ·· Our own "Big l Every Suit with Two Pairs Knickers or One Pair Knickers and One Pair Long Pants; many with Vests. Sizes 6 to 18 yrs. Colors absoluteb'fast. Men's"Rockfordt-.• Men's Moleskin Others $19.75 to $34.75 Union Made and as stout and durable as Men's "Paypay" Overalls. Of 2.20 denIm. Moreadvantageoua market conditions make possible these prices' I . -Two and Three Button, Semi-Conservative Suits for Young Men that emphasize Individuality; .-Novelty Stripes in single, double and group effects; -The popular Slightly-Fitted Back; --Cassimeres and Unfinished Worsteds; -New greys, tans, brown and blue.' Overalls at New Low Prices. ~ " Boys' Suits In Live Styles! Values You Can Depend On! • English or Belted Models! W.;nt _fall JD4 our efforts have been to offer the Greatest Value in America at this moderate price! Have we succeeded. 1 YOU TELL US! B~tl& ~. 11~ dealan• aa patterna J cut Boys' "Pay .. Day" Faithful service rendered is never discarded nor consigned to the scrapheap. It lives on indefinitely. Boys wlio are critical as to Style and Mothers who expect maximum V a 1 u e will find in these Suits for Spring the LIMIT IN ALL* ROUND EXCELLENCE. -$1.98 - .. ·-Fancy· Shirts "Kyber'' Shirts \ ·~ 1 .__.. •• T These souvenirs will help to keep aflame in fervent memory, thoughts of the good ship long after the fair has been forgotten. Tune In for Spring! Satin lining, s<Jil-p roof sweatbands ; non - breakable visors, extra quality tailoring. Worthy buy at- • $2.98 I '(~ ,~......_ ~:! meo < .l .' Tons of bronze metal have been removed from the old sea warrior and moulded into souvenir coins to be sold to help finance the preliminary expense of the World's Fair to be held at Portland, Oregon in 1930. Our No-Sale Policy means that you can get our Low Prices any time YOU FIND IT CONVENIENT to shop-in the Morning or the Afternoon of ANY day or ANY month. Here are Savings to Keep the Family Budget Healthy and to Please Thrifty Housewives. lyoUr New Spring Suit! I IT. SATISFYING oimi men s~ ·No "AU Sold Out" Sip! - • The epoch-making battleship Oregon, the old bulldog of the navy, has gone to the scrap-heap. But it still lives in the hearts of true-loving Americans. 0 o More than this because of our membership in a Nation-wide institution we enjoy a buying power that enables us to give the people here a large saving of the money they are accustomed to spend for home and personal needs. • GOLDEN . RULE APPLYING MAKES VVe are here 865 days in the year; we participate in the welfare of the community; we belong to clubs; we contribute to worthy causes; we liv~ here, own a financial interest in this Store and spend our money here. . Worthy Service Endures Forever For the boy on farm, camp or trail-this stout, durable shoe will wear long and resist moisture. It has Army last and rubber sole and heel. ~ Ex-. ; tremely low pricecl Jt Buy "P ay-Uay" Overalls' Union Made-Union Label! .... $1.29 Keen wprkmen recognize this remarkable val~e. Of 2.20 Blue Denim. Choice of Jumper or Overall with suspender or regular back. Extra full cut; double stitched seams all over. Twll hip, two side, rule pockets and a watch pocket that hold• watch securely. Union Label on all "PayDay" Overalls • I Of fine selected leathers, in gun metal calf, Goodyear welt and rubber heels. Here is definite style and real value throughout at the low price of- Here's a fine 1hoe for dress and general wear. Of aelected tan calf, made to· our specifications. Goodyear, welts and rubber hecla. LoW: priced at- $3.98 $4.98 • r' $2.98 |